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Thoughts on Married Chicks and Stuff, Part III

Saturday, June 24th, 2017

All of this probably has to do with my psychic intuition strongly pushing me towards girls that I would be more compatible with in real world relationship situations, probably because that way, there will be less adverse consequences for everyone else.

Happy Tom = Happy Earth.

In other words, no more dicking around. I am the already the most powerful man alive, and I will only become stronger from here on out. This is serious business, this time.

So, Mary Elizabeth Winstead it is. What must be, will be.

Thoughts on Married Chicks and Stuff, Part II

Saturday, June 24th, 2017

Besides the other stuff, my psychic intuition is telling me the Mary is good for me, again. It’s very strongly saying this. IDK why, but there it is.

It probably has something to do with the whole “Tom’s fantasies bleeding into reality” thing that we’re all a part of, right now.


Thoughts on Married Chicks and Stuff

Saturday, June 24th, 2017



Remember that stuff I said when Katy Perry was doing that live stuff on youtube? I mean, about “fake married” chicks and all that?

I think I’m going to dip my toes in and try again with one of those chicks, just to see how it goes. So, yeah. MARY ELIZABETH WINSTEAD!!!!!!!!!!! You’re up to bat, dear.

Divorced chicks that were married only for showbiz and “image” purposes are fine, to me. At least, for now.

So, yeah. There it is.

BTW, I’m only telling people that Mary is the girl so that everyone will know who to blame in case this doesn’t work out, sooooooo……

Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XXXIX

Saturday, June 17th, 2017

Yeah, another one of these.

Ok, let’s talk about the Russia stuff, again.

I still don’t get it. The sanctions, I mean.

What are they doing?


Ok, here.

The last batch of sanctions didn’t work, of course. Honestly, from where I sit, I legitimately don’t think they did anything. I mean, if the news about the trillion-dollar Russia/China led “New Silk Road” are anything to go by, Russia is doing fine these days.

So, more sanctions? Do we really need this? Is this batch going to be any more successful than the last one?

See, here’s the thing. Sanctions aren’t going to work against Russia. They can’t, owing to Russia’s sheer size. Sanctions are a way to isolate a country from the rest of the world. To cut it off, so that it can’t do anything, with anyone else.

So….. HOW are we going to do this to Russia? Russia has seven time zones. We are going to isolate them…. how, exactly? They have more neighbors than anyone else in the world. Russia is next door to the US, Mongolia, Finland, and the Ukraine, for example. We’re going to isolate them HOW exactly?

Not to mention that the whole idea of putting sanctions on Russia pre-supposes A LOT of untrue things about the US economy, such as the fact that we’re even strong enough to impose sanctions on ANYONE at this point.

The United States lacks jobs, and most especially businesses. Something like 95% of new businesses here fail. Our generational economic depression has caused a catastrophic loss of job skills amongst young Americans. All across the US, enormous swaths of people have struggled to even enter the workforce, owing to a lack of credentials and money even get them. To say nothing of a lack of opportunities.

Where is our economic strength, to force other nations to do our will economically? We have no businesses. Who are we to tell others that we even know what we’re doing?

Every economic advantage that this country had thirty years ago was given to the Chinese. The United States has no legitimate economic base, besides perhaps in the entertainment world. Where is our clout?

Any sanctions we put on Russia’s natural resources industries are going to have no effect. China has more then enough demand to meet any slack in sales caused by the sanctions, since they are the world’s industrial powerhouse. The US has no industry, no manufacturing. So we don’t even use resources, anyways. Why would we think that US led sanctions against Russia will impact the Russian oil industry? They’ll just sell more to the Chinese. Why would Russia even care? It’s not like we can stop them from selling to China, of course. I mean, they’re next door neighbors! What are we going to do?

Ok, look, I could just keep going on and on about this, but I’m just saying this stuff to make the point that we REALLY need to start focusing on actually fixing the problems in the US economy. I mean, making a real effort, here. Like, as soon as possible, because this… whatever this is, isn’t going to make much of a difference, in anything.

