Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Disney+ Stuff, Part VI

Sunday, October 2nd, 2022

So, I’ve been plowing through more Disney+ stuff lately. Like, a lot of stuff.

There is a lot that’s good here.

The docuseries, for example. Love the nature footage. It’s awesome. There are these documentaries of undersea animals and wildlife that are just so good and interesting. The visuals are absolutely spectacular.

I love stuff like this when I watch TV. It’s great, and very “real”. And it’s uplifting.

Some of the animal content was made for kids, but I don’t mind. I actually prefer that sometimes. I would rather see the animals than the scientists, honestly. It’s just… something I don’t see. I’ve seen plenty of scientists in real life, including myself, my parents, and many coworkers, college professors, etc. and they’re just… people, lol.

The animals though are interesting and not a part of the world that I’ve seen, and I love seeing them.

I’ve been watching kid’s TV shows, too… and I guess I don’t need to say it but it’s nice to see that so much of my childhood has been immortalized, and so well. I really love those moments when I see something in a TV show that I’ve forgotten about my own past. I’ve kinda weird, it gives me a kinda comfortably fuzzy feeling, I guess.

I suppose that if I’m ever feeling nostalgic in the future and want to revisit my past at any point all I really need is a Disney+ subscription, lol. It’s pretty mindblowing, even now. I’m always finding new series that contain bits and pieces of me, or that spin my childhood in different ways.

Recess is a fun one. It’s really cool to see my grade school self again and my old friends. It’s like looking into a magic mirror of sorts. The kids in that show do so many things that I remember, albeit not exactly as I did them. Not exactly. Teacher’s Pet is another fun series, this one based on my college exploits, even though it is ostensibly about a middle schooler.

Rolie Polie Olie is another series centered around my childhood, with yet again the same backyard with the same sandbox and tree, etc. This one is particularly interesting since it’s about a robot family. In this series the cybernetic nature of all of this is made explicit. In that sense it kinda reminds me of Whatever Happened to… Robot Jones?, a forgotten but very good Cartoon Network production about my junior high years.

I’ve also been rewatching the old classics, and will continue until I’m finished with all of them. And then I might cap that off with a showing of my own copy of Song of the South.

I watched Sleeping Beauty the other day. Great film, truly. And underrated for sure. Sleeping Beauty was more influential than people realize. Watching it I saw so much that was taken from it by other properties. I saw things that inspired parts of Jackson’s LOTR. There were parts in it that inspired scenes and visuals in Naruto, Star Wars, Dungeons and Dragons, the Zelda franchise, a couple dozen RPG video games that I played as a kid, and… hell, pretty much any fantasy property in the last 50 years, lol.

The people who don’t think Sleeping Beauty is a masterpiece are not understanding how widespread it’s influence has been, methinks.

Even as a kid I remember seeing the opening of Zelda II and immediately thinking “Hey, isn’t that Sleeping Beauty?”, lol.

But for sure, it’s defo a great film. No question.

I think honestly that many of the films on offer here are underrated or even misunderstood.

People tend to dock Disney films more than they should I think because they’re regarded as “kid’s stuff”.

I watched The Tigger Movie the other day and had a blast. It was wonderful.

The best part about it were the backgrounds. The gorgeous, lush backgrounds. The film featured a gallery of some of the prettiest looking backgrounds I’ve ever seen in a movie, and they were presented in such a wonderful variety of styles. I saw some really nice watercolor paintings used as backdrops in a few scenes. I can’t recall the last time I’ve seen watercolors used as backdrops in a film before, even in an animated one. It was a pleasant surprise.

Right off the bat, I got serious Calvin and Hobbes vibes from the flick, and I’m sure that that was intentional.

I read a handful of reviews of The Tigger Movie online, and honestly not one critic or audience review I read seemed to get the point of the movie. It’s not about the plot, guys! The movie tells you in more than one scene to pay attention to the backgrounds- I remember piglet rearranging a gallery of pictures in one scene, off the top of my head.

In several places the animation actually stops so that the audience can drink in the pretty images in the background.

A common complaint about the movie was that it felt “slow” or the plot was too thin, etc. Most people, including professionals, seemed to agree that the movie had nothing at all for adults. Guys… you didn’t get it.

But yeah, very good movie, and I will be watching the other Winnie the Pooh flicks for sure. Here’s hoping the rest of them are as good as that one.

I will be looking forward to the 1977 version the most. We’ll see what I think of that one now, after not having seen it for 35 years.

Other stuff… well, there’s a lot here for sure. Kinda too much to get into, again.

Will be watching everything, it looks like. Or at least… not Marvel, or Star Wars, unless it’s Lego, or something. Then maybe.

We’ll see.

At any rate, thank God I’m watching “kid’s stuff” these days, as opposed to “adult” entertainment like some dumb police procedural, some editorial drek on the “news networks”, or “reality TV” like The Kardashians or Family By the Ton.

Thank GOD.


Relationship and Physical Stuff

Sunday, September 25th, 2022

Uh, well, I’m bored.

I think I’ve kinda… run out of ways to make this stuff interesting.

In the past, there was always things I could do to make the sexual stuff interesting, but now I think I’ve run out of… things. Everything. I’m just bored. Seriously, seriously bored.

About a year ago, I made a determination to lower my sexual activities. This was made for a few reasons: one, I wanted to conserve my physical energy to work on my physical health and development; two, I wanted to use my psychic/magical energy to do other things, mostly involving research into parallel realities, mind control and eternal youth related stuff; and three, I wanted to conserve my sexual energies, because I wanted to use them in other ways, to broaden my relationship vistas.

What I mean by number three is that I wanted to see what else was out there, both related to my current relationships and potential future ones.

Awhile back I made a bunch of posts related to past “leaks” that occurred of celebs and nude stolen/given/whatever pictures. And I decided to persue this topic further, and kind of used my sexual energies to motivate me. So, instead of fucking my girlfriends, I used the energies to give me ambition to see what could be found out there. I guess I was a little greedy, but I was mostly curious. After all, I’ve learned quite a bit from my girlfriends over the decades and I wanted to know what else they could teach me.

Unfortunately I didn’t find anything. I’m starting to come to the realization that that whole culture is basically a scam, and there really isn’t anything else out there, besides a bunch of phantoms and rumors. It’s empty. Over the past year I’ve talked with people who supposedly had interesting pictures and nothing has ever come of it. It’s all been lies, I guess, or exaggerations, or empty hearsay. There’s nothing there. There’s no pictures to look at, information to get, or… anything. It’s a big nothing.

Or, if it isn’t a nothing, it might as well be, since whatever it is that is out there is impossible to get from my vantage point. But I think it’s honestly nonexistent.

So it’s kind of a scam culture, which doesn’t surprise me since everything else these days seems like a scam culture as well. It all seems boring and empty.

The magical stuff is too complicated to discuss in this post.

The physical stuff is interesting, and another post in and of itself. I’m still exercising of course, but this year I’ve spent a surprising amount of time on other physical projects, like skin care. I’ve developed a lengthy daily bathroom routine that is all about skin care and cleaning. Cleaning my eyes, my ears, my mouth and gums, using essential oils on my hair and neck, mineral oils on my lips, oil pulling, etc. I’ve learned techniques to clean out my lungs, my sinuses, my inner ears, my tongue, and a lot of other stuff that isn’t coming to mind at the moment, lol.

