Archive for July, 2015

Thoughts on Thoughts on Thoughts on Liberalism

Monday, July 6th, 2015

Okay- for those last two posts, I wrote them last week, before the Fourth. I didn’t post them because I wanted to breathe a bit.

I just re-read them and still found them apropos, so I decided to publish them… just to clear the plate I guess. I hope to kinda stop thinking about the unbelievable disaster that is the American political scene for a bit, at least until after the Swifty concert. I mean, one thing at a time, you know? The concert’s gonna be huuuuuuuge and I want to be ready for it.

But before I stop writing about politics, I just wanted to give a conclusion. I think I’ve identified the root cause of the insanity. Hopefully, with that identified, we can move on and maybe fix the problem in the next era. I mean, this era is pretty much over, I think. But maybe the next one can be made better with this realization.

Diversity is only a tool. It’s like a hammer or a keyboard. In some situations, it can be good. In others, necessary. In some, diversity is only a hindrance. Being only a tool, it is foolish to the extreme to try to solve every problem with it. You don’t fix everything with a hammer. So why would you do the same thing with diversity? I mean, that would be madness.

So it goes. It is really unfortunate to see all of what’s happened lately, because I know what it means. It means that liberals have gone “all in”, which is a disastrous political strategy in and of itself. Times change, always. It’s the only constant.

It is always wisest to never go “all in” on anything political, in case you need to backtrack at some point, or in case you need allies for some reason. But as of last week, liberals have just burned 100% of their bridges. They have no allies left. Libertarians left them years ago. Traditionalists think they’re insane. Even socialists and communists are backing away in horror from them at this point- I mean, just look at what happened in Greece with the referendum. And most other groups, like nationalists and very religious types of any stripe, have never liked them, really. I mean, it’s obvious that liberals feel they don’t need allies ever again but… of course they will. Times change.

I think that the future for them is going to be a series of sudden, hard declines, followed by a fall into oblivion. This will be painful to witness, but they’ve made their choices. They’ve intentionally alienated everyone else in the planet, so they must go it alone now. On everything.

So on those occasions when catastrophes happen and they need allies or friends, there will be nobody for them. So we’re talking about sharp, sudden losses of power in a series of successive disasters. In particular, they will be ultimately blamed for the coming bankruptcy of the United States government, regardless of which “party” is in power, since they are both correctly regarded by the public as run by and for liberals. This event may be their final, ultimate undoing. I suspect it will be. From this, they will never recover.

For their sake, in going it alone, I hope they know what they’re doing.

As for me, IDK. *Yawn*.

So after that last one… I was kinda hoping, again, to write about other stuff. I mean, I really want to, you know? That Swifty story I published was just so fun to write!

So… you know.

Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XVIII

Monday, July 6th, 2015

In my last post, I listed some statistics. Of those, it’s the money velocity stat which will ultimately be the real killer.

Money velocity is the speed at which money flows through a society- it is what its name implies, the velocity of money. A high money velocity keeps money from pooling in the hands of the few, and flowing into the hands of the many. It creates a middle class.

A low money velocity means that wealth stays in the hands of the wealthy. It creates oligarchy and poverty. It kills capital and destroys the middle class. It exacerbates class conflict and generates anger, envy, and instability. A very low money velocity creates chaos and civil war.

It was the low money velocity of the thirties that created what we call the “Great Depression”. See the chart below from the St. Louis Fed, and note how the plunge in money velocity in the early part of the century matches exactly with the years we’ve labelled the Great Depression, and the second World War and its aftermath:

And yes, it took the US until the mid- 1950’s to finally crawl out completely from the Great Depression and the chaos, violence, and war it left in its wake. It was then, in the mid-50’s and beyond, that we entered the “Golden Age” of American history, a time of great stability and prosperity for all. That time that ended in 2008, with the horrific and unimaginable plunge in money velocity that kicked off Great Depression II, which is the hell we’re living in now.

See- note how the money velocity of 2008 to the present is lower than it was during the Great Depression and World War II!

This stat is extremely alarming! Or at least, it would be if anyone in the “intelligentsia” knew what was going on or what they were doing.

It is insane and incomprehensible that in Obama’s seven years in office, that he has not even attempted, in any way, to address any of the problems I listed, or that the real problems facing the nation seem to not interest him at all.

It does make one wonder if his goal is in fact the annihilation of the United States.

