Entertainment Stuff, June 2023, Part II

Might as well do another one of these, IDK.

IDK, I guess I’ve been watching stuff on TV since it’s something to do while riding my exercise bike thing, so I guess this is important or something.

I’ve been following all of the online chatter about the new Indiana Jones movie, and Disney and the rest of that stuff. It’s interesting; more interesting than any movie in fact. And that’s probably not a good sign, come to think of it.

IDK how any new Indiana Jones movie will do, but man, what a clusterfuck that whole thing looks like. Christ, WTF is even going on these days? LOL.

I’m not seeing the movie myself, but the small handful of reactions I’ve read online (all of which come from franchise diehards, notably) say the movie is sorta so-so at best, and dreadful at worst. Not a good sign, and Christ, Disney is throwing up a shedload of “bad signs” these days.

IDK what is actually going on, I’ll never see any of this shit, lol, but my impressions are as follows:

  1. Disney stuff isn’t “good” anymore, from a technical or storytelling or… anything, really, point. Everyone I’ve read thus far, even of those that kinda liked the movie, has said the special effects suck. They look fake and rubbery, and kinda weird. The CGI looks like something from an average PS2 cutscene, apparently. The de-aged Indiana Jones in particular looks really bad. His visuals give off an “uncanny valley” vibe, and that is really really unfortunate, since he is supposedly the star of this thing.
  2. I think I’m over the whole theater experience. I have no desire to see this or anything else, and, IDK, it seems I’m not alone. The theater returns from movies these days seem to be dreadful. Disney in particular looks really bad on this front, but IDK, is anyone doing well these days?
  3. IDK, I think I still might be over new content in general. Nothing looks fun or interesting. IDK, maybe I’m just a curmudgeon, lol. But seriously. Like, while we’re on the subject, all of those Disney remakes… what the fuck? lol. Like, seriously, what… are they? That new Little Mermaid movie just looks… horrible. Like seriously, seriously horrible. Shockingly so. It’s really weird.

The Flash looks… bad, IDK. It just doesn’t look good. I guess that Elemental looked kinda interesting when I saw the trailer, but it’s not doing well financially. I might check it out one day, though. Not right now, though.


Yeah I don’t know, I think that a lot of this is “media fatigue”. There’s too much stuff out there. Too many movies, TV shows, games, etc. Too many franchises and universes and services and other stuff. It’s all just too much, and something’s gotta give.

I don’t know, maybe Lucasfilm just sucks, lol. I thought that before but seriously… Christ! I’m… just baffled at this point. What are they even doing? What is their fetish for Mary Sue type British chicks? The mind boggles. Every franchise, every movie… lol. What the fuck?

If Jones tanks, IDK, I have a suspicion the Disney is going to be in some serious shit, somehow. I don’t own any Disney stock, but I can tell you, if I did, I would be quite mad right now, lol.

Star Wars is a good example of the problem here. It’s a dead franchise. I mean, it’s dead. Finished. Star Wars will never be profitable again, at least in the big picture. It’s over.

This puts Disney in a horrific bind, then. Here’s the problem: Star Wars is unsellable. They can’t sell it, not without suffering horrible losses in other areas. So however bad the cost-benefit picture looks for the franchise, it is impossible to offload.

The problem in a nutshell is that Disney made Star Wars political, and personal.

IDK, I say this because rumors online is that Disney is having serious financial problems and is looking to offload some stuff, to tighten their belts a bit. And that possibly SW and maybe Lucasfilm itself might be on the offer to someone. Just rumors, but still.

Well, Star Wars is unsellable, though. Here’s the thing: if Disney sells this franchise in any form, the “trolls” were right. They were right, about everything, and everyone else was wrong, about everything. All of it. Or if not all of it, well… 95% of it, lol.

They can’t sell it, then. They can’t even talk about selling it. Or even hint at it. If they did, the shitstorm of “I-told-you-so’s” from the people who never liked Disney SW are going to be deafening. And it will never end.