I’m not going to get into allegations of Russia hacking in our elections or anything. Maybe later, but not now. It’s just that this whole sanctions thing right now is so dumb that I couldn’t pass it by without saying something.


Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XXXVIII

Friday, June 16th, 2017

A few more ideas here, in light of recent events.

1) The United States is fucked as a cohesive nation. It is truly doomed. Of course, we already knew that. But now, it’s…. um, more obvious. Obviouser.

I’m not referring to the shootings this week of prominent Republicans, but to the more telling thing, which was the reaction to them.

Last night, I scoured twitter for reactions to the shootings. In particular, I focused on the twitters that matter most. After a brief look around, I pulled up the twitters of prominent Hollywood types (i.e. my current and former girlfriends) and found… nothing. Literally nothing. Not a word was said about the shootings amongst them. Not even one of them said anything supportive to the victims of the shootings, or to their families, or to anyone who may have been affected by them, at all.

To detail things, I looked first at the twitters of Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, Ariana Grande, and Anna Kendrick. Not even one of those eight had anything supportive to say to anyone who was involved with the shootings.

Then, I went further down the line, and looked at Debby Ryan and Bridgit Mendler, and a few others in line with their level of fame. Nothing. Nada.

I had almost given up hope of finding anything when I at last pulled up in desperation the perennial borderline “celeb” Eliza Dushku. All she had to say was a retweet from Bernie Sanders denouncing violence in general, which she then qualified by posting a graduation picture of the black guy who apparently stopped the shooter, seemingly to point out that he was black, and a graduate of high school. No expression of sympathy for anyone shot, or for their families, was forthcoming from Eliza.

So, interesting. Yes, we are fucked.

No need to contrast the echoing lack of responses here with the time when the Democratic congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot. I’m sure people can do that without me.

Some thoughts, then. First, I wonder why nobody amongst them said anything. I mean, I didn’t say anything, either, but then again, I’m a dark wizard, not a pop star whose entire career comes from being the center of attention. I mean, you would think that at least one of them would say something about this, at least to score some easy points with a huge section of the public. But… nothing. Crickets.

The situation is I think this. The stars in question here are beyond terrified of being called “racist”. In fact they are so frightened of this that they refuse to support even victims of mass violence from the left, if those victims might have possibly, say, supported something like a border wall.

So….. what does this mean? Other than the obvious, which is that there is no way to reconcile things anymore?

As far as PR is concerned, silence is acceptance of course. The stars’ refusal to say anything says huge amounts more than if they had said even something bland and general about violence.

This country is truly divided beyond repair. The United States is doomed.

2) One would think that this shooting, and everything else that’s going on- say, the ongoing retail annihilation, the soaring public anger, the horrific jobs numbers, etc. would prompt something from the oligarchy concerning making life better for the non-wealthy here. But again, nada. Crickets.

What people here need are JOBS. And BUSINESSES. And they’re not getting them, or anything even close to them. The best that the infants that run the United States came come up with these days is the idea of a “universal income”. Well, that, and other equally childish and idiotic things. These people are not living in the real world, clearly.

This country’s ruling “elite” is beyond tiresome to deal with. The people running the show are clearly immature fools with no connection to the outside reality. And this is as obvious to others as it is to people here.

The Republicans are hopeless. Their concern these days is fairy tales about Jesus and Israel and not much else. Trump himself is only concerned for his own family, and with getting away from the circus that always surrounds him. And of course Israel, which he seems to love more than his own country.

The Democrats care only about themselves. The things that people voted for in the last election- like, say, the wall, they will not allow to happen, the legitimacy of the system be damned. The Jesus stuff from the Repubs can stay of course, since fairy tales are what we deal with now, but the actual on the ground real world stuff is BAD, since how dare the common people care about reality! So, the people won’t be getting that. But the Jesus and Israel crap that nobody wants? They’ll be getting that in spades, since that will be the token “concession” to the “public” that the people here will be “afforded”. So the democrats can say see, they were given something!! It’s something they never wanted, of course, but they’ll get something, for sure!