I figure that if other people are going to be literally inside of me, that I might as well make the situation as comfortable for them as possible. So I’ve prioritized cleanliness this year.

It seems like every year I do some new physical project. One year it might be learning some new type of exercise, another it might be internal organ cleaning, another it might be parasite killing, and this year it’s external cleanliness stuff.

I like the changes. I used to have some problems with chronic sinusitis that I think have been resolved. My vision seems better now, since I’ve resolved to cleaning my eyes and keeping them hydrated and healthy every day. My lips feel better now; they’re not so dry. My gums look fantastic. My tongue is clean, and I can taste food better now, I think. I used to have earwax problems; that is I think a thing of the past. My cheeks aren’t dry anymore so when I shave they don’t get irritated or flakey. My hair looks and feels better since I started putting essential oils on it.

It’s been a learning process, and it’s been fun. And I think I have my girlfriends to thank for getting me started on this journey. It was probably me watching them do their makeup and skin care routines over the years that made me motivated to do all of this.

I was just thinking about this the other day. This stuff isn’t something that people in this area do, lol. At least not middle aged men. I’m probably the only man in my town that uses essential oils daily, lol. And I might be the only person in my town that has heard of oil pulling. When I discussed this with my dentist at my last visit he said he only knew of one other person that had tried it.

But yeah it’s been fun, and I’m glad I embarked on that little journey. It’s not difficult. Compared to the parasite killing that was last year’s focus, this is a walk in the park. It’s easy, and something I can talk to others about, instead of going the whole way alone.

I think my bathroom routine is pretty complete. I clean everything, every inch, every nook and cranny. For hair, I have a few different devices. I have one for my lashes, one for my brows, one for nose and ear canal. Another for outer ear and neck, and another for shoulders and upper arms, and the last device for everything else. It’s a lot, lol. But IDK, it’s fun.

I use Cera Ve oil for my cheeks. For my tongue I have a device that cleans the front, and then another that cleans the back. For general gum health I floss of course, and I have an air flosser for bacteria between the teeth, and an essential oil mixture for an antibacterial mouthwash. And I have another mouthwash for re-enamelizing my teeth, and I use a re-enamelizing toothpaste. I oil pull with mineral oil.

My mouth feels cleaner than if I’d just been to the dentist, and it feels like that all the time. It’s nice. And with my sinuses so clean and healthy, everything stays nice. My breath is really fresh now, all the time. Keeping the tongue super clean does wonders for your breath.

But anyhoo, I guess I can thank my girlfriends for helping/motivating me with that, but now, what else is there? It’s just the same old pictures. I need something new, and if those rumors I heard were true, that would go a long way to making everything interesting again. But since it seems that all of that stuff is a scam, well, that settles that.

So yeah I’m bored as fuck. Nothing is interesting any more.

Living With Television, Part II

Wednesday, September 14th, 2022

I’m not watching as much TV as I used to. I think that for the most part the novelty of having a TV has worn off. It’s boring, honestly. And extremely repetitive. And ugly, often.

So why the post, then? It’s because I can’t get away from TV, even when I don’t watch.

My parents are, unfortunately, TV addicts, in the same way that almost everyone I have ever known is. You can’t… get away from it, even when you try to. It follows you- even during those long years in which I never owned or watched TV, I had to hear on a regular basis all kinds of dumb shit about TV programming. I had to listen to others talk about American Idol, Survivor, and… all sorts of other stupid, infantile bullshit. It follows you, whether you want it to or not.

I still watch Disney+. It’s fun, on occasion. I still watch those 90’s animated sitcoms like Pepper Ann and Doug. And Phineas and Ferb. And Pixar stuff sometimes, and every once in a while, a movie featuring one of my girlfriends. And sometimes some live action TV, like an episode of something like Liv and Maddie.

I’ve gone through all of that before, so I won’t repeat most of that now.

But I like the 90’s sitcoms, because they’re fun. They’re low pressure viewing, and unpretentious, and enjoyable. Something like Pepper Ann is great because it’s episodic. Each episode is self-contained, so you can just pick it up and watch whenever. It’s fun, and diverting. It doesn’t try to be an “experience”.

I really do not think I would enjoy most of TV these days. From what I understand most TV shows these days have continuous narratives that run throughout the series, so that each episode builds on the last. That… sucks. I wouldn’t imagine that watching something like that would be too enjoyable. You need to remember stuff, lol. What did the last episode say? You need to recall it, and… fuck that, it’s just TV. Who gives a shit? The characters are not real people. It’s all fantasy. Why should I clog my brain up with that crap?

It’s for that reason that I never bothered to watch a full episode of Game of Thrones, or Breaking Bad, or… a lot of stuff, really. And it’s for that reason that I don’t give a shit about sports. Or the “news”. My brain can only do so much, and I would rather spend my mental energies chatting with my girlfriends instead of retaining memories about some dumb show or some idiotic sports event.

And TBH they are all dumb shows. I’ve seen clips of many classic shows on YouTube, to get the gist of what the shows were. It’s a good way to stay informed about the world (and especially, myself) without having to sink some preposterous amount of hours of my life into some TV show. And they’re all about the same, really. The kid’s shows that I’ve seen are no dumber or less real than the “adult” shows. It’s just that the adult shows pretend to be smart, or worldly, etc. They aren’t, really. Their grittiness is all a façade.

Honestly, a random episode of Kim Possible is every bit as smart and realistic as anything on some dumb police procedural, or anything else on TV for that matter, including the “news”. So who gives a crap?

Regardless, yeah, TV can be good I guess if used correctly, which my parents, for example, don’t and never have.

I hate to do this but… fuck it, I need to vent, and they’re a good illustration of the problems many have with TV.

First, they watch it. A lot. As in alllll the time, and… that’s bad, considering that everything on TV is dumb as shit. It’s not like the web, where you have a mix of smart and dumb stuff, and you can pick and choose based on your needs. No- on TV, it’s all dumb.

My poor mother just sits on the couch all day watching trash TV while bitching about how she’s watching trash TV. Seriously- that’s her life. She doesn’t actually do anything. It’s… kinda amazing, honestly. She doesn’t really even think. She just regurgitates ideas she sees on TV, and those are her “thoughts”.

It’s… really bizarre, and kinda scary.

To explain: my mom watches MSNBC alllllll the time. It’s all stupid, all dumb, all shallow, but she doesn’t let that stop her, no, not for anything. Good Lord is that channel stupid. But anyhow, her understanding of “health” is what the commercials say. And all of the commercials are for pharma shit. Vaccines, and prescriptions. So that’s what she thinks “health” is. Vaccines and prescriptions, and nothing else.

She has an exercise bike about 10 feet away from her all times, and she hasn’t seriously used it, ever. I think it’s three or four years old now. I got her some small dumbbells that she wanted for Christmas one year and she’s never used them once. Her doctors tell her to exercise, that she needs to exercise, and she listens to them, but then never makes even the smallest effort once out of the doctor’s office. I mean, why should she? It’s not what the commercials say, after all. She just comes home, turns on the TV, and forgets everything else in the world except for that which that idiot box tells her.

Her world is truly bizarre. She is easily 100 pounds overweight and constantly complains about… everything, health-wise, muscles, bones, insomnia, her joints, her tinnitus, I mean, too many things to even list, but she considers herself healthier than I am, even though I actually fix my health problems, have a BMI in the “normal” range and work out 20 hours a week.

