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The Key Problem With Trump, Part XXVI

Thursday, October 8th, 2020

Ick, another one of these things. Yuck, I hate all of this.

If you despise these people as much as I do, I won’t blame you for not reading this, lol.

Ok, so ah… why is the orange zionist so… orange?

Does anyone else find this bizarre and creepy, or is this just me?

Republicans, especially, seem to do this. I think Mittens did this as well, and probably Reagan, too. Trump just looks… weird. I mean, his appearance. Like, who even has that skin tone? What the hell kind of image is this guy trying to project, anyhow? It’s just so freakish and odd.

It’s like he gets spray tanned with those hoses they use in car washes.

I don’t like that look on white people. It’s unnatural, and it looks really really bad in 1080p. Like seriously. It looks dreadfully fake. Maybe back in the days of black and white TV that was some kind of good idea, or something, but now it’s just… weird. It’s verrrrry artificial.

I mean he always seems to have these strange rings around his eyes were they don’t tan him. He looks orange, and I mean literally orange, except on some parts of his face, like he has some kind of skin disease. His appearance resembles that of someone with an odd variant of vitiligo, or something. And he does this by choice. It’s really fucking weird.

Is this some kind of boomer thing? They seem to have an obsession with tanning for some reason. My boomer father kept trying to get me to “tan up” when I was young. I never saw the value in it. Why would I make myself voluntarily uglier? I never did it. It didn’t make sense then, and it sure doesn’t now.

It’s just another piece of the puzzle. I really don’t get this guy. His ways are not mine.

I mean does he seriously think this makes him look good? I mean he can’t possibly think that, right? But then if he doesn’t, then why does he do it?

Again, Trump just seems so foreign to me. He looks like… a Jew. Specifically, like an Israeli, and I mean it. Like, you take some guy with pale-ish skin, stick him in a middle eastern country, let him bake in the sun for a few years, and maybe he would look like Trump. Is that it? I’m just grasping at straws here.

Yeah, maybe that’s it, though. He comes across way too much as absolutely desperate to be accepted by Israel. It’s always the Jews with this guy. So fucking odd. I distinctly remember polls saying he is so pro-Israel that most Jews here have problems with how Zionist he is. I mean, it’s just so central to this guy. Even more than this country, for real. He’s not an American conservative, he’s an Israeli conservative, like he’s the american wing of the likud party, or something. And that is I think the reason why he was never really able to connect with his supporters, here.

It’s just so weird. And unfortunate, for us. Americans, I mean. Especially his poor, neglected supporters. He’s just such an embarrassment, lol.

I mean I could list stuff, and I guess I should. Under Trump, Israel gets their wall. We get nothing, like zero feet of one. Israeli gets a secure Jerusalem, we get… years of rioting niggers. Israel gets Gaza, we get… caravans from the south. Israel gets weapons, we get opioids.

It’s so weird, it’s like this guy gets off on being a traitor, or something. So weird.

And to make things worse, he forces us to deal with the Kushners, I guess just because he wants to make everyone as uncomfortable and embarrassed as possible. I seriously have no other idea as to why he has forced our poor country to deal with these bizarre people.

Even his catchphrase- MAGA- is that not a hebrew word? I remember the martial art, Krav Maga. Doesn’t Maga mean like, connection, or something, in Hebrew? Like it’s some kind of sacred Jewish thing, or something. Combine that with the red color and the whole “Maga” thing looks like some kind of Israeli draft.

Trump is just so foreign. He’s a man apart, here, besides what he steals from me.

He has no honor. Yes, that’s it. I think that’s exactly it. He acts like a Jew, not like an Aryan.

To Aryans honor is the basis for their closest relationships. To Trump, honor means little, if anything. He probably thinks its for suckers. I think this is why he doesn’t care about the deplatforming of his supporters, except when he needs to campaign on something. He feels no debt to them, so he doesn’t care. Because he is blind to honor. The concept of “helping those who helped you” is lost on someone like him.

He acts more like a stereotypical Jew than anything else. He has a very “fleece the goyim” aspect to his dealings with his (American) supporters. He cares when it benefits him, he doesn’t when it doesn’t.

Note the qualification I used. His dealings with Israelis are very different than the ones he has with Americans. It’s not for nothing that he is the only US president with an Israeli settlement named after him.

I wonder if there will be anything here named after him when he leaves office. And, truthfully, I wonder if he will even care. Something tells me that settlement means more to him than anything here.

