I am tired of being jerked around. I have better things to do than sit here and be toyed with by idiots.
I spend this day- the whole thing- on the lookout for the Taylor Swift and Ashley Benson, etc. nudes I was promised. I got nothing of even slight value.
This is deeply humiliating and extremely, extremely aggravating. There are going to be consequences because of this if nothing changes.
The dumbasses in charge of this project are turning me off from the whole “celebrity” thing. I am sick of the lies and tired of being an object for others’ amusement.
This is not an idle rant. I am being very serious here.
Now- to whomever is running this show- you MUST produce. This is not an option. Either you give me what I was promised online or hand it to me personally, I don’t care, but it must happen. I am very, very pissed off right now.
The question I’m thinking here is this- what am I to Hollywood people? Am I someone you like and want to be happy? Am I just a toy? Do you care, at all, about my feelings on any meaningful level?
What is it that you really want here? Would you feel sad or disappointed if I just left? Would my leaving be a joke to you?
I am halfway there to deleting completely a whole raft of pic folders. I mean, Hayden P., Kristen Bell, Leighton Meester, Amber Heard, the Michalka sisters, and many, many others. In the fifteen years that I have been collecting pictures, this is something I have never done. This would be a permanent death to whatever relationship I had with those girls. Such is my disappointment.