Thoughts on Relationship Stuff and Getting Older, Dec. 2022

I have some time, so I figure that now is as good a point as any to parse through some relationship stuff.

First, it’s still pretty… boring, mostly. IDK if it’s a perspective borne of familiarity, or just the inevitable shifting perspective brought about by age, but wow, a lot of the stuff I do these days is really, really boring and very predictable.

I’m finding all kinds of drama, or really any drama at all, to be seriously tiresome. Of all the girls I’m with, I think that right now, Laura Marano, Katherine McNamara, Kaitlyn Dever and Kathryn Newton are my favorites. Why? Lack of drama, which I find very interesting.

Laura Marano in particular I think is just fascinating. Her persistent lack of idiotic and infantile drama over the years has really made her stand out. I may not have appreciated her as much as I should have before, but that has definitely changed over the past couple years.

At the bottom of the list these days are the girls who like to play mind games and other dumb crap, or who just make me guess, at all, about anything. Seriously- that is just… not worth the time it take to figure it out.

Stable, to me, is sexy. More stable= more attraction.

I really really do not want to guess, or to have to waste time figuring some stupid, childish crap out. So… I don’t, lol. And I do not, at all, want… anything, really. Any kind of baggage, on any level, is a horrible liability.

Seriously, tho. I’m in my mid 40’s. Mind games are for people 20 years younger, who may still find that stuff interesting. I don’t.

And no, I don’t consider the dad jokes I post on twitter to be mind games, altho others may disagree. It’s just twitter, honestly.

Lately, there’s been a bunch of really annoying chicks from my distant past who have tried to claw their way back into my life, which is just… awful, lol. Seriously- please, just stop. And I’m not referring to just common social media pics, or like tweets, of the kind that all celebs post. I mean people who are posting really cringy stuff. Yuck, please, just stop.

Things have really taken a turn for the ugly, culturally. And I think that that might be why I’m really grooving now towards a different vibe. Stable is godly, these days.

Seriously, tho, everything is just so fucking ugly these days. Ugly people, ugly music, ugly movies, ugly politics, ugly ugly ugly, everywhere.

My parents still watch the TV news, and the parade of ugly on display down there in boomerville is enough to make anyone gag.

I remember back in the 80’s and 90’s, when TV anchors and guests were chosen because they looked pretty, or handsome. There was a real backlash against that, back then, because the news was shallow and fake, and everyone thought it was because the anchors and such were chosen for their looks. So why not bring in less attractive people? Maybe they would have more to say, or at least different things to say.

Nope, lol. They brought in a bunch of ugly people to anchor the news, and guess what, it’s as shallow and dumb as ever, and maybe more than ever. 90’s, come back, all is forgiven, lol.

Commercials these days are a parade of ugly weirdos. It’s horrible, lol. Truly awful. The worst offenders are pharma companies, who just seem to relish in hideous, dumb shit across the board.

I feel so relieved when I see the few local commercials that are broadcast during the news. The people look normal, happy, and attractive.

Remember the days when the cheap local commercials looked worse than the big budget national ones? Seems like an eternity ago to myself. Yuck.

As I age on I can really see and understand more the perspective of stereotypically older people. I get it, for sure. Good lord is a lot of the shit that passes for pop culture these days dumb. And of all the stuff that’s made, very very little of it is truly worth watching, even if it is good.

I’ve reached a point in my life where I’ve already seen the best there is, so everything else inevitably looks less than. No animated film I will ever see will be better than Fantasia. No Science Fiction movie I ever see will be better than 2001, no action film better than Star Wars or Raiders of the Lost Ark, etc. So, what’s the point?

Why not sit and watch Winnie The Pooh flicks? Or those straight to VHS Disney sequels of the 90’s? What, like those are any worse than the stuff released today, in comparison to something like 2001, Metropolis, Paths of Glory or Last Year at Marienbad? Seriously, it doesn’t matter what’s in theaters, or how good it is, because you already know it won’t be half as good as 2001, even if it is the best film released this year. And I can watch 2001 whenever I want to, so…

It’s same issue, really with my relationships. Nothing shocks me anymore, since I’ve seen and done it all, already. So what really impresses me are people who are stable and can remain so, over the years. That really stands out to me.

There seems to be a contingent of people who think that any attention is good attention, and that is definitely not the case, I think.

I’m really… bored. Seriously. I’m really, really bored. Nothing looks interesting anymore. IDK, maybe I’m just burned out, or… IDK, maybe everything is just boring, lol.

It’s just… I can’t even work up the energy to bother with anything, lol. And I don’t think it’s just me. My dad is as liberal as they come, and he tried to get into the new LOTR to prove his bonifides, and couldn’t make it past the first episode. Too boring, lol.

New Star Wars stuff is so fucking boring, IDK. It just… drags. The movies just went on and on, bafflingly. Hours of ugly people standing around and doing nothing. I saw all three of the new trilogy and I can’t remember any of it, or the names of any of the characters, or anything at all. But I do remember them being horribly, horribly dull.

I’m at the point where everything new just looks stupid and childish. Is that because I’m as old as I am, or is that because everything new is in fact stupid and childish? Or both?


The political stuff is just… gads, so so… dumb, all of it. Everything Trump does is dumb, everything Biden does is dumb, everything everyone else does is dumb, and that’s basically it, lol. There is nothing else to say.

So, that’s basically my spiel, for now.

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