The oligarchy doesn’t seem to know or understand what it’s doing on any level. Its messages are always garbled, clumsy, and given out at the wrong times. It’s recent “successes” with Obamacare, gay marriage, the Confederate flag, etc. were pushed through at exactly the wrong moment. They don’t seem to understand that this isn’t the 60’s anymore, so that kind of stuff isn’t going to work now and doesn’t fit, at all, with the current zeitgeist. And they don’t seem to get that these “successes” can easily be undone at the point of a gun wielded by an angry populous.

There is no “give and take” between the wealthy and the rest here anymore. It’s all take, take, take by the wealthy, long term social consequences and global stability be damned.

It’s like they see the rest of society as a playground, and the rest of the population as toys created for their amusement.

It’s sick.

And it can’t last.

Remember that Gallup poll that showed that a third of Americans believed that Obama didn’t even like this country? Well, they haven’t seen anything since then to change their minds, and these recent matters aren’t going to help any. At what point does that percentage become a crisis scenario in the eyes of the regime? 40%? 50%? 75%?

It’s nuts. What are they doing? We’re deep into an economic depression, and at the threshold of Civil War already, and they’re pressing highly volatile things in the public’s face? WTF?!?!

Are they intentionally stroking the fires of war? I wonder. Is that what Jade Helm is about? Is that a preparation for Civil War II?

If it is, there is no reason to think that the regime is going to get anywhere in a war on the American people, and much reason to think that any force against them will fall apart, like their recent offenses everywhere else- you know, in Syria, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.

It’s crazy. Do they not realize that the “boots on the ground guys” in the police and the military secretly despise the African in the White House? The minute a shooting war starts, they will defect to the other side. They’re not going to kill their own friends and families to appease “Obama”, the Israeli lobby, and the Kardashians. To think that they would is the height of delusion.

I don’t know what they’re doing, but this B.S. needs to stop and stop now. The oligarchs need to ground themselves back in reality, apologize to the public for their recent actions, and make amends like responsible grownups.

And if they are trying to destroy this country on purpose, I don’t know what to say, except that they all must die. I will not stand for that, and neither will the rest of us. My life is important. My culture is important. My way of life is important, and I will not allow my future to be extinguished by others as long as I can draw breath.

Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XVII

Monday, July 6th, 2015

I don’t get it, but I don’t know, maybe it’s just me.

I think it unfortunate that the economies of many if not all Western countries are in free fall mode, and the establishment’s primary domestic initiative in recent years seems to have been the one to make gay marriage legal.

To wit- the real unemployment rate in Greece is something like 45%, and it’s not a whole lot better in many other European countries. Here in the US, less than half of all working age adults actually have a job. And I’m not talking about a full time job, I’m talking about any job, including menial temp work, seasonal work, and part time work.

The college debt problem has never been higher- total student loans in the US clock in now at an ungodly and unpayable $1.3 trillion. The housing problem has never been worse- who in the hell can afford an actual house these days? It’s insane! The federal debt is at $18 trillion and rising fast- deficits have never been higher, the money velocity is lower than it was during the Great Depression, etc, etc.

One would think that these facts would cause great alarm amongst the press and intelligentsia, especially now, with food prices and insurance premiums rising across the board and peoples’ savings tapped out.

But no… we get a campaign to save gay marriage. A campaign to save the world’s economy? Not important. Gay marriage is what matters! The world’s economy can go fuck itself!

They’re nuts.

I don’t know what they’re doing, but to my eyes, it looks like they’re afraid. They’re too scared to tackle the big problems, so they’re going after B.S. “problems” like the gay marriage issue.

A federal ruling on gay marriage isn’t important. It’s not going to change things for any but an infinitesimal percentage of the population. The states that have a large amount of gays (i.e. California and New York, amongst others) have already allowed gay marriage. The ruling changes nothing for them. So now, who, Louisiana, needs to allow gay marriage? What does that change? Why is this news? Why was this even done? I get that some people wanted it, of course they did, but was it really a good use of time and resources to pursue this as the world’s economy is literally melting down?

I call attention again to the ridiculous campaign against the Confederate flag. Why is the regime going after supporters of the Confederate flag, when the Wall Street bankers who almost destroyed the world’s economy in 2008 are walking about with not a care in world?

The recent “victories” of the left are pyrrhic victories at best. They’ve won, but again, they’ve sacrificed their legitimacy to do so.

They’re wrecked the future of their movement. They’re now seen universally by outsiders as enemies and children. They’ve made compromise impossible. After all, what can you say to someone who seems to find gay marriage in Texas more important than the stability of the world’s economy? Someone who thinks that is a zealot, a religious loony.

I don’t know. All of this is just sad.

Seeing Orange

Sunday, July 5th, 2015

So I was walking down the street when it happened.


Taylor Swift.

