Thanksgiving, 2022

Lately, I’ve been thinking that Thanksgiving has been overlooked.

I think it’s because it’s not as easy to make commercial. Halloween is candy and costumes, and tons of scary movies and decorations. It’s easy to make $$ on Halloween- there are stores all over that open just for this holiday. And Christmas… yeah, lol. Money to be made, for sure.

Thanksgiving, not so much, since it’s essence is low key. It’s about nature and family, and not presentation. And it’s been shoved aside lately even for political reasons.

In our plutocratic, corporate country it’s increasingly seen as a speed bump on the road to Christmas, where the big money can be made.

That kinda sucks, honestly.

I wish it weren’t so. If nothing else it’s a celebration of nature; a way for people to appreciate what the Earth has given them this year before it goes to sleep for the winter. You don’t need anything to have a full Thanksgiving, honest. Just be thankful for the greatness out there, those amazing things that everyone can see and be a part of every day, regardless of their circumstances.

That’s what I did, and I had a great Thanksgiving, and I’m still having it.

This year, I’m rebelling- making a principled stand. I refuse to see or do anything vaguely “Christmas” before December 1st. I won’t see it, won’t acknowledge it, or even feel it. November, I think, is for Thanksgiving, and that is how it will be for me, hopefully forever.

My own family had the tradition of playing Christmas music on Thanksgiving, which I never, ever liked. Yeah I know, there really isn’t any “Thanksgiving” music, but does there need to be? It’s about nature, right?

Why do we need digital music and football to celebrate Thanksgiving? It just gets in the way.

For myself I spent a couple hours on Thanksgiving just contemplating and giving thanks for nature, by watching the trees shed their bright leaves in the backyard and watching night fall over the sky. It was a great way to spend the holiday and one of the best Thanksgivings I’ve ever had.

I’m still continuing the holiday, by watching some Thanksgiving related stuff on Disney+.

There’s not much, lol. Just a few episodes, here and there.

The Simpsons Thanksgiving ep was the best of the bunch by far. It was full of heart and just all around awesomeness, and the only thing I saw that seemed to grok the full meaning of the holiday. It ruled.

I actually remember the specific incident that inspired the episode’s central drama, too. A formative experience for sure. Maybe one day I’ll expound on it but likely not.

I saw the Thanksgiving eps of Pepper Ann, Doug, and Teacher’s Pet as well. Of those, Teacher’s Pet was the funniest. That show is a stylization of my college years, and a good one. Very funny. I intend to watch more of those.

Pepper Ann is probably the show that nails my real life personality the closest, which is… ironic(?) since the main character is female. But she seems, IMO, rather shockingly me, with her whole somewhat self-centered and rebellious personality, and her overall goodness as a character. And of course the constant introspections and schizo hallucinations, lol. She’s like a grown up version of Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes, for obvious reasons.

I found it amusing that when I loaded the show to find the Thanksgiving ep, it was on pause halfway through an episode where she becomes an internet addict and a computer geek. At the episode’s end, though, she’s recovered and goes on a nature walk with her friends. Mmmmn hmmmn, lol.

IDK, Doug is reallllly close to me, though. He might be “me” at a younger age, like the me in-between the Calvin and Pepper Ann years. He doesn’t have too much of a rebellious streak, which I think did fit me during a span of time after my… hyperactive childhood and before my incredibly moody teen years.

I must have been a difficult child to raise, lol. Like reallllly difficult. I’ve been thinking that a lot lately, so I’ve made it a point to be nice to my parents in the last few years, haha. It must have been kinda brutal in some ways to raise the AntiChrist as a child. I mean, could you imagine? LOL.

The Doug ep was fun, and touching, at the end. That was a good show, and something I absolutely would have done at that age, had I had the opportunity to do so.

Seriously tho, this is some good stuff. These shows are underrated a bit, and they might in fact be the best stuff on Disney+. I still have not seen and don’t intend to see any of the Marvel or Star Wars stuff, or anything like that.

Over Halloween, the worst thing I saw on Disney+ was the Star Wars Lego Halloween thing. I thought, well… it’s Lego, so why not? And I thought it would be more OT Star Wars, but then it turned out to have that Poe Dameron guy, but I thought, why not? Let’s give it a chance, and I did, but holy shit, was it boring.

Like… bafflingly boring. New Star Wars is bizarre in some ways. It manages to be both really irritating and really boring at the same time, inexplicably. Seriously, I have no idea how that is accomplished, even accidentally. And yet, there it is.

At a mere 44 minutes, it felt way longer than the full length movies I saw over Halloween. Honestly I was baffled at how… <em>short</em> it was. I guess it was just really exhausting to watch, or something.

Yuck, tho. No more of that crap.

I’m going to watch the Thanksgiving ep of Good Luck Charlie next, and, hopefully, not think much about you-know-who.

Couldn’t Kickin’ It have had a Thanksgiving episode? I mean, wouldn’t that have been nice? I think it would have been. Or Bunk’d?

But noooooo I suppose I have to watch THAT show again. I mean, it’s not a bad show, but, you know, it’s just… well, some PEOPLE make the experience difficult, sometimes.

It’s ok, though.

I think I’ll watch Pocahontas tomorrow, and maybe relive some of the Pocahontas daydreams I had as a kid while doing so. I mean, why not? It’s still November. Still Thanksgiving, at least to me.

Yeah, that sounds nice.

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