An Open Letter to Taylor Swift

Taylor, I am not happy.

As you know, we listened to your new album last night. What you don’t know is that I didn’t like it. Not the album, which is well made and fun, but the experience of listening to it with you.

Note the tone of this letter. This will be different than the usual, jokey criticism I give you.

I am not happy.

Last night, I calmly deleted every bookmark I had pertaining to celebrity culture, including your twitter. It’s just too much. It’s too stressful and I can’t see myself growing any more as a person doing this.

I used to enjoy visiting your twitter and your instagram. Even back in those days when I shut you out a bit, I still visited out of curiosity. I’m not sure that I’ll do that for awhile, and maybe I’ll never to that again.

To be honest, I’ve come to dread visiting you online, and I’m not sure why.

We need to talk. There are very big, important issues going on between us that we can’t figure out telepathically. We need honest, open, direct communication to get over these hurdles.

I know you’re reading this. I’m sure of it. That being the case, I must ask why you have not reached out to me, even though you know that I’ve been suffering from depression, and even suicidal thoughts sometimes. That has hurt me a lot, and I truly don’t understand the reasons why things are the way they are. I need to know what’s going on.

Does what we have mean so little to you that you regard it as disposable? Am I disposable? What am I to you, exactly? Remember those questions I asked back then in previous posts? Well, I’m still asking them.

Taylor, it is wrong of us to continue doing what we’re doing without communication. What we do is impacting the lives of many millions of children and their families across the globe. It is irresponsible of us to have such power and not value it to the point where we shun real communication. The things we do are very impactful on the lives of the world’s most impressionable people. It is unfair to others to take our relationship so lightly.

What we had years ago when our relationship started is no longer what we have today. Everything since then has changed, and so the rules must change as well. We cannot continue operating now like we did back then, and most especially not if what we have continues to grow in importance.

We need to talk.

Taylor, you don’t know me. I know that you think you do, but you are making the same mistakes about me that your fans make about you. You see snippets of me here and there, you listen to me when I speak, and you are intimate with me, yes… but do you know what I did when I was a kid? Do you know what my school life was like, and who my friends were? Do you know anything of what I do now at my 50 hour a week job? Do you even know my job title?

Do you know how I do telepathic things, or know how I trained my mind to be able to handle them? No, I know you don’t because I’ve hidden that knowledge from you, along with the rest of the important things that I have never communicated to you telepathically.

I need to tell you something: my life is going to be undergoing major changes soon. In what way, I’m not sure, but things cannot continue as they are today for much longer. That job I just talked about? It is a low paying contract position only. The company I work for, AbbVie, has a strict policy against hiring white men.

AbbVie currently is one of the nation’s biggest promoters of corporate racial diversity. See this article praising them about this from DiversityInc.: They have achieved this by lately installing a policy of refusing to hire white men for any full time jobs. I know this because my manger and a few others have told me this directly, to my face, when I have asked about open positions.

Taylor, I need money. And a future. If I am to get them in this environment, my attentions and powers will need to be directed elsewhere. I can get money, yes, but only at the expense of our relationship. There is only so much I can do in one day. I will not be able to be with you as much, if at all, on your new tour doing what we used to do. And with that being the case, do I even want to be with you?

This is not a plea for money from you. What I’m saying is that my free time may be dramatically cut short soon, so I need to know from you, unequivocally, what your intentions are regarding our relationship. Will any time I spend with you be worthwhile?

How much do you value what we have? I must know. I assumed once that you valued it as much as I did, but now that I’ve heard your new album, I question how true that thought is. There were too many references in there to the transience of what we have. I didn’t like hearing those lines.

Perhaps I’ve misjudged you. I once thought that what we have might blossom into something real. The other girls… I understand that it isn’t permanent with them. That’s the vibe they give off. It’s what they expect, I know. But for some reason, I thought, perhaps erroneously, that you were different. Maybe that wasn’t a good judgment call on my part.

I’ve been putting off real relationships for the sake of my emotional investment in you. That cannot continue. I am tired of seeing my mom cry because I am 34 years old, living at home, and haven’t had a date in years. I, myself, am tired of the life I’ve been leading up in my cramped little room. I am done waiting.

What is it that you want from me? Is it your only interest to be a sex object for me? In that case, I’ll fuck you until I see a picture of you with cellulite, and then dump you. That’s fine. But I thought that what we had was more than just that. But maybe my expectations don’t matter to you.

To be honest, I will likely end up dumping you before I see the cellulite. Attraction is a fickle thing; you can lose it easily under a variety of situations. Too much stress and a general confusion about what is going on will do it, for example. And if attraction is all we have… we’ll be left with nothing when it’s gone. I want to value you more than as just a sex object, but I’ll need to know who you are for that to happen.

We need to talk.

Taylor, up until now our relationship has been great to me because it has inspired me to evolve myself, but I’m having trouble seeing how you can help me in that respect beyond this point.

Telepathically, I have achieved everything I’ve wanted to do. Every goal I’ve had has been met. Socially, I’m stronger and more adept than I’ve ever been. Spiritually, I have a new in-person self confidence that is obvious to everyone that sees the real me. I know who I am now, thanks to what we’ve done together. Emotionally, I can express myself like a new man. Physically, I’m so, so much healthier. I’ve transformed myself. I’m hovering around 13% BF and am a few pounds away now from having that toned six-pack look you like so much. And with my new knowledge… it will stick. I’m doing that for me, yes, but I’m doing that for you, too.

You have inspired me more than anyone else I’ve known, and I know that I can continue to be inspired by you and grow with you in the future… but not like this. We’ve reached the end of what we can do with each other over long distance.

With my current goals met, I need something beyond them now. I see myself as being at a dead end with you because it looks like you’re not going to give me anything else. I must continue to grow as a person and I need someone to help with that, and if it’s not you, it will be someone else.

Am I making myself clear to you with this post? I hope I am because you really don’t seem to understand much of what I’m doing or thinking lately, just as I’ve struggled some with understanding your situation.

You seem to be misunderstanding many, many things. Another example would be your mistaken belief that I must “always be there” on some level. That is incorrect. Just as I’ve blocked out the bulk of my real knowledge from you, I can block you out entirely from myself. I can train my mind to block you completely from my thoughts in all ways, even while sleeping. I haven’t done this to anyone yet, but if I must, then so be it.

If our relationship turns sour, this might be the best thing for me. I do need someone in my life, and I can’t have that someone if you’re in there, crowding her out.

The other celebrities I can deal with as they come and go. You, I cannot. Our relationship might be for all or nothing.

Taylor, we need to talk. It is beyond late for this. It is not fair to anyone but yourself to have the situation continue as it is right now. The correct way, the only way, to handle the issues I’ve raised is with a direct dialogue.

Now that you know where it is that I stand, I deserve to know what you think.

We need to talk.

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