Liveblogging 1989

Ok, peeps and others. The pizza has been eaten and my hands are washed.

Ok, before I begin, I’d just like to say that CDs always sound better than mp3’s, so obvs, I need the CD too in this case. Also, I kind of want those pics of Taylor that I saw on the display at Target. Not sure actually if anyone is reading this but if you are and you have them PLEASE GIVE THEM TO ME.

Ok. I’m looking for a pocket knife. Found one.

OMG. NO WAY. The album is built like Nine Inch Nails’ Downward Spiral! It’s just a pocket with a physical disc and a booklet(?) on the inside. OMG. Never thought I’d see THAT design again!

My mom is calling me on the phone. Not now, Mom! I’ll return her call later.

Oh my God, it’s the Polaroids! I got set #2. They’re a little blurry, aren’t they? Woah. I like the backs, though. I REMEMBER those colors! I used to take Polaroids when I was little just so I could mess with the colors on the pictures. I got in trouble for doing so, but hey, you only live once, right?

Wait, #24… “If you leave me, I’m coming with you”?!? Is that a threat or something? Yikes. Hmmm… I remember the rug on #14 in that one pic she gave me where she was laying on it during that one Thanksgiving. I think it was after I tweeted “I love you” or something to her. I have it all documented. I’ll look it up later.

Oh yeah, “I’m thankful for relationships like this” or something. *Sigh*.


OMG, she’s chatting with me RIGHT NOW. “Wow, Polaroids!” With a chuckle. Yes Tay, now be quiet dear.

GOD she’s hot. Wow. Unreal.

This is so perfect. I take back every bad thing I’ve ever said about this album, ever.


More banter with Taylor.

I open the album AND… sweepstakes! I’ll register today, of course.

“I want to meet you!” LOL, no you don’t Taylor.

The CD has angels on it. Or no, those are birds. Like on her shirt. I’m doing this in low light conditions.

OK, I’ll be a part of the 0.2% that actually reads the foreward before listening to the album.

Interesting girrrrrl talk. Feminism lite with alot of encouraging words. I like it; it’s what I guess I expected. Very clever slight of hand with the last sentence. “From the girl who said she would never cut her hair or move to New York or find happiness in a world where she is not in love… Love, Taylor.” Hah, brilliant!

Lyrics and Polaroids. Some of these are not in the 1-65 set, I think.

Ah yes, Clean. I’m setting the album aside for a moment.

Part of the reason why I freaked out so much about Taylor when I heard 1989 for the first time is because of Clean. I was alarmed because of the drug allegory, which was surprisingly well done. I started to think in horror that Tay might have at some point, God forbid, have actually done drugs herself, as opposed to simply being friends with many people who are current and former addicts (Selena, Zac, Demi, Cara, Jamie, me… and a ton of others, I guess. *Sigh* again.)

I was scared by this, even though I’m sure it’s true on some level. Of course Taylor’s done drugs. Of course she has. She is young, rich, and is enmeshed in a culture that is notorious for producing drug users. I’m not an idiot, but the reality of this disturbs me even though I know it didn’t make a difference to her.

Well, whatever it is that’s she’s done, I hope that she’s put it behind her. Please be safe, Taylor. The thought that she might have at some point been an addict or user herself breaks my heart.

Nobody should have to go through drug addiction, and definitely not my Taylor.

I think that this is also why I wanted to talk to her so badly. I want to protect her from stuff like this, and I can’t do that over long distance. What if she does become an addict? What if she needs help from me somehow and I can’t be there for her? It would kill me to be helpless in a situation like that. What would I do? I would be out of the control seat and sitting aside, blindly, as Taylor was hurting.

That would kill me unlike anything else.

Well… this long distance talk reminds me. I need to call my mom… this post is done. I’ll listen to the album later, I guess.

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