Thoughts on Iowa

My vacation was fun. It’s always nice to see family, especially in such a laid back environment. I’m glad that my grandmother is doing so well. She’s in her 90’s now, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at her, and she had no problem maintaining her house while hosting a week-long family get together. She’s a very impressive woman. I hope that I have that much vitality when I’m 93.

What I loved the most was the chance to relax and unwind. I didn’t look at a single website throughout the whole vacation. What freedom!

The relaxation gave me time to think. I thought about myself and my family. I thought about my future, and the futures of my girlfriends and of those back home, and occasionally, the futures of those in that quiet little farming town in Iowa. It’s the latter group that is the most important. They are the ones that will ultimately decide the fate of the “New America” that is being inaugurated by our ruling class.

No matter how many times I make the trek to Iowa, there’s inevitably a culture shock when transitioning from a Chicago suburb to a small Iowan village. The differences aren’t substantial, considering that both areas are majority white, but the small differences that exist in so many things can make visiting a curious experience.

This year, I focused on examining one thing- that most interesting and important of all topics- the condition of the area’s working class white males.

As a visitor, I didn’t see anything shocking. Everything looked the same as it had for the last couple of decades, with some minor changes. The first change I noticed was the open anger against immigration.

It seems as though the common rage over the US’s immigration policies has soaked in even in rural Iowa. It was odd hearing people publicly complain about immigration in a town that is 100% white, but there it was. This was a good confirmation of what I had suspected, which is that opposition to immigration is extremely entrenched and widespread. Now, even communities with no illegals feel personally threatened when politicians talk about things like amnesty.

The second thing I noticed was a more subconscious defiance against the left-liberal establishment. For example, it was a common sight to see young men, and especially little boys, walking around fully camouflaged as if they were heading off to hunt or go to war. The message here seems to be one of almost- open hostility against gun control advocates. The camouflage trend was so common that even my parents, who not looking for this, saw it and remarked about it.

This slight hostility even permeates the local newspapers. It was interesting to contrast the local newspapers with what my dad reads in the Chicago Tribune. One obituary, in particular, caught my eye; it was about a recently deceased local man who had become a German-American cultural icon. The paper said that he had become a “patriotic” American when he decided to enlist in the military and devote himself to the preservation of German- American culture. The implication being, of course, that only conservatives and whites can be patriotic. It was surprising to read.

This undercurrent of hostility may have grown because of Obama’s controversial visit to the town awhile back, which happened while he was out stumping on the campaign trail. In this little village, people are still talking about it.

One morning, diners in one of the village’s restaurants were stunned when Obama and a cohort of armed secret service agents barged in and immediately started threatening everyone and barking out orders. They were hungry, you see, and they needed food *NOW* so Obama could make his scheduled speech.

After scaring the hell out of everyone in the room, the secret service agents made it clear that nobody was allowed to enter or exit the restaurant while Obama was present. No phones or computers were to be used for any reason, and no customers were allowed to move from their seats, period- or there would be consequences.

The secret service agents / thugs weren’t kidding, either. One of my Grandmother’s friends happened to be there, and after waiting for 45 patient minutes, she became forgetful and got up to leave. The agents yelled at her and ordered her to sit down or else.

The whole production was openly, brazenly hostile to the locals. Make no mistake, the government regards these people as enemies. I wonder- does Obama and his secret service act like this when he eats with Hollywood types or Facebook executives? Somehow I doubt it.

Where is all of this leading? If the anger over immigration boils over, if the economy takes another nosedive, if some psycho redneck “lone wolf” gets lucky somehow, if the epidemic of black on white crime gets even worse- who knows what could happen.

But… I digress. The weather was nice. It was hot and sunny, and the cool breeze off the Mississippi felt great on the skin.

I’m glad I went.

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