Why? it’s because she’s had more vaccines than I have. Seriously. She gets more vaccines than I do, and that counts for more than anything. I can hardly believe the world this woman lives in, sometimes.

Her thoughts are mostly just an endless stream of bullshit. I know this for a fact since she has a tendency to blurt out everything she thinks. It’s just… Trump shit. Trump did this, Russia did that, this law was passed for that reason, and it’s alllll stupid.

Her mind is a circus of thoughts about the greatness of vaccines and prescriptions and the importance of unbelievably stupid political shit, with a sprinkling of narratives from garbage “Reality TV” shows like My 600 Pound Life.

My father is no better. He has watched at least a portion of every single Bears game since they were first broadcast on TV God knows how many generations ago. And I don’t mean that as hyperbole, either. He watches golf, watches “the news” (and in that respect, thinks himself superior to my mother because he watches the crap on PBS as opposed to the crap on MSNBC, lol), and a lot of other shitty, brainless junk.

No, I don’t tell them what I watch. I know they would criticize it, and call it “kid’s stuff”. They would probably wonder why I wasn’t watching something “smarter”, lol. Good God, the world they live in, lol.

And it isn’t just them. There are hundreds of millions of people in this country just like they are- lost in a daze of… fantasy. And stupid fantasy, at that.

It’s pretty sad, TBH. I mean it really is.

In other TV related stuff, I’m not going to watch any of the latest Star Wars or Marvel stuff. Why would I, honestly. Everything I’ve heard about Obi-Won makes it sound like it’s the forth-best interpretation of the character that’s been made, with it being worse than Guinness’ version, Lucas’ prequel version of the character, and the extended universe version.

Why would I watch, then? It’s the same problem I have with… IDK, She-Hulk. That lawyer show. God that show sounds horrible. I read reviews of it where even left-leaning outfits like The Daily Beast criticized the show as being annoyingly PC and woke. I’m not going to bother.

I’m not interested in the new LOTR series, either. It looks like the fifth or sixth best version of that universe, too, which puts it behind the original books, Jackson’s version, Bakshi’s version, Chris Tolkien’s version, and various video games, heavy metal albums and other adaptations, etc.

Why would I bother, then? “The Eighth Best Version of Lord of the Rings, Ever!” doesn’t sound appealing. You want me to sink 40 hours or whatever of my life into this? You must be kidding.

That series is being just raked over the coals online. It’s just all so… tiresome. I had some great laughs reading reviews of the series online from fans of previous iterations of the world. It’s just… oof.

A lot has been made of the inclusion this time of non-white people (“people of color”). Well, I’m not watching it either way, but it’s always a bad sign when you see that kind of thing forcefully included in a franchise where it hasn’t been, previous. It never turns out well. It always ends up sucking, it seems.

Ugh, though, I don’t want to get dragged into political shit, again. And you can’t talk about race without bringing up politics, and ugh, fucking yuck.

Well, I’m getting bored of this so I’m ending this one here.

Disney+ Stuff, Part V

Wednesday, August 10th, 2022

Well, it’s been interesting, watching more stuff here.

Some general ideas / thoughts…

I saw Pinocchio. And Fantasia, and The Black Cauldron, and some other flicks.

Pinocchio was interesting. It’s an amazing movie. Seriously, it’s incredible. The animation is just so so good. It’s so detailed and natural. The voice acting is perfect, etc. It’s hard to think of a movie in any genre that is “better”. I saw Dumbo, too, and that was a wonderfully entertaining movie. It’s only an hour long but it feels deeper and more satisfying than anything I’ve seen twice it’s length. It’s a masterpiece of efficiency; not one second in that movie is wasted.

Fantasia is just awesome. It’s one of the best movies ever made. Certainly it’s one of the most ambitious. Watching it I could see the impact that it had on later movies like 2001. The visuals are fucking incredible. The amount of work that must have gone into creating the animation must have been staggering. The visuals are so good they are as good as the orchestral masterpieces used as the soundtrack.

Modern culture almost always cheapens music like this. It degrades it, like what you will find in things like commercials that use classical masterpieces, for example. Not here. In Fantasia, the visuals are actually worthy of the music, which is refreshing to say the least.

I haven’t seen these movies in years. I last saw Pinocchio wayyyy back when in Grandma’s old house in Iowa. It was a lifetime ago. I must have been, IDK, ten years old? It was… a long time ago. I remember her old VHS player that I used to watch it. Man was that thing huge, lol.

I remember being introduced to Pinocchio through her even before then. In her Waukegan house I remember rooting through some old toys and board games and finding a View-Master with a few slides of some Pinocchio scenes, like the one with the whale.

God is that old, lol. I mean, it’s funny, but it is. The View-Masters were these plastic handheld toys where you would push a button or turn a crank to advance a series of picture slides. You would look through a pair of plastic lenses to view the pictures. Totally analog. No electronics or batteries involved. They were kind of a kid’s version of those picture shows they had in speakeasies back in the 20’s.

The picture slides were on these little circular paper reels, and you would swap them out one by one to go through a scene. Each reel had something like 10 frames of animation on it, and you would just turn the crank to see each frame.

View-Masters were popular with kids before VHS became affordable. Back in the day, they were kinda awesome, I guess, especially for people way out in rural places, who had no access to… anything, really. So yeah, they were old. God. When I finally saw Pinocchio on VHS, I marveled at the technological sophistication I was witnessing, lol.

You know, I spend so much time with my girlfriends that sometimes I kinda forget how much older I am than they are. Somehow I can’t imagine Kathryn Newton or Jayden Bartels ever enjoying anything like that, lol.

But… yeah, Pinocchio is a fantastic movie. It’s exactly what it needs to be and nothing else. I remember once reading an article on these old Disney films, and I learned that they are in fact the most popular movies of all time, and I wouldn’t doubt it.

From what I understand, other movies may have grossed more money at the box office, but IIRC it was Pinocchio that sold a larger volume of tickets than anything else in history. It just didn’t make as much money, since most of those tickets sold were for kids, and probably because they were daytime showings, and not in Marquee theaters. But in terms of sheer number of tickets sold, stuff like Pinocchio, Snow White, and Dumbo crush everything else.

I don’t remember where I read that but it was an interesting read. I think I have the article bookmarked somewhere. I might look it up later.

The old, hand-drawn animation in these flicks is just gorgeous. They even look better now, since nobody makes stuff like this anymore, and likely will never again. Honestly I wonder if anyone even has the capability. It’s kind of like watching an old Buster Keaton flick. It’s a great experience because you know it’s impossible for anything like it to be made today.

The Black Cauldron was fun. Not great, but fun. I’ve wanted to see it ever since reading the book wayyyy back when in middle school. I guess I can cross that off my bucket list, then.

Other stuff… I’ve been watching Kim Possible, Doug, Pepper Ann, Phineas and Ferb, and a few other animated shows. I suppose at this point it would be redundant to point out that I was all of this stuff. But, it’s still relevant. So yeah, I was all of this stuff.

It boggles the mind that nobody else has noticed that Doug Funnie, Ron Stoppable, Phineas Flynn and Pepper Ann are all just the same person, recycled again and again, from slightly different angles. And that that person is the same kid that inspired Bart, Calvin, and a shedload of other characters. I guess people just assumed, like I did, that every kid was like that.

