Murder Death Kill, Part IV

An Open Letter to Hollywood:

If any one of you is reading this, I think I deserve an explanation.

We all know of the two police officers who were gunned down as retribution for the police actions against Eric Garner and Michael Brown. The officers were just shot down, in cold blood, while minding their own business.

Does this obvious, gross injustice not mean anything to you? Why is it that the deaths of people like Trayvon, Garner, and Brown receive your special attentions in interviews and on social media but these murders do not merit even a second glance from you? What is the reason for this double standard?

Surely it isn’t because you support the murder of these officers? I know you don’t. The old adage “silence is acceptance” does not apply to all situations. But the deafening quiet here is surprising.

I was kind of expecting at least a throwaway tweet or two saying that “we should all get along” or something similar and equally innocuous. But I- well, we- get nothing.

See, you can’t make a big deal out of the killings of one type of person and then ignore entirely the killings of others. It makes you look like you’re picking sides, and we don’t want that, right?


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