3) The United States has lost it, internationally.

Domestic politics here is a circus. It’s just such an embarrassment to be represented by the idiots and children in our government that it makes one want to renounce citizenship. The clown show that is D.C. looks isolated and weird on the world stage.

Part of the problem is that our foreign policy still makes no sense. Depending on the day of the week, our worst enemy is either Islamic extremism or Russia, Islamic extremism’s worst enemy. To clarify, as much as that is possible, we support either ISIS and it’s backer of Saudi Arabia against Russia, or Russia against ISIS and Saudi Arabia. Or perhaps both, simultaneously. And is China our enemy or not? I mean, they make all of our stuff since we gave them our entire manufacturing base, but then they apparently are our mortal enemy, so… are they an enemy, or not? Does anyone know?

Nobody knows anymore WTF our government is doing, or what it even stands for. This fact is driving the rest of the world away. Even if we have money to give, it seems that nobody wants it, because nobody understands WTF is going on with us, anymore.

This is I think why China is making such inroads now into South America, which was once this country’s own backyard. When the Chinese come in, you know what you’re getting. They come in with money to develop businesses which benefit both countries, and that’s that. Which makes sense. When we come in with money, we come in also dragging an unimaginable amount of drama, confusion and emotional baggage in tow that absolutely nobody wants to deal with.

The fact that the Chinese are able to just, you know, invest and create businesses and then leave makes them eminently the better international partner. In this country, they can’t even do that domestically. I mean, our own businesses are dying off at such a rapid clip that even our own ultra-controlled media needs to say something. And everyone else can see that, too. With that in mind, who are we to try to help others? Like, Trump the idiot has talked about helping Venezuela. Helping Venezuela? Holy fuck, Trump, why not try making a few repairs here, first?

4) The age of liberalism really does seem, like always these days, to be coming to it’s natural end. It really does seem like the whole liberal project has run it’s course.

That old liberal/Judeo-Christian dream of creating a nameless, raceless world under Vatican or Protestant leadership which would be devoted to Jesus or some Jesus-like deity seems today to be farther away than ever, and it seems to be slipping away further and further with each passing hour.

It’s over, and IMO there’s no going back, anymore. Time to pack it away and move on.

A Few Thoughts on Katy Perry’s Livestream

Sunday, June 11th, 2017

I’m enjoying it, thus far. I mean, it’s been fun. Sometimes, really fun. It’s been a nice re-acquainting of Katy and I.

It’s actually reminding me of her old vlogs and such, and that’s awesome. I LOVED her vlogs. Why? IDK. I just did, and I think I still have them bookmarked, somewhere. And her old tumblr, too. And YES she namechecked both, surprisingly (to me). I honestly thought she had forgotten about them, so that was nice to see.

Usually, when a star gets “big”, they try to edit out certain things from their past, to protect their image. See: Taylor Swift (the prime example), Ariana Grande (the OTHER prime example), Miley Cyrus (the prime example’s prime example), etc. So I thought that Katy literally had forgotten about that stuff, since she hadn’t deleted it.

That she hasn’t deleted it because she stills like it is awesome, IMO. And very telling. She really is herself, and nobody else. Good for her.

Another thought…. WOW I’ve had an impact on her life. I mean, wow. Mega, mega wow.

I mean, I can’t even list the ways, so……..

Thought number, IDK, 4. Or 5? 4.

The show is really, really fun sometimes in general since Katy has a really fun personality. Like, she’s spontaneous and awesome and eminently, um, spunky. Spunky? Spunky.

So, that makes it nice.

And of course I love interacting with her. That rules. Thanks, Katy. Especially yesterday. That was just epic, dear. So glad I could support you when you needed it most. Gotta love that psychic intuition.

And, so glad you support me.

And um…..

All of this is bringing to mind the stuff I said earlier about chicks getting married. There’s an issue with that that I haven’t broached here, which is the issue of girls getting “fake married”. You know, married for showbiz purposes in arranged contract marriages that are not for love, or even intimacy, but are for image purposes.

