
I’m going on vacation this week. I’m going to Iowa again, to visit my Grandmother.

I really do love rural Iowa. I’m sure that such a sentiment would seem odd to my girlfriends, who thrive in a highly upper class environment. But it makes sense to me.

There’s real luxury in being able to be alone somewhere where people don’t know you. It gives you a kind of peace that no antique trinket can give.

To be able to be alone- with your thoughts and nothing else- helps you clear your mind and focus. Where I’m going, there’s no need to worry about anything.

I hope that my girlfriends have such places… but I doubt it. Fame like the kind that Swifty and Hathaway have is a monster that follows you everywhere (or, at least, that’s how I would perceive it).

Perhaps the isolation that I look forward to would be a punishment for them. It takes all kinds.

P.S. This is reason # 5629 why immigration into the US needs to be stopped. Why is it mandated that we must encounter bizarre and violent people everywhere we go? Whatever happened to allowing decent people to have sanctuaries, where they can be free to be themselves?

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