Disney+ Stuff, Part III




Disney+ is interesting, no doubt. And kinda creepy and unsettling. And fun, and… IDK. It’s hard to quantify some of this stuff, honestly.

I’ve been watching a lot of classic Simpsons. A lot. I just kinda started somewhere in the middle of season 4 and am working my way through season 5 right now.

I remember all of this when it was new. I watched these episodes when they premiered first back on FOX wayyy back when. I was a huge fan, and I mean huge. For awhile The Simpsons was the smartest show on TV for sure. And looking back at these episodes now, the quality is still evident. The writing is brilliant, the voice acting superb, and the animation spot-on. Everything just “clicks”. The sound effects, the music, I mean… everything, is just so perfect.

And Goddamn, it’s funny. I think the show is even funnier to me now than it was when it first aired. Some of the humor, mostly the jokes involving Marge and Homer, went over my head when I was a kid. I think that I missed alot of the funny/interesting stuff involving Patty and Selma, especially, back then. But now, I get it, and goddamn is this show awesome.

So I watch an episode or two every night, which is I guess an echo of what I used to do as a kid, when FOX would rerun an old episode or two every weeknight.

So yeah it’s been fun. And it’s also been revealing.


See- I think I “get it”, now.

Hollllly fuck.

Ok. So. Am I the last person to realize / understand the significance of this show as it pertains to my own childhood? I mean I can’t be, right?

I must be.

Gawd, what the fuck.

It’s like the rest of this stuff. When I was young, I chalked it up to a huuuuuge amount of coincidences.

Like- it’s a coincidence, of course, that the Springfield nuclear plant is a direct copy of the local chemical plant, here, in Lake County. And it’s a coincidence that Homer is a nuclear engineer, and that my father, who worked at the local chemical plant, had a similar job as a chemical engineer.

And it’s a coincidence that one of his co-workers was a woman named “Marge” who had a personality like, you know, Marge’s. And then there was his friend at the plant, Carl, who was like “Carl” in The Simpsons. Pure coincidence, right?

I mean, of course it is! What else could it be?

And it’s a coincidence of course that I was like Bart as a kid, complete with him doing a bunch of stuff that I remember specifically from my own past, with Lisa being an eery, close match with my own younger sister. And it’s a coincidence that the age difference between us is the same as it is in the show. Of course.

I mean, of course.


Of course.

And it’s a coincidence that the family house is the same as the house I grew up in, with the same sandbox, same fence, same neighbors, same little treehouse, etc. Total coincidence, of course.


The little sandbox they have… of course, a total coincidence that it’s the same one in Calvin and Hobbes. With the same treehouse, and the same house, and the same… parents. And the same kid.

And it’s also a coincidence that it’s the same sandbox featured so prominently in Toy Story, right? You know, the movie with all my old toys in it.

See, I grew up thinking I was so… average.

I didn’t realize how… IDK, imaginary everything else was. How everything else out there was fake, apparently, except for the stuff in my own teeny-tiny little world.

Really disconcerting learning all of this, honestly. Seriously.

But I mean… every episode. Honestly- every single episode is stuffed with stuff from my own past- very specific things, as well as all sorts of clues as to how my brain was being programmed and such from a very young age to do this or that for this or that person or purpose.

It’s a funny watch but there is a very “uncanny valley” aspect to the show now that’s hard for me to overlook.

There’s an episode that features my old teddy bear prominently. You know, the one that co-starred in Spielberg and Kubrick’s A.I. Artificial Intelligence. It’s the one where Mr. Burns tries to steal it from Maggie in the sandbox. There’s a direct cypher of me, Tom, in the episode where Homer “adopts” a needy kid Pepe and when Bart replaces Homer for awhile with a pretend older brother named Tom, obviously modeled after yours truly.

Another episode has the Simpsons relocating due to being enrolled in the Witness Protection Program. They become “The Thompsons” and the screen flashes the name while showing a Simpsons-esque picture of my family on the side. Wow.


But… with all this in mind, I reread Matt Groening’s early Life in Hell tradebooks. Nothing of me in there, I guess. I don’t know. I guess. I mean there’s a ton that could be me, certainly. But nothing drill-down specific to Tom Jacobsen, I think.

I think.

I don’t know, that was a lonnnng time ago. I don’t remember.

But… yeah. Every. Fucking. Episode. Guys… every single episode.

Good show, though.