That is something I think about, sometimes. Should there be an allowance for married chicks, when they do that? IDK.

The conservative side of me says NO, but the sentimental side of me says MAYBE, and pop culture guy says YES.

IDK. I’ve been deferring to the conservative side of me a lot lately, but, we’ll see.

For the record, Katy’s marriage was obviously for showbiz purposes. It was not a real in-love-for-life relationship; not even close. I know this, and I think we all do, TBH. So….


We’ll need to see.

Also, speaking about conservative stuff, if there is a fault with all of this, it’s that there is no diversity of opinion, at all, amongst her guests. There is diversity, all right, in the diverse look and styles of her guests, but there seems to be NO diversity of philosophy between them. Philosophically, they are clones. In that sense, the show is getting tiresome, because Katy and everyone else just keeps repeating the same stuff, over and over again. Perhaps with different style, but not with substance.

I think this illustrates the differences perhaps between a liberal’s mind and a conservative one. Or perhaps the difference between the female mind and a male one. IDK which. Maybe both.

Katy, bless her heart, seems to honestly believe that there is tremendous diversity on display in her livestream. I know this because she doesn’t stop emphasizing it. It’s at least a side topic in all of her conversations.

But… well, I’m not going to say anything further, since we all know where I’m going with this, anyways.

So, back to YouTube!

Relationship Stuff

Monday, June 5th, 2017

Just a quick update on all of this- it’s pretty much done, at this point. Just to let people know.

I finally got rid of all the mental barriers that were standing in the way of me basically getting the world I want, I think. All I need to do at this point is I think practice with my new mentality and I’ll get whatever it is that I focus on.

I mean, I think this time is for real for real. It really feels final, like there is just no more that I can discover about relationships. It feels finished in even the details. And considering how much of a perfectionist I am, that’s saying something.

It’s done, basically. It’s finally done.

All I need now is to arrange things and people around a bit, like moving the furniture. And practice, of course. But this is it.

I think that others realize this, too. I’ve noticed a marked change in things in the past few weeks from the girls that I’ve fantasized about. I think that they know it, too, even if they don’t understand the details of course.

So, it’s finished. Solidified.

I want to make sure that people know this, and I want to make sure that this message goes out to EVERYONE.

Everyone, listen, and listen well. DO NOT put yourself or any family member out there as fantasy bait for me unless you are ABSOLUTELY SURE that you have no problem with me fucking that person in real life.

I want to make this very, very clear.


Yes, I am shouting, but it is absolutely necessary. I want to make it very clear what is happening. These days, when I fuck someone, I re-arrange the universe around said fantasy. Not too much, each time, but it slightly happens, every time. And the effect seems to be cumulative, and this time there truly is no going back.

If you are married to a chick, and I fuck her in my imaginary world, and I keep doing it, she may literally leave you for me IRL, even if you or/and I doesn’t want that to actually happen. This is not an idle threat. Please consider this as a very strong possibility. Guys- ESPECIALLY guys, since they don’t have much exposure to me and don’t really know who I am, at all- you really have to take this seriously. The “universe shifting” happens even when I don’t consciously “choose” it to happen, sometimes.

The best way to approach this is to think about it as if I was a god, which I might well be, in fact. I still think it a possibility that I might be the Anti-Christ.

Would you let your wife fuck the Anti-Christ? Would you ENCOURAGE that? Please think about this!

At any rate, I am done. I have said my piece. Whomever I fantasize about is who I shall receive. And the mortals who stand in my way… won’t.

I trust there are no objections.

Life is what we make it to be. In my case, that’s literally all it is, it seems. My intent, and nothing else.

Please keep this in mind.

Another Day, Another Rant, Part III

Sunday, June 4th, 2017

The key takeaway here is that Trump refuses to extend even the tiniest of olive branches to anyone not a part of the government.

The oil companies ARE the government. It’s not a coincidence that our recent history includes a litany of Presidents and Vice-Presidents that have had extensive ties to oil. Rockefeller, of course, the two Bushes and Cheney. And the Clintons owe a debt to the Rockefellers for their political careers as well. They came up through the Arkansas Democratic machine that was headed by, who else, a Rockefeller.