She was there, walking down the avenue, a bag of oranges in hand, in an orange coat with a pair of orange plastic sunglasses.

So I was like, orange sunglasses? ORANGE?

Who the fuck wears orange sunglasses?

So I walk up to her, and I’m like “Hey Taylor, nice sunglasses.” Then I roll my eyes, but she didn’t see that because she wasn’t looking at me.

So she turns quick to look at me and is like “Hey thanks. Tom.”

So then I was like “What are you doing here? I thought you lived in New York.”

And then she was like “I do live in New York. I’m just visiting here.”

Okay, THAT’S weird. Why is she visiting here?

“Yeah, I know.” She says, like she just read my mind, like she was me or something. “It’s a bit slow here.”

Duh. That’s why I became a telepath, obviously. I mean, there’s nobody cool to talk to here. NOBODY!

So then a dude with muscles and a bright orange T-shirt like a traffic cone saunters up between me and Tay. “Taylor, is this guy bothering you?”

I sure hope so! I thought to myself, unfortunately not aloud.

“No, it’s OK. That’s Tom. You know, the vampire?” She sighed. “My husband.”

“Him?” He squinted, as if trying to process this apparently complex info. It took him a minute, and then he understood. Kinda. “Ohhhhh, you’re the wizard!!!”


“Wow, uhhh, Tom. So what are you doing here?”

“Um, I LIVE here. I mean, in this area.” The bright orange midday sun was getting stronger. I pulled out my sunglasses, thankfully ones for normal people, and slipped them on with a wry smile out of an early Tom Cruise movie.

Taylor rolled her eyes. Not that it mattered, with those glasses of hers.

I reached into my pocket, took out a stick of orange Trident and popped it into my open mouth, my gaze never breaking hers. I chomped on it, good and hard, and let the sugary sweetness douse my mouth in effervescent orangy flavor. MMMmmmm.

“So Taylor, what ARE you doing here, luv?” I asked, in between syrupy chomps.

“I’m… shopping.”

“Obviously. But it’s a bit weird, you know, to see you grocery shopping something like a thousand miles from your apartment.” I gestured around, to the other shoppers here in the local Farmer’s Market, all of whom were busy stuffing their bags with food. Well, oranges and corn, really. We don’t have much in variety of produce, here.

“I know… I’m actually here on business.”

“BUSINESS!?!?!?” I stifled a laugh, but not too much. Business, here? In a small town in suburban Illinois?

“Yes Tom, business. And I really need to go.”

“NOT before the requisite selfie!!!!”

I swooped up close to her while whipping out my phone, in a move so smooth it would have left onlookers gasping, if there were any. Taylor’s bodyguard just stood there, still processing the “wizard” thing.

In a quick flurry of thumb taps, I snagged a good 5 selfies with me and a surprised Taylor.

“Okay Tom, you need to do this right.” Tay’s face was flushed. It was red, but it looked orangish underneath her layers of pancake makeup. She grabbed my phone and with the deft hand of a master, took some proper selfies with me.

I kissed her on the cheek. I mean, you have to take the chances you’re given, right?

“Tom… don’t.” She sighed. “You’re sweet, but I don’t have time for this.”

“Okay.” I grabbed her hands. My lips tasted like petroleum. “What are you doing, really? Because I know it isn’t business.”

“I’m here… to see a fan.” I thought about cracking a joke like ‘Mission Accomplished!’ but her dour expression told me nah, don’t do that.

“A fan?”

“Yeah. A few. At the Children’s Hospital.”

Ohhhhhh. I get it. “Ah, I see. I get it.” I put on my concerned face. “So the oranges are for…”

“The kids. I was hoping to get a variety of fresh fruit for them but…”

“It’s OK, Tay. Oranges are pretty much the healthiest thing ever.”

“Yeah, I guess. And that’s why I have the sunglasses. You know, to break the ice with the kids. To make them laugh.”

Ah, Iiiiii see. That’s my Tay, always thinking ahead. I pulled on her coat and hugged her tightly. The hot orange sun enveloped us both. In the heat of the midday sun, I took off her sunglasses and kissed her waxy lips. She relaxed a bit and for a minute we played tonsil hockey with my gumwad.

I won, and then we separated. She still had half my gum in her mouth. So symbolic!

“Tom…” She smacked, her mouth filling with flashes of orange as she spoke. “You can come with, if you’d like.”

I was surprised. I chewed a response. “Naw, it’s OK…” *Snap* *Pop* “They wouldn’t know me, anyways. They don’t care about me.”