Uhm… in other news. I started watching Frenemies. Alot to say there, with Jack the protagonist obviously being modeled after me, and the dog being a virtual clone of my old dog, etc. It’s a good and fun movie, and goddamn, is Stephanie Scott gorgeous. Fucking hell is she hot.

I’m not going to get into specifics, here. I don’t have the time. But… Bella Thorne is in the flick, and so is Zendaya. Bella is hot, too. So is Zendaya of course.

I considered a relationship with Zendaya but I determined that she probably didn’t need me, for some reason. I mean, that hunch was right, but… IDK, maybe I should have developed one anyways. I mean… IDK.

Mary Mouser is also cute, for sure.

Bella is awesome but every time I see her, I unfortunately think of Kathryn Newton, since that’s… kinda what she wanted me to do, I think, when she introduced Kathryn to me, way back when. IDK, but maybe that wasn’t such a good idea.

Speaking of which, I guess I’ll watch the stuff with Kathryn in it. I mean, later.

I saw some episodes of I Didn’t Do It, with Olivia Holt. Obviously again based on me, with the show seemingly taking place here in Gurnee, IL, or someplace very very close. The second episode had Olivia’s character winning “Miss Waukegan”. Which, come to think of it, is probably the town they based Shelbyville on.

Uhm… good show, though.

Speaking of Waukegan, that was also the setting of Kathryn’s movie Blockers, which… isn’t on Disney+. So… yeah.

But yeah, small world. Olivia’s Kickin’ It is my old Karate stuff, etc. Alot of setup there for Peyton List and Mary Mouser’s Cobra Kai.

Speaking of Peyton List, it occurred to me awhile back that Jessie might be influenced by one of my alters, maybe one of the ones with bisexual tendencies. And I suppose I might be right since I discovered recently that in England, Jessie is slang for a gay dude. Yeah.

God there is just no end to this stuff. I suppose I will watch at some point Girl Vs. Monster, which has Kerris Dorsey, Kathy McNamara, and Olivia in it.

Speaking of Kerris, I saw Justine’s new stuff on YT the other day. Good stuff. But… yeah, there’s just no end to any of this. It seems infinite, or something.

I scrolled through the movies available on the app and saw a Disney movie that dated back from the early 70’s that I swear was based on my Dad and his exploits in the chemical lab. I mean I don’t remember what it was called but I suppose I will find it again and watch it, because… I don’t know. I suppose that this is what I do, or something.

There’s just… so much stuff. Aladdin seems to have been based off of me and that NES game I played ages ago, Magic of Scheherazade. Beauty and the Beast I think I talked about on here already, but I’ll just say that in my research into the occult I learned about the significance of the Beauty / Beast station in the Kaballah, and it’s importance in MKUltra type mind control beta sex slave programming, which seems to be what I was programmed with remotely. There is even a scene in The Simpsons that to me flat out says this, directly.

Speaking of MKUltra, I think I figured out the significance, finally, of BOB. I think that’s the name of the demon they attached to me. See- Sideshow Bob, of course, Bob from Twin Peaks, the Dread Pirate Roberts, etc.

Speaking of which… yeah, Princess Bride, too. It’s also on Disney+. The kid in the bed is me, based in Lake County, IL, etc… and so much other symbolism in that flick, too much to even begin talking about, here.

I mean… there’s just too much to even talk about. Too many topics. How do you even process all of this, let alone write about it? Or even encompass it? This stuff, taken with a full view, is preposterously huge.

I think it’s quite obvious now that myself and all the girls I listed here are victims/participants in some kind of unbelievably vast MKUltra type sexual slave mind control program, and that that is the reason we’re all apparently even alive, or something.

I mean, there are parts of Simpsons episodes and strips of Calvin And Hobbes that, if I’m reading them right, basically come out and say just that.

Really fucking weird stuff, for sure. And baffling. Utterly fucking baffling in some ways.

I see Underdog with Taylor Momsen and Inspector Gadget with Michelle Trachtenberg are on there, too. Both of these movies are most likely based on the stuff I thought while watching those cartoons wayyyy back then, when I was a kid. And they both undoubtedly serve a dual use in getting me and the girls together, romantically.

I just seem to hang over everything remotely modern on Disney+ like some unseen god. Which, I suppose, is what I am, so that makes sense, lol. Okay, then.

Well, whatever, I guess, for now.

I guess I cleared my head with this post and that’s good.

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