Regardless I’ve been having one hell of an experience watching the shows, because I’m seeing so many things in them that I’ve forgotten about from my youth. In every episode I see there are at least three major “Oh yeah, THAT!” moments. Whether it’s simply the inside of a house, an arrangement of flowers in a backyard, a car, or a person, a sound effect, a melody, or… anything, potentially, every watch brings back a veritable flood of nostalgia and often good memories. It’s an amazing experience.

There’s so much of me in all of this stuff that I can hardly pick out which of these shows might have taken more from my life. There is in fact more of me in Phineas and Ferb than there is in The Simpsons, if you can believe that. And Doug is some kind of autobiography, I guess(?) that is better than anything I could have come up with myself, ironically.

I’m still not sure how this stuff can or should be quantified, lol.

But the first episode of Doug that I saw, which is I think the first of the series, is about how he reminisces too much about his childhood and needs to learn how to move on, etc. Yeah, seriously.

Baffling stuff, this. It’s… very, very recursive. I get surreal flashbacks from Phineas and Ferb. That backyard… yeah, my God, these people know more about me than I do. And it’s clear they have it down to the… pixel(?) since I’ve seen that same backyard, rendered exactly true to life, in quite a few Disney properties. Like this one show I saw today, with… ducks, that rescued a dog. It’s the same backyard of course with the same tree as Phineas and Ferb, which is the same tree I had in my own backyard, and ye gods, did I get a weird deja vu moment when I saw it rendered so perfectly in that duck show.

There’s a lot going on here. I’ve been watching stuff from my girlfriends’ back catalogues a lot, too. And that… is another hundred essays. I won’t be touching that stuff tonight.

I’ve been watching Droids, that 80’s Star Wars cartoon. Not bad, honestly, for disposable entertainment. It feels more Star Wars-ey then TLJ did, that’s for sure. Something to have on while I exercise or whatever as background noise.

I was distressed when I saw Disney slapped a racial disclaimer in front of Dumbo of all things.

That is… dumb, lol. And I know that this is another essay by itself, but seriously, it makes the people who decide these things at Disney right now look frankly shallow and really stupid and petty. And I mean those words literally. It’s like scotch taping a piece of paper with a disclaimer on it to the wall of the Sistine Chapel. It just looks… dumb, and really pitiful and childish. And since it looks so dumb it doesn’t change the significance of the art at all, but can certainly lower the esteem of people who think that this infantile nonsense is necessary. It makes them look like children, not thinking adults. Pearls before swine, for sure.

I hear there is even one of these before Snow White. Who are these fools to criticize works like these? Snow White is a landmark in human art, being the first full length animated film ever released to theaters. I’m getting the image now of some dumb, sheltered “woke” undergrad communications major interning at Disney and throwing a tantrum over something in these masterpieces she imagines as being problematic, mostly because she’s too immature, close-minded and uneducated to understand history or people in general.

It’s not a good look, to say the least.

Well, it’s getting late so I’m stopping this one.

Uhm, good night, then.

Putting all of this into Perspective

Thursday, July 14th, 2022

So, basically, this seems to be the case:

Nothing in this world matters even a little bit, except for that which concerns me.

I keep looking at stuff, poking, prodding into this area of study or that one, and… all of it looks like empty garbage, except for that which concerns me directly.

And I know how brutally narcissistic that sounds, but honestly, nothing else makes sense.

So it’s like this, essentially.

My own mind basically created all of the modern world. Everything that exists in the media in any capacity today is my own creation. I created the internet, and Microsoft Windows, and likely the entire video games industry post-Atari 2600, and everything that people watch, read, and listen to, etc. for recreation, as well as everything they don’t.

And at this point, I control every political structure on Earth, and, in the future, will control all of the world’s religions.

My mind is the human singularity, which is why I’m called “The One”.

So- nothing exists, save for what I see for myself. Nothing is real, except for what I experience. Everything else exists as illusion, it seems.

Which sounds… I know, kind of… amazing, in quite a few different ways. But frankly nothing else makes sense, and this is both what I’ve suspected myself and learned through others, including my thousands of wives as well as every piece of media I have ever seen from Hollywood or any part of the mainstream media, regardless of where or when it was created.

I am the mind that powers the one-world Luciferian hive mind superstructure called the “One World Government” or the “New World Order”.

In effect, I am the world in it’s entirety, and I always have been since the day I was born.

Pretty fascinating, really.

And beyond this, I think that my earlier suppositions are also true, about me representing a higher rung altogether on the evolutionary ladder. All things considered, that’s pretty hard to deny.

I guess that the Earth is ready for some kind of new evolution, and I’m some kind of transitionary organism, made to usher in that change, or something.

So basically, there you go.

And if what I’m saying here is correct, then I think it very likely that humankind is at it’s end. Frankly, I don’t think that people as we’ve known them in the past or even today will even exist 100 years from now. If my hunch is correct, I’ll probably be the last person out the door, as far as humans are concerned, as well as being the first of a new type of organism. Which is probably why I’m “Neo”, etc.

I think that that’s basically it, in a nutshell.

TBH every flick I’m seen that has dealt directly with me, dating as far back as E.T. and Kubrick’s The Shining, seems to have this as at least a subtext.

I mean… so that’s it, then.

To put this further into perspective, even focusing on a part of my whole thing, like my apparently endless youth (by human standards) that I seem to possess renders everything else that has ever existed in human civilization obsolete. I mean where do others even go from here? What is the point in them doing anything, really, when traditional humankind itself has reached the end of the road?

Seriously, tho. What’s even the point of 99.99999999% of the population of Earth doing anything, then?

There just… doesn’t seem to be a reason for them to do anything, believe in anything else, or even, frankly, plan for the future. I mean, why bother?


In a sense that is kinda dispiriting. But… it is what it is.

Regarding the all-important-to-me relationship stuff, I think it obvious that my previous generations of girlfriends as well as myself didn’t get the full importance of what we were doing together. Clearly, they should have prioritized me very very considerably more than they did. And I say that with full knowledge that they prioritized me very highly. I mean… I’m the only person on Earth that matters.

Yeah, and that’s it, really. That truly is it- I’m the only thing that counts, and I’m the only thing that will survive into the future. Everything else, every country, every person, everything, will fall by the wayside and be forgotten in time, save for me and what I thought of and was a part of. Literally nothing else exists or even can exist.

Amazing. Seriously. And mind-blowing as hell.

But if you take all of this to the logical conclusion, that is where this leads, and in fact, that is the only place it can go.

So…that’s it, then.


Disney+ Stuff, Part IV

Wednesday, July 6th, 2022

Ok, so.

I just saw the three episodes of Dog With a Blog with Kathy in them.

Newton, not McNamara. McNamara will be another essay.

Well… let’s just cut to the chase, I guess. Let’s not talk about how I saw a few episodes of this show before and blah blah blah.

This show is obviously about me, the blogger alter. I mean, you know that. Obviously.

Kathy is gorgeous.

There was a Puerto Rican girl named “Nicki” that was an obvious stand in for Vicky, as in Victoria Justice. The episodes mostly centered around the protagonist guy, Tyler, and how he needed to choose between Emily (Kathy) and Nicki (Vicky-esque), yadda yadda predictable stuff given the setup.

