Tonight I took a look at the full moon and took it all in, for a few minutes. The moon is… special, and a full moon moreso than most other kinds. It’s something that unites us; I can’t imagine there’s a person in this world that hasn’t looked up at a full moon at some point and not lost themselves in the night’s magic.
It’s an awesome sight, really. Full moons are so beautiful. They’re prettier than the sun, for sure, since you can’t even look at the sun with your own eyes to see it. A full moon is a treasure.
I’ve come to appreciate the moon more these days than I did when I was younger. Now that I think about it, it’s the only celestial body that I can see clearly with a glance from a window.
I have a couple apps on my watch for moonspotting: one to tell me the moon’s azimuth angle and elevation, and another to tell me it’s phase and fullness. And I have a compass, too, to point me in the right direction.
It’s an eternal thing, the moon. It was here before we were and it’ll be here long after we’re gone. Compared to it, we are nothing. You could say that everything we have is nothing in comparison, save for the Earth itself- which we don’t own anyways, since we’re just passengers on it. We don’t own it any more than we own the air we breathe.
I was going to segue here into some very interesting things regarding the last Tinker Bell movie, but I just realized that that would turn this post into a book, since so very very much to talk about. It’s just… too much, and it’s too personal, too significant. No way could a random post on a blog do all of this justice.
I was going to write about one thing, and then pretend that I didn’t see the rest of it- you know, like I always do- but… even that takes energy, and time; it’s still a dance, after all.
It’s just too much.
I’ll just say this, then: the last Tinker Bell movie was a great one, the best of the series for sure, and maybe as good as anything else done by Disney, save visually. Though of course, I’m hugely biased.
Maybe one day I’ll explain why. We’ll see.
So much to think about… I mean this stuff is just so huge. So complex, so… different. In a good way. In a very… raw way.
Well… I don’t have the time.
In regards to yesterday’s post, I remembered this morning why I was confused about why Lucy wasn’t on the soundtrack to her Tinker Bell movie: it was because she was on the other Tinker Bell soundtrack / album, and I was getting the situation confused, since it was… so very, very confusing, lol.
Bafflingly, Lucy didn’t have a song on her Frozen-esque Tinker Bell movie- I mean, I say Frozen-esque because it had a ice magic, a snow king, a magical realm of winter and an ice palace and separated sisters and everything- but she did perform Frozen’s Let it Go on the Tinker Bell album that had nothing to do with the Tinker Bell movies, Frozen-esque or otherwise- the Disney tribute album “We Love Disney”, you know, the soundtrack compilation that had nothing to do with the Tinker Bell series, but featured the character Tinker Bell prominently on the cover.
You get it? Yeah, it makes perfect sense now, right?
Riiiiiiight. Of course! I mean… right.
You know- if even the obvious details about this stuff are so confusing, why would I ever think I could wrap my mind around the full picture?
IDK, but the mind boggles, either way.
Thank God, really, for the consistency of our celestial bodies, lol.
They bring a beauty to this world that doesn’t require thought, or batteries, or even other people, to appreciate.
And that is truly something to cherish.