In a way, these celeb leaks and hacks fit in well with the numerous and growing acts of public sabotage committed by working class white men. Recently, a white man here in Chicago made headlines when he sabotaged the air center at O’Hare airport, causing many millions of dollars in damages.
Again- this demographic is angry and getting angrier. I still believe that this story of this anger is the most important issue facing America today. The fact that we refuse to talk about it, or respect it, or even mention it means to me that we’ve lost the plot as a society. If one man, working alone, can cause a hundred million dollars in damages, imagine what a million men working together, or even individually, can do. They can wreak terrible havoc across America. And yes, I will be in there with them, doing my part.
Many, many things can be sabotaged easily by the white working class; they know better than anyone the nuts and bolts of the system. Airports, bridges, railways, computer systems, satellites, manufacturing machinery, roads, power stations, oil wells… all of these can be gummed up quickly by someone who knows where the weak points in the system are.
The oligarchs ignore this at their own peril, but ignore it they will. They’ll ignore it because they’re stupid and shortsighted.
Again- the time of feminism and “civil rights” is long past. Dire things await us if the supreme problem of the alienation of white men is not addressed well and addressed quickly.
Tomorrow is too late.