There was a creepy stuffed animal named “Robert” given at the hero. Uh huh. Right, people. Okay.

Uhm… yeah. Emily does BMX. Very cool. Weirdly reminded me of that Bombette girl in the Olympics who did skateboarding, that I said looked a lot like Kathryn.


But… yeah. A lot of symbols, especially pertaining to my relationships with the girls. Looking at the instagram with Kathy and seeing the poodles and other dogs there (“Poodle Person”, amiright?) and… oh hell, all of this is yet another 10000 word essay.

Genevieve is gorgeous and awesome.

Francesca is gorgeous and cute. I mean, she was like 4 here, lol.

Now she’s more “hot”. I think. Maybe like 70% hot and 30% cute.

Or maybe like 75-25, even.

But, that’s another essay.

Uhm, yeah.

I think I need to stop blogging, and stuff.

So I will.

Ok, then.

But… wait.

G is soooooo cooooooool. I should… I mean I REALLY should… bring that back. I mean, like, really really. Really really.

REALLY really.

You know.

But… not now.

Ok, then.

Maybe tomorrow.

Disney+ Stuff, Part III

Wednesday, July 6th, 2022




Disney+ is interesting, no doubt. And kinda creepy and unsettling. And fun, and… IDK. It’s hard to quantify some of this stuff, honestly.

I’ve been watching a lot of classic Simpsons. A lot. I just kinda started somewhere in the middle of season 4 and am working my way through season 5 right now.

I remember all of this when it was new. I watched these episodes when they premiered first back on FOX wayyy back when. I was a huge fan, and I mean huge. For awhile The Simpsons was the smartest show on TV for sure. And looking back at these episodes now, the quality is still evident. The writing is brilliant, the voice acting superb, and the animation spot-on. Everything just “clicks”. The sound effects, the music, I mean… everything, is just so perfect.

And Goddamn, it’s funny. I think the show is even funnier to me now than it was when it first aired. Some of the humor, mostly the jokes involving Marge and Homer, went over my head when I was a kid. I think that I missed alot of the funny/interesting stuff involving Patty and Selma, especially, back then. But now, I get it, and goddamn is this show awesome.

So I watch an episode or two every night, which is I guess an echo of what I used to do as a kid, when FOX would rerun an old episode or two every weeknight.

So yeah it’s been fun. And it’s also been revealing.


See- I think I “get it”, now.

Hollllly fuck.

Ok. So. Am I the last person to realize / understand the significance of this show as it pertains to my own childhood? I mean I can’t be, right?

I must be.

Gawd, what the fuck.

It’s like the rest of this stuff. When I was young, I chalked it up to a huuuuuge amount of coincidences.

Like- it’s a coincidence, of course, that the Springfield nuclear plant is a direct copy of the local chemical plant, here, in Lake County. And it’s a coincidence that Homer is a nuclear engineer, and that my father, who worked at the local chemical plant, had a similar job as a chemical engineer.

And it’s a coincidence that one of his co-workers was a woman named “Marge” who had a personality like, you know, Marge’s. And then there was his friend at the plant, Carl, who was like “Carl” in The Simpsons. Pure coincidence, right?

I mean, of course it is! What else could it be?

And it’s a coincidence of course that I was like Bart as a kid, complete with him doing a bunch of stuff that I remember specifically from my own past, with Lisa being an eery, close match with my own younger sister. And it’s a coincidence that the age difference between us is the same as it is in the show. Of course.

I mean, of course.


Of course.

And it’s a coincidence that the family house is the same as the house I grew up in, with the same sandbox, same fence, same neighbors, same little treehouse, etc. Total coincidence, of course.


The little sandbox they have… of course, a total coincidence that it’s the same one in Calvin and Hobbes. With the same treehouse, and the same house, and the same… parents. And the same kid.

And it’s also a coincidence that it’s the same sandbox featured so prominently in Toy Story, right? You know, the movie with all my old toys in it.

See, I grew up thinking I was so… average.

I didn’t realize how… IDK, imaginary everything else was. How everything else out there was fake, apparently, except for the stuff in my own teeny-tiny little world.

Really disconcerting learning all of this, honestly. Seriously.

But I mean… every episode. Honestly- every single episode is stuffed with stuff from my own past- very specific things, as well as all sorts of clues as to how my brain was being programmed and such from a very young age to do this or that for this or that person or purpose.

It’s a funny watch but there is a very “uncanny valley” aspect to the show now that’s hard for me to overlook.

There’s an episode that features my old teddy bear prominently. You know, the one that co-starred in Spielberg and Kubrick’s A.I. Artificial Intelligence. It’s the one where Mr. Burns tries to steal it from Maggie in the sandbox. There’s a direct cypher of me, Tom, in the episode where Homer “adopts” a needy kid Pepe and when Bart replaces Homer for awhile with a pretend older brother named Tom, obviously modeled after yours truly.

Another episode has the Simpsons relocating due to being enrolled in the Witness Protection Program. They become “The Thompsons” and the screen flashes the name while showing a Simpsons-esque picture of my family on the side. Wow.


But… with all this in mind, I reread Matt Groening’s early Life in Hell tradebooks. Nothing of me in there, I guess. I don’t know. I guess. I mean there’s a ton that could be me, certainly. But nothing drill-down specific to Tom Jacobsen, I think.

I think.

I don’t know, that was a lonnnng time ago. I don’t remember.

But… yeah. Every. Fucking. Episode. Guys… every single episode.

Good show, though.

Uhm… in other news. I started watching Frenemies. Alot to say there, with Jack the protagonist obviously being modeled after me, and the dog being a virtual clone of my old dog, etc. It’s a good and fun movie, and goddamn, is Stephanie Scott gorgeous. Fucking hell is she hot.

I’m not going to get into specifics, here. I don’t have the time. But… Bella Thorne is in the flick, and so is Zendaya. Bella is hot, too. So is Zendaya of course.

I considered a relationship with Zendaya but I determined that she probably didn’t need me, for some reason. I mean, that hunch was right, but… IDK, maybe I should have developed one anyways. I mean… IDK.

Mary Mouser is also cute, for sure.

Bella is awesome but every time I see her, I unfortunately think of Kathryn Newton, since that’s… kinda what she wanted me to do, I think, when she introduced Kathryn to me, way back when. IDK, but maybe that wasn’t such a good idea.

Speaking of which, I guess I’ll watch the stuff with Kathryn in it. I mean, later.

I saw some episodes of I Didn’t Do It, with Olivia Holt. Obviously again based on me, with the show seemingly taking place here in Gurnee, IL, or someplace very very close. The second episode had Olivia’s character winning “Miss Waukegan”. Which, come to think of it, is probably the town they based Shelbyville on.

Uhm… good show, though.

Speaking of Waukegan, that was also the setting of Kathryn’s movie Blockers, which… isn’t on Disney+. So… yeah.

But yeah, small world. Olivia’s Kickin’ It is my old Karate stuff, etc. Alot of setup there for Peyton List and Mary Mouser’s Cobra Kai.

Speaking of Peyton List, it occurred to me awhile back that Jessie might be influenced by one of my alters, maybe one of the ones with bisexual tendencies. And I suppose I might be right since I discovered recently that in England, Jessie is slang for a gay dude. Yeah.