She smiled, her newly orange front teeth glistening in the bright sunlight. Against her ultra white back teeth, her front teeth looked really bizarre. “Are you sure? You might be surprised.”

I turned to Tay’s bodyguard. “I don’t know. What do you think, bro? Would the kids know me?”

“Yeah… yeah.” He started. “Yeah, I think so!!” He was looking at Taylor while saying this, not at me. I think he just wanted to keep her approval.

Tay smiled again. Her teeth were now clean. Any evidence of slight imperfection was now gone from her appearance.

I sighed. “I don’t know. Remember, these kids don’t have too long to spend with you. And they want to see you, not me. Nobody’s ever given me a Make-A-Wish or whatever request yet.”

“Yeah, maybe you’re right.” We hugged again. “I love you, Tom.”

“I. LOVE. You. Taylor!” I hugged her for another minute, put her sunglasses back on her face, and then pushed her away. “Go on! Make those kids happy!”

She laughed. “Bye!”

“Adios!” I turned and started back home.

This time, I didn’t look back.

Thoughts on Greece

Wednesday, July 1st, 2015

I’ve always loved Greece. Never been there, but one day I hope to be.

Greece has always had a special place in my heart- ever since I picked up that book of Greek mythology from the grade school library.

I read it, front to back, again and again. I can still recite some parts of it from memory, although not the title. It was a YA novel, set in the present day, about a young man- a teenager I think- regaling stories about the Greek myths to a group of older, interested neighbors and their kids. God, I loved that book.

I must have read it twenty times.

And I read the rest. I read and reread every book I could find about the Olympian mythology. I know I almost memorized every book in the genre from my grade school library, and I at least checked out once every such book at the local public library. I loved it; all of it.

Before I even became aware of pop culture, I was interested in the Greek myths. The gods were my celebrities, then. I used to write my own myths- I wrote page after page of stories about them. I mean, I wrote books. I had grown so bored of simply re-reading the same stuff, re-told with minor variations in each new library book, that I wrote a volume of my own myths. It’s what I dreamed about in math class.

I used to practice rituals, even. The Greek myths became my religion- I still went to church, but not before conducting a private ceremony to Aphrodite and Apollo before going. I was dedicated. Luckily, I saw with my unsuspecting parents a PBS documentary about modern Greece which had a segment detailing the rituals of pagan Greeks. I adapted their rituals to my own life (without candles, say) and practiced my faith in my own way, privately, on the weekends and before school.

It was the Greek myths that broke me away from the Stepford suburbanite routine. I suppose that given my personality, that would have happened eventually, in some other way, later, had I not picked up that first mythology book, but that book resonated with me and opened my eyes and my mind early and powerfully.

Through the myths, I learned that my parents and Sunday school teachers were wrong. Pre-Christian, pagan people were not dumb. They weren’t ignorant. They were… different, and different could be good. And… if my parents and the nuns were wrong about that, then what about other things? This is what turned me into a questioner of authority. It’s what set me upon the path I’m on today.

I’ve long since moved on from Aphrodite worship, but the feelings are still there, I guess. And maybe I’m being histrionic on Twitter, but it upsets me greatly to see how Greece is being treated. It’s personal to me.

What’s happening is appalling. The country is being destroyed. Important things- important Greek artifacts and symbols, not to mention vital businesses and industries- are falling into the hands of who I believe are the most despicable people on Earth, the Wall Street bankers. Well, them, and some corrupt Chinese oligarchs. And God knows what their plans are.

It’s wrong that this is happening. I want to stop it, somehow, and something tells me that Putin will be better for Greece than the EU and Obama.

I know I’m being loud and grating. And shrill. But this stuff means something to me.

In the back of my mind, I’ve always kind of planned on returning to the Greek pagan religion at the end of my life. At least, that was the plan back when I was a kid.

Since then, I’ve been involved deeply with Satanism and a bit with Odinism, but IMHO, neither has really resonated with me as powerfully and completely as the Greek myths.

I’ve always wanted to visit Greece, but I’ve intentionally avoided doing so. That’s an end-of-my-life thing. It will mean I’ve come full circle and have finished my real work, so I can be free and be myself again.

But for that to happen, Greece needs to be Greece. It needs to stay as it is. I don’t want it to be Morocco and it shouldn’t be. Greece should stay Greece- I don’t want its heritage destroyed because some Islamic fundamentalists took over and destroyed everything that isn’t Islamic. And I don’t want it to be a smoldering ruin because the EU’s constant raping of the Greek economy has destroyed the country.

So I’ll continue to fight for the country, in the best ways I know how.

I’ve always loved Greece. Never been there, but one day I hope to be.