The whole Rapunzel being me thing does make a lot of sense, honestly. She’s voiced by Mandy Moore, an ex who was probably my favorite girlfriend for quite a few years, and certainly one of my favorites during the time I played a lot of these games. So it makes sense that she would pattern Rapunzel after yours truly. I mean, who else would she use? I mean… that’s me, there. Rather… nakedly, shockingly me. Like, wow.
Not that that’s nice. Clearly it isn’t. I mean, to do that and not tell me is clearly not… very… nice. But I guess that that’s just how she does things. Which is ok, but all of this probably does explain why she’s an ex, when you think about it.
I mean, not that that matters, because it clearly doesn’t, anymore. But still.
Not… nice. Which is ok, but still.
Not nice.