Good lord do these people fucking suck, lol. It’s like, every time you look at them, the more horrible things you find. They’re all traitors of some stripe. With republicans, it’s israel, with democrats, it’s mexico, or china. It’s just different flavors of terrible. It’s like, to you want to die by a thousand cuts, or by some horrible poison that rots you from the inside? I don’t know, how about neither?

Yuck, so gross. Just take it away, all of it.

The Debates, Part IV

Wednesday, October 7th, 2020

If I’m remembering correctly, I once wrote a series of articles here on what the political class needed to do to appear less stupid, toxic and hostile. IDK, it might have been spread out over an array of articles, but I distinctly remember the gist of the articles I wrote, and I definitely remember the one conclusion I came to.

Basically, the political class needed to do one thing if it wanted to survive, over time. They needed to integrate white men, especially working class white men, into the system. They needed, I preached, to stop what they were doing and tend to their needs, first, for once. So they could at least make an attempt at seeming even-handed.

For whatever reason, nobody listened to me. In fact, it seems that the more I emphasized this point, the greater the system’s antipathy and hatred of white men increased. It was baffling, at least to me.

Integration is an easy thing to accomplish. You need to 1) show respect, 2) listen, 3) have patience, and 4) accommodate. It’s quite easy. I’m great at it; I have literally hundreds of girlfriends. It’s child’s play if you know what you are doing, and some success should be easy for anyone of average intelligence if you put some effort into it.

They… didn’t put any effort into it. And I mean, like literally. None at all, like zero percent. It’s baffling; I don’t understand what they are doing. I’m not sure anyone does.

This stuff isn’t rocket science. You just need to approach things with maturity. You know? Like an adult. It’s baffling. It’s like ALL of our leaders are mindless children! ALL OF THEM!!!! Holy shit, lol.

But seriously, I don’t understand any of this. Nothing the politicians in this country do makes any sense. Am I alone in this? Surely I can’t be.

For awhile, I turned this over in my mind. Did they perhaps misunderstand me? I don’t know. Maybe to them “integrate” means something very, very different than it does to me. And, it seems, to white men as a whole.

Maybe all of… THIS, this shitshow we see before us, then, IS their attempt at it! Ha!!! The mind boggles. And worries. LOL. But seriously, what if THAT is what they are doing? Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! Good Lord, how dumb can you be? LOL.

I don’t know. But… maybe it is, lol. Or maybe they didn’t listen to me, at all. Could be, but I doubt it. I’m sure they did, if only to steal ideas.

Basically, what they should have done, if they had in fact wanted to do this, would have been to follow the same template they used with blacks. You know, respect them, their history, their idols and beliefs. Just… be an adult about it. Practice diplomacy. You know, diplomacy? That thing politicians used to think was their job.

Instead, we just get years of violent, rioting niggers, a shabbos goyim president who twiddles his thumbs and tweets like a dumbbass until Netanyhu snaps his fingers and orders him to do something for Israel, a media that just makes up random shit whenever they feel like it, and a bunch of pedophile worshiping creepy cultish bizarrities. And other kinds of garbage. Just junk that nobody with an ounce of moral fortitude of intelligence respects. And all of that MeToo crapola. Remember that trash? LOL. A bunch of women come forth with stories, true or not, about being victimized by privileged Jews, and then blame the working class goyim for making it happen, as if they were somehow responsible. That stuff just seemed to go over like a lead balloon.

God tho, what a bunch of trash. It’s all just pampered oligarchs squabbling amongst each other like children, with the common denominator of all of this being that no matter what happens, white men, especially the poorer amongst them, will be footing the bill and taking the blame for literally anything that happens, no matter who the actual perpetrator is, or how grotesquely unjust this looks to outsiders.

This truly is the worst of all political systems. It’s just ugly, and nasty. And we wonder why other nations no longer follow our lead. Gosh, I wonder!!! LOL.

Oof, how dreadful. And utterly embarrassing. Oh how I wish I wasn’t born in this country! If only I had been born anywhere else. I may not have had as much material wealth, but at least I might like the land in which I live. What a blessing that would be.

Yuck. How nasty.

The Debates, Part III

Wednesday, October 7th, 2020

Firstly- who the fuck cares what happened or happens to Trump. I mean the Covid thing. He either has it or he doesn’t, and it doesn’t matter much either way, since he is of course just some Zionist puppet. He’s barely an American, he doesn’t seem to know what country this even is, why this place is important, or what we even do here, and I don’t care if he dies. If he goes, he’ll just be replaced with that Pence guy, another zio-puppet I’m assuming; I’ve never cared enough about him to learn who he is. Seriously, it doesn’t matter.