God there is just no end to this stuff. I suppose I will watch at some point Girl Vs. Monster, which has Kerris Dorsey, Kathy McNamara, and Olivia in it.

Speaking of Kerris, I saw Justine’s new stuff on YT the other day. Good stuff. But… yeah, there’s just no end to any of this. It seems infinite, or something.

I scrolled through the movies available on the app and saw a Disney movie that dated back from the early 70’s that I swear was based on my Dad and his exploits in the chemical lab. I mean I don’t remember what it was called but I suppose I will find it again and watch it, because… I don’t know. I suppose that this is what I do, or something.

There’s just… so much stuff. Aladdin seems to have been based off of me and that NES game I played ages ago, Magic of Scheherazade. Beauty and the Beast I think I talked about on here already, but I’ll just say that in my research into the occult I learned about the significance of the Beauty / Beast station in the Kaballah, and it’s importance in MKUltra type mind control beta sex slave programming, which seems to be what I was programmed with remotely. There is even a scene in The Simpsons that to me flat out says this, directly.

Speaking of MKUltra, I think I figured out the significance, finally, of BOB. I think that’s the name of the demon they attached to me. See- Sideshow Bob, of course, Bob from Twin Peaks, the Dread Pirate Roberts, etc.

Speaking of which… yeah, Princess Bride, too. It’s also on Disney+. The kid in the bed is me, based in Lake County, IL, etc… and so much other symbolism in that flick, too much to even begin talking about, here.

I mean… there’s just too much to even talk about. Too many topics. How do you even process all of this, let alone write about it? Or even encompass it? This stuff, taken with a full view, is preposterously huge.

I think it’s quite obvious now that myself and all the girls I listed here are victims/participants in some kind of unbelievably vast MKUltra type sexual slave mind control program, and that that is the reason we’re all apparently even alive, or something.

I mean, there are parts of Simpsons episodes and strips of Calvin And Hobbes that, if I’m reading them right, basically come out and say just that.

Really fucking weird stuff, for sure. And baffling. Utterly fucking baffling in some ways.

I see Underdog with Taylor Momsen and Inspector Gadget with Michelle Trachtenberg are on there, too. Both of these movies are most likely based on the stuff I thought while watching those cartoons wayyyy back then, when I was a kid. And they both undoubtedly serve a dual use in getting me and the girls together, romantically.

I just seem to hang over everything remotely modern on Disney+ like some unseen god. Which, I suppose, is what I am, so that makes sense, lol. Okay, then.

Well, whatever, I guess, for now.

I guess I cleared my head with this post and that’s good.

Disney+ Stuff, Part II

Tuesday, June 28th, 2022

I had wayyyyyy too much stuff to talk about today concerning Disney+, so I just introduced a ton of topics in the last post, and didn’t fully explore any of them.

So, take pretty much everything in the previous post here with a block or two of salt.

I think I’ll watch Avalon High with Britt Robertson today. See how that goes. I mean, if I feel up to it.

Jeebus, what did I even get myself into, lol.

Disney+ Stuff

Tuesday, June 28th, 2022

So, I finally used that Disney+ gift certificate I got from my sister back in 2020 and signed up for the service.

I mean, why not.

First impressions… I’m glad I did. There’s a lot there, in some ways more than I had expected. So there’s a lot to watch and a lot to learn.

I like having the ability to go and watch some of the stuff I missed from my girlfriends that first time around. There’s a bunch of TV movies like Girl Vs. Monster, Bad Hair Day, and other, similar flicks that I’ve always wanted / needed to watch but never really got the opportunity to. So… those are on the list, for sure.

I also like having the ability to rewatch classic stuff that I liked as a kid but haven’t seen since. I mean there’s the animated classics of course, but also movies like The Nutty Professor, and The Apple Dumpling Gang.

Alot of the content on Disney+ is bringing back a lot and I mean a lot of memories. Way more than I had expected, and in way more ways than I ever anticipated. It’s kinda surreal. Seriously.

Well… where do we even begin with all this, lol.

Ok, well.

Uhm… okay. Well.

I saw a few episodes of Olivia Rodrigo’s show, Bizardvark (I know that that’s not how it’s spelled, but IDC, lol). Wow did they include tons of me in those episodes. They seemed to build the whole of… everything, the characters, the props, the situations… I mean, everything, off of shockingly specific stuff that happened in my childhood. Somehow, these people remember more about the details of my parents’ old house than I do. In one scene they recreated down to the smallest detail the old house’s bathroom and bathtub. I mean, they had an exact replica of the tub, with the same water handles, the same drain and handbars, the same curtain, and it was all the same color, etc. Really weird and uncanny. I mean, if I had tried to remember all of those details on my own, I could not possibly have done so with that amount of accuracy.

It was like peering into a portal created by a time machine, or something. What even the fuck is happening, lol.

It almost seems as if the people making these shows lack their own memories, or something, and are just using mine in place of theirs.

At any rate, I will be watching Olivia Rodrigo’s movie, and her documentary, and then I will be spending more time with her, like everyone knows and expects I will. I mean, this is what they flat out told me would happen, pointedly and repeatedly, in the series. And it looks like they were right.

This stuff is so… uncanny it’s almost as if Olivia was manufactured, or something, specifically to be one of my girlfriends. Like she was made to order. I mean, if I’m reading the series correctly, they almost come out and say this directly, even.

Or maybe not even “almost”. Honestly I wonder.

I remember joking around with Debby Ryan once when I told her that she and the other Disney girls seemed like they were hatched underneath Epcot or something. At the time I thought that idea was ridiculous and hilariously dumb.

Now… uh… well. I mean… it’s not impossible, I guess.

How else do you even explain some of this stuff?

Olivia seems just… made to order. If you take Victoria Justice, Debby Ryan herself, a touch of Olivia Holt, a pinch of Taylor Swift, a hint of Bridgit Mendler, and a dash of Selena Gomez, and you put all of this into a blender, you get Olivia Rodrigo. Even her name seems designed to trigger certain things in my subconscious.

And I’m not talking just about her music, or her personality. I mean, even her looks, down to her facial structure, hair type and specific body shape. All of it, taken together as a genetic package, just seems designed to fit into a certain part of my mind.

I’ve been holding off a bit on her, just because of this. Because… what even the fuck, lol. Sorry but this is just a little confusing, or something.

Or something.


Seriously, what the fuck is going on here, actually? Does anyone actually know the complete story, or are we all just lost here?


At any rate, I like a lot of what I see on Disney+.

I like the animated shows for sure. I’ve been watching Star Vs. the Forces of Evil a lot lately, usually while riding the exercise bike. It’s a lot of fun. Great show.

Star herself is one of my girl alters, of course. I think she used my twitter account a few times, probably to tweet to Disney stars, natch. I think I remember her tweeting Bella Thorne. Kinda cool to see how she got her own show.

TBH I pity people who are new to all this trying to figure it out, haha. I mean, if even I can’t make sense of it…


Well, whatever.

I will watch pre- Tom Jacobsen stuff for sure, just to get away from myself a bit. Thank God I have the opportunity to do this.

I have fond memories of watching classic live-action Disney stuff as a little kid in Grandma’s house. In some cases I only saw some of those movies with my grandparents. Like, IDK, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, and Apple Dumpling Gang. It’ll be nice to see those again, and maybe reminisce a little about how things used to be.