If SW gets sold, the whole media apparatus is going to get raked over the coals in such a way that there’s no way it will escape it without suffering some kind of permanent loss of respect. Everything will be called into question- Disney itself, Star Wars, “woke politics”, all of those professional reviewers that loved The Last Jedi, the Rotten Tomatoes website, everyone associated with Disney Star Wars in any capacity at all, literally everything.

If Disney sells SW for a loss, or even at all, they will never ever hear the end of it. Rian Johnson will go down in history for one thing and one thing only: For being “The Man who Ruined Star Wars”. He could win a string of Oscars; it wouldn’t matter. He will forever be “The Man who Ruined Star Wars”.

Virtually every media outlet in the country will have to apologize to the “trolls” that didn’t like Disney SW. They will have to admit that in fact they were the trolls, and the SW nerds were absolutely right. That… is going to be a sight to see, lol.

Holy shit, lol. The fallout is going to be glorious to watch, if this ever happens.

But, man, WTF is Disney going to do, here? They can’t sell Star Wars, but they can’t make anything new, either, since it’s bound to create a financial loss. Pretty bad situation. I hear they’re closing the Star Wars hotel thing. Yeah, lol. WTF were they even thinking with that? I hear it was 5 grand for a weekend, and it was dull as dishwater. It was a huge ugly warehouse looking hotel-ish thing and that 5 grand wasn’t even all-inclusive, lol. I mean, food was extra. Wut? lol. I mean you’ve got to be kidding me.

The people who would pay 5 grand for that make the idiots who spend thousands of dollars on fucking gacha games like Genshin Impact look wise and frugal, lol. Holy shit!

Yeah, well, the mind boggles at all of this.

In some ways the Star Wars predicament is a problem for everyone. Star Wars has always been the spiritual pillar of the blockbuster movie genre. It started the genre, and, perhaps, it can end it as well. IDK, it’s an interesting thought.

The last movie I saw in theaters was in fact The Last Jedi. While watching it, I had a revelation: I waited thirty years for this?!? lol. But srsly, yes, that was basically what I was thinking. Myself and others. When I went to school back in the 80’s and 90’s Star Wars was an occasional topic of discussion amongst my friends and I. This was before the prequels ofc.

But kids back then would wonder if the trilogy would be continued, somehow, on the big screen, and what such a continuation would look like. We knew the prequels were coming first, but after that… what would things be like? Would kind of amazing and groundbreaking things would we see, then, for the first time? What would the story be?

Most everyone back then liked Star Wars. The girls, the guys, the nerds, the jocks, the students and teachers, the parents, preppies and goths, gangbangers and band geeks. We all liked something about it- the characters or the special effects, the music, or narrative, Yoda or Darth Vader, the B-movie dialogue, the mystical backstories or something else- everyone liked some part of it. It was guaranteed. It was impossible to find someone who didn’t like some aspect of the franchise. Impossible. So, we all talked about it, at least once. And we all wondered.

And then… yeah. Wut? We get… THAT? Oof. In a lot of ways, TLJ was a turning point for all of this. It was a watershed moment in which millions of people sat up and were like… wait a minute, what the fuck is going on?

The ugly, stupid, boring direness of The Last Jedi is what started this process, and the weird and baffling critical praise that followed it’s release is what caused the questioning of all of this… all of this stuff. This junk we’re watching. The movies and TV shows, etc. People started to question, finally. What… are we actually consuming, here?

It was the kind of thing the professional movie critics had been wanting to see for decades- only to their chagrin, the people disagreed with them. How dare they! lol.

You know- some people online have been theorizing that maybe Disney is intentionally tanking all of their stuff on purpose for some reason. IDK, I guess it’s not impossible. But I don’t think that’s the case, I think the problem is that the people running this stuff really don’t have the foggiest idea of what they are doing. They’re too isolated, and probably too rich to understand the real world. They’ve lost touch with reality, and suffer horribly from an extreme combination of snobbishness, laziness, and ivory tower syndrome.

IDK, though. I could be wrong. Maybe the cynics are right.

Well, that’s enough of this.

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