The Democrats are all criminals and terrorists, of course. They are no better, possibly somewhat worse in some ways, maybe a lot worse in others, but no better than the republicans, guaranteed. They’re all pedophiles, baby-rapers who want to eat our children or something, or murderous race traitors who get off on seeing primitive blacks kill whites, or sicko tranny freaks with chopped off dicks, or some other kind of nasty… thing. All of them should be carted off to some asylum at least, or imprisoned, or tried for treason and hanged, possibly. Which of course are things that Trump, had he been an American, would have tried pursuing. I guess his bosses in Israel were’t interested in the details of our internal politics. I can’t blame them for that- I’m not, either.

It’s just shit, all of it, of course. Worthless junk. No need to watch these debates. I’m sorting papers tonight. I heard that there are some vice-presidential debates coming up, sometime soon. Maybe tonight, IDK. IDC. It’s all shit, lol.

I think the important point of all of this is how little this stuff has to do with me, except in negative ways. I suppose that all of this makes sense to the oligarchs, or something. They all seem fired up over… something or other, who knows what. It’s all personal to them, it seems. Like, some politician does something, and some oligarch takes it personally because they know the guy IRL, and so they retaliate in some way that makes sense to them only, I guess. I don’t know, this crap is too confusing; all I know is that all of it is terrible.

I’ve been alive for 4 decades now I cannot recall one time in my life a politician has quantifiably made my life better. I mean, I learned a smattering of things from a few articles that Ron Paul wrote, I guess, but that’s about it. This was back in the early 2000’s. I think you can find my thoughts on all of that here, somewhere.

But the point here is that over the course of my life, 99.99% of all political activity in the United States has been at best inconsequential and at worse murderous and deadly towards me, like all of the BLM rioting and murdering shit that been going on now for like 6 months or whatever that no politician seems concerned about.

Ugh, it’s all shit, all of it. Piles upon piles of worthless, humiliating junk. It’s a wonder this country somehow managed to become as respected as it is with these… “leaders”. Gawd damn, lol!!! How embarrassing, lol.

Honestly, it’s all just dreadful. This place is just… I don’t even know, anymore. Nothing makes sense, except to those who devote their lives to figuring all of this crap out to the expense of their health, if not their sanity. I don’t get it, perhaps because I’m afraid that if I do, I’ll wind up looking like these politicians do. And who on Earth wants that?

Honestly, even with all of my problems, I am at least not a politician. And that is indeed something to be proud of. I have never voted, once, in all my life, and that as well is something that makes my heart swell with pride. I may not live in a respectable nation, but at least I can respect myself.

And that I suppose is something.

I’m a Walking Disaster, Part I

Tuesday, October 6th, 2020

May as well put this one in as a “Part I” because it’s not like there won’t be more to this series, lol.

So apparently I need genetic testing because of some… problems I’ve been having. And my doctors are so horrified by what they see in me that they want the full raft of possible tests- everything, the most possible testing they can get. Full spectrum- genes, chromosomes, everything. Basically, because I have so many weird, undefinable problems. Or something. Or maybe they just think like everyone else that I’m some kind of collasal fuckup and they’re trying to find out why, lol.

Ugh, whatever. Life sucks.

I have some time off the end of this week so I’m going to go ahead and drown myself in narcotics this weekend, because why not. Because Gawd damn it, I deserve it.

There, see? My life is great, wonderful. I love it!!!

Thank god things are going so well!!! Progress is progress as they say.

Right, good.




Brittany Flickinger, Part II

Monday, October 5th, 2020

I guess I’m looking for a “normal” chick now. Non-celeb, I mean.

IDK, I mean, there’s always my cousin, I guess. I mean if she hasn’t found anybody yet. Or Brittany maybe. Or Tessa Violet.

WAIT tho. Tessa is… famous now? That’s what google tells me. One of her new vids has like 70 million views! WTF!

Uh… that’s… good? I mean, 99% of the time, at least. But not now. Maybe she shoulda… waited, or something.

LOL gawd I’m SUCH an asshole, haha.

But hmmn… let me think.

Cady would be sooooo perfect for this. So so perfect that it just hurrrrrts, lol. I don’t know. I need to blog about her again, maybe I’ll do that tonight.