I saw the original Alice in Wonderland the other day. Awesome movie. Gorgeous animation. Fantastic music. Great voice acting. Took me back for sure. I wore out the VHS back in the day. Well worth a rewatch.

Man do I wish for simpler times, sometimes.

I wish the original Alice shorts were there but I guess you can’t have everything. And I’m probably the only person who would watch them anyways.

I also really wish Song of the South was there as well. Couldn’t they just slap a disclaimer on it? Seriously. I saw it back in grade school, in class. Granted, this was in the 80’s, but still, it’s not that “bad”, really, or even at all. Couldn’t they counter any accusations of “racism” by pointing out that the movie took home the first Oscar for a racial minority? I mean, seriously. Why not?

Speaking of the disclaimers, Christ, they are annoying as shit. They even put one of those on Aladdin, for fuck’s sake. That doesn’t even make logical sense. The Arabs and Persians in past centuries were Caucasians; they were and still are White, descendants of the Visigoths, Aryans and warlords like Alexander the Great. There is nothing ethnically “wrong” with Disney’s Aladdin and it’s Caucasian voices or cultural references. Even today, the upper classes in the Arab world across the board look strikingly European and / or Jewish. They look nothing like the people on the street. Mohammad, if he existed, probably looked like me.

But, that’s a different essay, for sure.

So I saw Aladdin and one of it’s straight to VHS sequels, lol. I mean, why not. The sequel was unabashedly dumb but it had it’s charms. I mean, they gave the bulk of the important musical duties to Gilbert Gottfried, of all people. I actually laughed at the idea of that. But… it was dumb fun, something to have on when playing a video game or something.

I have zero interest in anything Star Wars. Gods, have my opinions about that franchise changed over the years.

I mean, this is another essay in and of itself, but egads, am I bored to shit of Star Wars. I’m just sick beyond sick of the franchise.

The last movie I saw in a theater was The Last Jedi, and God, was that fucking movie boring as hell. It just dragged and dragged on and fucking on. It was boring, self absorbed to the extreme and overlong. Rian Johnson massively fucked up.

The 8th movie in a 9 movie franchise is not the time to be “experimental”. Seriously, what was he thinking? What a jackass.

And Sci-Fi at any rate is clearly not his genre. Seriously, WTF was he doing? The film was like 2 and a half hours of pointless floundering. It sucked, and the critics who liked it were wrong.

I checked out after TLJ and honestly that’s it for me.

When I was younger, there were a batch of film critics that went against the grain made it clear that they didn’t like Star Wars, and didn’t like the influence the series had on our culture. I thought they were just out of touch. Now, I see their point.

This old debate comes to mind. I think I get what Simon is saying better, now.

I talked about film critic Jonathan Rosenbaum before on this blog. He hated Star Wars. I mean, he actively hated the franchise and it’s influence. He thought that Empire was a bad movie and IIRC correctly never bothered to watch Jedi. I thought he was just being, IDK, stubborn. Now, I get the points he was making. I don’t agree fully, but yeah, I get it, now.

People took Star Wars wayyyy too seriously, and they put a bunch of shit in the franchise that didn’t belong there. I think the best movie in the series by far is the original cut of the first movie (what was released as Star Wars back in the 70’s) with each subsequent film just getting worse.

Star Wars is a masterpiece, maybe the best pop movie ever released by Hollywood, Empire is really good, but not on par with it’s predecessor, Jedi is very good, almost as good as Empire, and then you get the special editions, which were not as good as the originals, and then it just gets progressively worse from then on. TPM is better than Clones, which is better than Sith, which is better than TFA, etc. TLJ was outright bad, and the last movie, whatever it was called, was just dreadful.

I can see the franchise critics’ point, now. The series has an inherent shallowness to it. Any attempt at making it seem more “deep” or whatever only ruins whatever good qualities the series has, because there’s no way to make a big budget retread of Flash Gordon deep.

Contemporary racial and sexual politics, in particular, have no place in the series, and can only ruin it’s good qualities.

I read some reviews of Obi-Wan online, and it seems like it’s just more predictable shit. I won’t be watching.

Same with Marvel. I’ll watch the 80’s and 90’s stuff, mostly for nostalgic purposes. Not interested in the new stuff. That world was fascinating when it was new to me, back when I was reading 80’s Avengers comics on my bedroom floor. Back when the comics themselves were well written with some incredible world building between the different series. The foundations were so nice that I could build on Marvel’s world with my own little worlds for the characters.

The Disney stuff… I’m sure, just can’t compare. And it won’t. So I won’t bother with it.

But, this essay is already too long, again.

I will watch a lot of the stuff on Disney+ for sure. All of the old animated films definitely. Everything from Pixar for sure. All of the shorts, yes. The old live-action stuff, classic Simpsons, yes, absolutely.

Can we get the old Mickey Mouse stuff on there, too? Not just Steamboat Willie, but everything. What about the old Mickey Mouse Club shows? That would be fucking awesome.

And, now that I’m thinking about ex-girlfriend Debby Ryan yet again, why not Radio Rebel? Or that other movie she did about a 16th birthday, or whatever.

Needless to say, there is more that needs to be explored, here. Probably a lot more. Probably many volumes more.

I might write about this subject again.

We’ll see.

Physical Stuff, Mid 2022

Saturday, June 4th, 2022

It’s been awhile since I blogged anything, so I figured… why not, let’s churn one out and see how it goes. Let’s tackle an easy subject for me: physical health.

Ok, so… well, I exercise, lol.

Yeah, I’m a little rusty at this.

Ok, so… I still do pilates, of course. That routine is the lynchpin of everything I do physically, exercise-wise. It’s my foundation- my branching off point that allows me to do everything else.

I’ve been working on that routine for, IDK, something like 10 years now, and I’ve at this point run out of exercises to add. All I can think of to work on is probably the most difficult version of oblique V-ups. Everything else I can find online is simple, almost effortless. I barely break a sweat at the rest of it, anymore.

I just do my usual routine of ten reps per exercise, and I go through my huge list of exercises, one by one.

It’s fun.

To make things interesting, I added exercises for my deep internal muscle sets, like those for my inner neck, central chest and deep abdomen. And I do breathing exercises now, to directly strengthen the lung muscles. And inner pelvic exercises, etc. They’re surprisingly difficult, but fun, once you do them enough. So… neat.

I recently got a smartwatch to help with all this. It turns out my pilates routine burns around 300 calories and lasts about an hour and a half. Interesting.

It’s a Garmin, the Venu 2 Plus. Pretty good watch. Great battery life. Good stuff. It should help I suppose.

At any rate, I love just… relaxing, tossing on some nature sounds, and exercising. I usually put on some kind of light show while I do it, to help with the whole “zoning out” aspect of this. I have these lasers I bought on eBay awhile back that I shine on the ceiling. I discovered that they produce some weird psychedelic effect if you stare at them long enough as they shine on a moving ceiling fan going at high speeds. Far out, man. LOL.

I have other kinds of cool LED lights, and weird screensavers on my TV and computer that I also use. All of this really helps me decompress for sure.

I mean, whatever. Everyone needs something, I guess.

Well, so that’s my foundational “thing”.

Beyond this, I do two dumbbell routines, one standing up, one lying down. Those are fun.