So of course the oil companies get their way on everything.

And the veterans get their way as well, and so do the police.

But what about the people who AREN’T a member of the government? What do they get from Trump?

They get nothing at best.

It is telling that their needs are most obvious, and the most easily fulfilled, and yet they get nothing.

All they want is a wall. Literally, that’s it. A fucking wall.

Overall, of course they want a reduction in other kinds of immigration. But right now, they want a wall.

And they ain’t getting it, or anything even close to it, or even a hint that there might be something close to it coming up in the future, at some theoretical point in time.

Everyone else gets everything they want, but Trump’s actual base is treated as though they should feel lucky if their needs even get a mention from anyone associated with the government on any level.

It’s sick, and obvious proof that the government here doesn’t try anymore to even look like a democracy.

At any rate, I think I’m done for today. We’ll see what horrors tomorrow brings.

Another Day, Another Rant, Part II

Sunday, June 4th, 2017

I reeeeeeally don’t want to write this. I really don’t, but I will anyways, probably just because, I don’t know. Force of habit, maybe.


Well, here we go.

Trump really does need to start doing something for his base, here.

This country just cannot seem any more at this point like an out-of-control empire spiraling down the drain. It’s not so much anymore that we’re seeing things that look like the last days of Rome, it’s more like we’re actually living it, now.

That Kathy Griffin nonsense, for starters. On all sides in that controversy, it was just squabbling oligarchs. That “controversy” was a bunch of rich people fighting for press and twitter attention. This stuff has nothing to do with the on-the-ground reality that people actually live in. I don’t care about any of this, and neither, I think, does anyone else. As always, it’s the deteriorating economy that people are concerned about.

Even the terror attacks aren’t having the effect that they used to. People are becoming numb to them, much like they don’t care about North Korea anymore. It’s background noise.

Gone are the days when a terrorist attack would actually unite a country in some common purpose. Now, they’re just part of the news. I don’t even know the details about the recent attacks in London, and I don’t much care to know them, either. And it’s not out of a sense of repulsion. It’s just boredom at this point.

This is why I think that Trump is just going to keep falling on his face as far as his own voters go. Terrorism is a non-starter these days. People don’t care. This is why all of the GOP’s idiotic bluster about Jerusalem has gotten them nowhere. People are just so fucking sick to death of hearing about fucking Israel that that can’t possibly resonate with the public here.

And that’s it, really. We’re sick of Israel. Just sick of it. I want that damn country out of the fucking headlines because it just NEVER FUCKING LEAVES.

I swear that that damn country has received more attention from our news media over the last 25 years than our own country has. It’s dumb and the public here is just so extremely over it at this point that the only thing that the “Jerusalem” nonsense can possibly do is backfire.

Obviously, Trump’s poll numbers are a reflection of this, as are the declining fortunes of those websites, like Breitbart, who just won’t shut up about fucking Israel and Jesus and the rest of that stupidity.

At some point, Trump is going to need to actually do something for his base. Something that benefits them. Something that shows that he has an interest in the things they care about. At least, he is going to need to do this if he wants to leave office with a shred of affection and respect from the public.

The Paris Accord is just more oligarch nonsense. I don’t care if Trump’s pulling out of that was him actually for once fulfilling one of his campaign promises, and in fact it’s even worse for his base if it was. The only people who are really concerned about climate change are rich people. That controversy, like everything else these days, is an argument between rich Hollywood types and their sycophants and rich CEOs and their stockholders, with both sides being bolstered by “scientists” who are most likely paid to turn out work with certain results. Which side is “in the right”? Who the hell even knows, really. Most likely neither one of them.

Trump’s pulling out of that treaty or whatever was probably a gift to the oil barons and CEOs of the energy companies. It sure as hell wasn’t an act done out of concern for the working classes, that’s for sure. Anything that benefits big energy benefits the oligarchs the most. Most people in this country are not named “Rockefeller”.

