Been doing some more thinking, off and on.
Wow, are people ugly and weird these days.
I mean OFC, but seriously, holy shit.
For my own image I go out of my way to look as “normal” as possible. I’m almost aggressively suburban and middle class in my appearance and demeanor.
Everyone else… well, for the people I see IRL, they tend to look the same or similar. I guess.
For many people in the media… holy shit, what a freakshow.
The other day I decided to give Taylor another chance, and tried to re-connect with her. The day after, she released some horrifying, monstrous garbage as a music video, and I quickly realized why I was staying away for all those years.
Guys- What. The fuck are you doing?
I read a lot on online, and one common complaint I see, and I mean it’s disturbingly common, is how ugly and strange so many people look… everywhere, basically, in the media. Really nasty, weird looking people are just everywhere these days.
I mean, everyone knows it but I guess it bears repeating. And it’s worth a wonder. Why is it that so many people these days choose to look as ugly and weird as possible?
I guess I could list the ways people look so strange, but everyone knows them already, I guess. Or maybe not, lol. But, here goes: face tattoos(!!!); a weird, repulsive bovine fatness; overinflated and cartoonish looking muscles; comical and aggressively ugly facial hair; wayyyy too many tattoos in general- I mean, to the point where the entire body start to look like an enormous, nondescript smudge; idiotic, chaotic hair with way too many colors and highlights; way too much plastic surgery, to the point where the person starts to look more like an anime character than an actual human, and… everything, really.
Too many people just look so fucking ugly these days, and this is a lot of the reason why I stay as far away from modern top 40 and modern movies as much as possible. Literally, I can’t stand to even look at the people.
I’m old enough to remember when Hollywood stars and pop musicians were people you wanted to look like, and not stay as far away from as possible. It’s kinda amazing, really.
I’ve been thinking this for awhile: part of my own appeal is that I don’t look like these people. Never done any of that stuff. Everything’s “normal” with me. No tats, not a one. Normal BMI. Taller than most, but that is my only differing quality, really. No facial hair, except sometimes for a light scruff. Normal clothes. No hair dye. No piercings. I look almost early 80’s, with traditional parted kinda wavy hair. Sometimes I let my hair grow a bit longer than most do these days.
But, that’s it.
Yeah, I don’t know WTF is going on anymore in Tinsel Town. When did a baffling jumble of face tats become a necessary part of the “top 40” lifestyle? Jesus Christ, lol. Or that trend of the overinflated, weird looking muscles that are featured in media so much these days. A real uncanny valley thing, there. That look is just… awful.
Just a segway here, but it looks gross as fuck when people force their bodies to grow and maintain larger muscles than their frames can naturally and logically hold. You can do this with steroids- go past your natural limit. But the problem with going past your natural limit is that it looks unnatural, and thus… weird. I seriously don’t like that look and I don’t think many people do.
I mean, that look is fine on a printed page, in a comic book. It’s the “style”. But IRL… no.
I mean, this is just kind of a long slog of an angry rant at this point, but I think this stuff needs to be said. There are non-famous people who choose to emulate these looks IRL and face disastrous consequences because of it. A mass of face tats might look “acceptable” on some top 40 pop rapper but try getting a desk job- or any normal job, really, after making that choice yourself. And the rest of it; I’m sure we can figure out the problems and such.
I would include the muscles, too. I mean you can’t get those looks without steroids and shedloads of other toxic, horrible substances. I mean, there’s the natural limit, and then there’s going beyond it, which you have to actually fight your own body to do. Your body doesn’t “want” those muscles, and tries to shed them if at all possible. So you have to circumvent and sabotage your own healthy equilibrium to maintain them. Not healthy.
And everything else.
But… yeah. I mean… well, there you go.
I don’t understand the appeal of half the stuff I see today. Like that Taylor video, I watched it and I was more baffled and repulsed than anything else. Her “love interest” was this weird looking monster that had at least three checkmarks off the list I made above. Literally, everyone in the video looked horrible, Taylor included. It looked intentional.
And I mean I could just rant further, but I’m sure people can see my point already.
Just… well, there you go.
I mean I’m fine with tasteful tattoos. Olivia Holt looks fine, etc. I’m also fine with no tattoos. But to cover your entire body in cheap looking tattoos is just… why? lol. I’m thinking that people don’t realize that it just becomes a stringy smudge after a certain amount. It’s like… there’s so much… stuff there that you can’t make out what you’re seeing without breaking out a microscope and studying it, and who TF does that? So it just looks like… IDK, a giant smudge, lol.
And the fatness stuff… guys, if you’re three times your normal BMI, please do something about it. I mean, we’re all human, but jeebus. A little bit of work every day, spread out over the course of years, can do wonders. You don’t need to work out to the point of exhaustion every day. Just… work on it.
Well… ok, I’ve vented enough.