Brittany Flickinger

Monday, October 5th, 2020


Mean Girls, Part II

Monday, October 5th, 2020

I think it’s just the fact that all of this was done without my knowing is what makes it so….. offensive. Hurtful. I mean, it’s an honor, it really is, but it’s… bad… all the same. They should’ve asked permission. Somehow, in some way, back then.

I don’t know. Maybe they still should. I mean honestly, I never actually asked for any of this. For any of these powers, or influence. Perhaps I wanted it, but did I ask for it? I mean I never knew that any of this was possible. Telepathy, direct mind control, reality warping, etc. I just… did it, somehow, like I grew up with it, somehow. I don’t know. And being that I don’t even know when this stuff started, I don’t know what’s even appropriate to ask for in exchange.

Am I… letting people off the hook here? For taking my ideas, if not my mind itself, and letting them run away with it with them offering little to nothing in return?

I don’t know. Maybe I’m just excusing things I shouldn’t, mostly because I have no choice otherwise. Because there’s no way to “shut it off”, even if it was the one thing I wanted to do.


I just don’t know.

I really wish the X-Men were real, LOL. I could ask Xavier, as a fellow mutant telepath, what to do.

Obviously tho that’s a no-go, haha.

I guess I’ll just figure it out myself as I go along.

As usual.

Mean Girls

Monday, October 5th, 2020




You know what I mean! How DARE you!

Look, ok. SO.

Ok so I had this like thing tonight. Like I went through and tried to piece all of this shit together because like WHOKNOWS when all of this shit started when I realized something. Like. You people- you know who you are- used ME as a template for fucking REGINA GEORGE. Fuck…………………. YOU.

Ok like I had this whole thing planned out when like I realized this shit and I CAN’T BELIEVE this. I mean it’s not bad but… I just… I can’t… BELIEVE this. I mean, you MUST have. I mean there’s like literally no other way this could be. RAAAAAAACHEL?????

I mean, you get it, right? You…….. you know. Like, YOU KNOW. And you know you know! You know?

I can’t BELIEVE this shit!!!

I mean, of course I can tho. So, like, whatevs. But, you know what I mean.

So whatevs.

But it’s just…

I mean… it’s hard to fathom this stuff.

It’s just really hard.

It’s like it’s starting to hit home. It’s like, I get it now. So much of it, I get it now. The years and years of this shit. Decades upon decades of it. It’s like… I understand. So many experiences. So many revelations and… revealings. And understandings. And comeuppances and evolutions. It’s like… I get it. I can hardly believe it and don’t want to but there’s no way that it isn’t what it is. And I can get it, because it… is. And what is, is.

You know?

Oh man. Guyyyyyysssssss. So what, then, ISN’T me? I mean, what made in the last, say, 25 years, isn’t?

I’ll tell you what isn’t. Most of it, it seems, until like 2008. Previous to then it seems like only the movies my girlfriends were involved in- like Mean Girls and… all the rest of them, were… powerfully me-ish. I think.

I….. think. I don’t know though, I need to do more thinking I think.

This is all just so… overwhelming. Yikes.

I can’t get it, but I mean I can, because it’s just… it. And it being it, that’s just it. It’s like that’s it, and that’s that. You know?

Ok so, I’m like Regina George. Holy shit, people.

I mean I know Katy Perry already told me this, once, but I didn’t believe her but jeebus, people.


Am I… that bad?

I mean I can’t be. I mean there’s no way I’m that bad. I mean, with all of this. The… meanness. Connivingness. The cruelties, and such.

Ah… yeah. Though.

Yeah ok, I get it.

Well… off to bed, then.


The Fault in Our Stars, Part II

Sunday, October 4th, 2020

Guys…….. I mean…….. ok. I mean I get it, but……..

I seriously need to go over some stuff. Maybe tonight I’ll watch a few clips on youtube and think about where I’ve been, and my previous personas. Who I used to be, back then. And what that means for me today.

The past is always alive, here in my bedroom. lol.

But holy fuck guys, jeezus christ.

I mean you didn’t, lol. You just mine everything, don’t you?

Everything. Every little thing.

Especially when they aren’t so little, I guess. Haha.

Whatever. I need to think.


The Fault in Our Stars

Sunday, October 4th, 2020

Oh my God.

You didn’t.

You know I never watched this one because I never really was into Shailene but I just watched some clips on youtube and I seriously can’t believe what I’m seeing. I mean guys, you didn’t.

I mean, you didn’t.

Oh my God.


Oh my God.



Alright, time to rethink some stuff.