If pulling out of that Paris treaty or whatever was Trump fulfilling one of his campaign promises, than shame, shame on Trump, or perhaps on those simpletons who voted for him. This goes to show everyone what a fool’s errand it is to even vote for these clowns.

In that case, what we’re seeing here is Trump gifting his fellow oligarchs and plutocrats something while denying the people who actually pulled the lever for him as much as table scraps. With this act, Trump is making it very clear where his preferences and real loyalties lie. The message here is one of Trump and his close personal friends and family getting what they want while everyone else has to sit and beg for a chance at a pat on the head. This crap is deeply humiliating to everyone gullible enough to vote and it just DOESN’T FUCKING END.

To make my point obvious, the rich get their campaign promises fulfilled, while everyone else is being told to take a hike and wait for the next Republican administration. You know, standard issue GOP practices, in other words. Like I laid out before, there is essentially no difference between Trump and any other GOP president since Nixon. They are all the same, every one, and that will never, ever change.

Ditto for the bills that Trump just passed giving the police and veterans more support, as if anyone out there actually wants any of that. Fuck the police. They are there to protect the regime. They care about themselves and their bloated paychecks and their cushy retirement plans that EVERYONE ELSE pays for without so much as a “thanks” from them, those assholes.

The police in this country are regarded as predators and egotistical assholes most especially, I think, by Trump’s base. They are clearly working for the rich, not for the public that actually pays their salaries.

And I’m getting really tired of veterans worship, too, and I think that everyone else is. Those “veterans” who guarded the heroin fields in Afghanistan and those who trained ISIS and those who fought alongside Al-Queda in Libya and elsewhere do not deserve my support, thank you very much, and they sure as hell don’t deserve my money, either. Fuck them.

So, with that being said, at what point is Trump and his gaggle of nepotists and plutocrats going to do something for the people who allowed them into the Oval Office? Or is that not what we do, anymore? I kid, of course, because I’m sure we all know the answer to that at this point.

You know, five months in, and I still cannot believe how much attention the Trump admin is getting, and how extremely little any of it has to do with anything at all that people were concerned about during the elections.

Another Day, Another Rant

Saturday, June 3rd, 2017

Well, not so much, anymore. I’m kind of over ranting. It’s just become tiresome to rehash the same stuff over and over again.

But I just wanted to say that I’m getting sick of the oligarchs’ casual dismissal of the environment, as though it doesn’t matter.

It DOES matter, of course. Perhaps not to them, since they live such cloistered lives. But it matters to everyone else, and to the future of the world.

No, I’m not saying this about anything in particular, like the Paris Accord. Anything NWO is obviously bad for the United States, and always counterproductive as a rule of course.

But the environment is our future, and our lives. We live on this planet, and to mistreat it is to mistreat ourselves. A real conservative- like say J.R.R. Tolkien- would have been aghast at the pinheads that run today’s GOP, and all of their essentially anti- environment stances and mentalities.

The way out of our environmental problems is to end the war machine and end the subsidies. Let the too-big-to-fail energy companies finally die, so that more efficient and better technologies can arise to compensate.

The way out is to embrace conservatism, and by that I mean REAL conservatism, which is pro-nature and pro the natural way of things.

Get rid of the government completely so that better and wiser people can lead us. People like the Trumps, Clintons, Bushes and that Bernie Sanders guy are fools whose leadership will drive us into the ditch. I could well be smarter than all of them combined, and I can’t do anything officially because those losers refuse to get out of my way.

And I’m not the only one, either. How many great, clean technologies will we never see because the Democrats and Republicans refuse to allow competition? Because the government refuses to encourage the intelligent young kids to exercise their minds out of a fear that they will upset the gravy train that politicians enjoy?

Coal isn’t the answer. The answer is to do like the Chinese are doing and look to the future, instead of the past.

Embrace CHANGE, not coal. Get rid of the old, useless dead wood that is our government and allow the smart people to take over, for once.

Well, that’s that. Time for bed.