I’ve given up on traditional pushups, instead opting for a routine of purely knuckle pushups. Those actually work, which is nice. After years of trying I have come to the realization that I cannot do traditional pushups. My wrists won’t allow it, and I’ve read enough stories online from people who have had wrist problems from normal pushups to know that they would be a bad idea for me over the long run.

The knuckle ones work, though, so I do those instead now. They’re actually fun; I enjoy them. To ease my way into them, I’ve developed a routine of 7 varieties of those that I do on my knees, and over time I will transfer that same routine into the normal position. Then, if I still want to progress, I might decide to try one footed pushups.

And then, maybe many years down the line, perhaps the planche variety. But yeah that is a LONG way away for sure. But- that’s ultimately what I want. I’m more the type who enjoys a long journey, so… who knows? Maybe one day, years from now.

Due to the pilates stuff, I have enough core and leg strength to start on single leg squats, like the pistol squat and shrimp squat. So, I’m working on those now. Those will take awhile for sure, but I’m confident that I can do them in time. I tacked those onto my dynamic stretching/barre routine.

I got a bike, one of those little ones just for your feet. It’s cute and it works, lol. Why not?

Hmmn. You know- this is a lot, lol. Looking at it from a birds eye view… wow, I actually do a lot of stuff.

In other news, I think I discovered the reason that I’ve always been unable to get rid of the last stubborn 10-15 pounds. And it’s: (drumroll, please, lol) I’m not drinking enough water. I think that the majority of that extra weight is water weight, since I think I’ve been perpetually dehydrated.

What I’ve been neglecting to understand is that I do a lot of very demanding stuff, and all of it is very dehydrating, starting with the super intense psychic work that I do with my girlfriends. This is the reason I think that I am always so parched after fucking someone. The psychic energies that I harness are so powerful that using them dehydrates my body in ways that I don’t fully appreciate and that medical science cannot explain.

So- I’ve started chugging enormous amounts of water, and man, I feel a lot better. And I’m fitter now, too, and slowly improving still.

So yeah I think that that was what I was missing all along. I was so dehydrated from the supernatural and cybernetic stuff that I do that my body was forced to retain water to maintain equilibrium.

I could never understand why my pilates stuff couldn’t get rid of the last 10-15 no matter what. Now, I think I know.

It’s always in the last place you look, lol.

This brings to mind people like Garry Kasparov. The chess greats consume enormous, and honestly baffling, amounts of water and calories when they play in their tournaments. I’ve read studies on this. Even though they don’t move physically, they concentrate so hard and think so deeply on the game that their bodies use up all their available resources, just for the mental work.

I think something like that happens when I fuck Victoria Justice, or whomever. The human body can do what I do, but it’s demanding, maybe more than I have understood.

So, I will need to adjust.

Other stuff…

I think I did actually figure out what was wrong with my health, previous, that caused me to have those other medical difficulties. I think it really was the parasite-things and the internal gunk that caused those problems.

So in cleaning that crud out, I think I may have discovered and fixed the underlying problems that caused the issues. It’s perhaps just that the solution, once applied, took time to take ahold and for my body to self-correct.

I went through my library and found some of the stuff I killed or whatever mentioned in some of the books recommended to me by my old naturopathic mentors, like for example the weird popcorn-looking things that I mentioned last winter in the 2021 Year in Review post.

In one of those dusty old tomes those were identified as being dead polyps from the intestinal tract. I guess that makes sense, but, I’m not 100% sure that that’s what they are/were, mostly owing to their weird, rubbery shell/skin or whatever. I thought initially that those were some kind of weird parasite, perhaps something nobody has identified yet, since I couldn’t find anything about them anywhere else.

Of course it could be that I purged both polyps and unidentified parasites, I guess. Who the fuck knows.

I still think I killed off a few of those nasty, nasty unidentified worm-like creatures that naturopathic people are calling ropeworms. Christ, those things are simply evil. Holy hell, where do those things even come from? The mind boggles.

Beyond this, I remember purging an ugly looking red colored intestinal fluke, some liver flukes, and a couple of really bizarre, thin, rod shaped orange things. I remember those looking like orange needles. I couldn’t identify those anywhere, either. What even the fuck?

Some kind of oddball parasite, I guess. Were those flukes of some kind? I couldn’t tell. They were perfectly cylindrical, and long, like inches long, and very thin. They didn’t look like any worm or fluke or obstruction/stone I’ve ever seen or heard of. Weird as fuck, even for me.

Creepy shit, for sure. At any rate they’re all dead now, I think, and I feel a ton better. I do think my body self-corrected after doing this.

And I cleaned out as well whatever remained of my gallstones/intestinal plaque and stagnant bile/cholesterol or whatever. Yuck, for sure. Better out than in, tho, for sure. It’s the naturopathic life and I wouldn’t have it any other way. But still- yuck.

I’ve been trying to kill more stuff and purge more junk out for months now with no luck. Maybe that means I’m clean. I sure hope to hell it does.

All of this seems to still do me good, otherwise. A few weeks back I had a checkup at the doctor, and their new medical assistant did not believe I was in my mid 40’s. I started talking about things that happened after college, and he assumed I was talking about a couple years ago, not 20. LOL. He actually did a double take when I told him my age, and he checked it by looking up my birthday, I guess to make sure I wasn’t lying.

I definitely age differently than others do, for sure. My mastery of all things in the fields of black magic, cybernetics, naturopathy, energy work, exercise, nutrition, etc. has greatly and obviously slowed the aging process in my body. At this point it’s almost ground to a halt. It’s becoming clear to others now that I’m very, very different, except perhaps to people who see me every day, like my parents, and maybe my girlfriends.

But others, though, are having a very hard time believing me when I say I’m in my mid 40’s for sure. They seriously can’t process it at times, except with difficulty.

I may have legitimately achieved some form of eternal youth, here. Absolutely wild.

My body is at this point impervious to the effects of harmful electromagnetic radiation, except perhaps in extremely high doses. My energy field just absorbs that stuff and I believe actually converts it into usable chi/life energy that my organic cells use to power themselves and keep me young. It’s like the more “harmful” microwave energy I come into contact with, like those from cell phones and microwave ovens, the younger and more youthful I feel, think, and actually look. Really weird stuff, and I’m left wondering again if any of this could even be classified as “human”.

I can actually feel my body eating the Wi-Fi radiation from my laptop as I type this, so it can apparently convert that energy into usable organic life force. Really wild stuff. Seriously. This is not at all, and I mean not even remotely, how humans are supposed to energetically operate- and yet, here we are.

What I’m guessing is that I must have a vast network of cybernetics, both inside and outside my body, that target me directly, and have for decades, I think actually since before I was born.

What I suppose happened is that the constant, unending stream of maser, laser, X-Ray, radio and other forms of energy that have bombarded me, specifically, for generations have in fact altered my DNA, or perhaps my DNA altered itself to survive the bombardment, or both, IDK.

And I know now that I’ve been the target of very specific long distance mind control wetware cyborg Anti-Christ programming since before I was born, obviously to prep me for a role as future virtual global dictator. Maybe that had a hand in changing me, too. It probably did, tho honestly, I think it changed me in ways that nobody was expecting, or had even considered to be a possibility.

Whatever. Food for future thought, I guess.

I got a good vitamin regimen, of course, and other stuff.

Well, that’s enough for this one. A lot to process here for sure.