Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Pointless, Stupid Violence from Blacks, Part II

Tuesday, September 8th, 2020

I often wonder if there is anyone in this world more distrusted than the American newsmedia.

I mean look at this shit, here.


What do you even say to such stupidity?

The gist of this article is thus: 1) American journalists are people who try to “uncover the truth”, 2) Trump is more of a threat to free speech than, IDK, Biden or Kamala, 3) journalists often make those in power “uncomfortable” with “hard questions” (Seriously, he wrote this! It’s in the article! LOL), and 4) A whole bunch of shit relating to TV, which I’m sure is just as wrong the rest of the garbage he wrote in the article. IDK, I don’t watch TV.

Does this guy actually believe what he wrote, here? I mean it’s possible that he doesn’t- he probably has student loans to pay off and a 401(k) to fund and a whole bunch of other expenses, but… holy shit, dude. LOL.

I like to give people the benefit of the doubt in these situations, but it sure sounds like he believes what he wrote there.

Ugh. Jeebus. It’s just shit, all of it. Just junk. There is little to nothing of value coming from the media, about anything at all. They all suck.

I am tired of them making random shit up and passing it off as news. They do this constantly- and constantly have to be corrected by the public. The press was caught lying for the CDC regarding the COVID death numbers, they had to correct themselves. They were caught lying about Russia (the Trump thing, not the rest of it, although that was a bunch of garbage too) and now they just kinda… don’t talk about it. And on and on, I could list more but that isn’t the point of this post. It doesn’t matter what they talk about, they lie and lie and lie and lie, and keep at it until people (trolls, according to the media itself) get sick of it and rise up and demand the media stop fucking lying to them already.

And nowhere is this more prevalent in the endless and ALWAYS proven wrong stories about black violence- and always, always, and I do mean in like all cases, the media lies here. All cases of white on black violence are hoaxes or exaggerations. I mean ALL OF THEM, for literally years, probably as long as I have been alive. ALL cases of black on white violence have been downplayed, or shuffled under the rug. No matter how many of them there are, no matter if there is actual video of the incident, always the media lies, until fed-up people force the media not too.

Oof, ye gods, the US media is shit, utter shit. There is not one person amongst them that has any sense of honor or decency it seems; and then they wonder why noone respects them or their word. I often wonder if there is some kind of screening test for journalists, where anyone with honesty and integrity is weeded out before graduation.

The media in this country is a major major problem. They just seem to exist to make life difficult and dangerous for everyone not chosen by the Zionists or plutocrats. They seem to live to obfuscate the truth and prop up the empire so as to help it continue it’s destruction and plunder.

Has anyone faced any consequences for Bush’s Iraq war disaster? or Obama’s Syrian war disaster? Or for their enabling of the dumb, pointless riots of 2020?

Anyone remember them trying to pin the blame for those riots on “white supremacists”? Why are there no consequences for these people? It baffles the mind that there is nobody in the ruling class who gives two fucks about having an honest media, or about the health of the USA as a whole. Perhaps it’s because they all profit somehow from news coverage; I don’t know.

But Jeebus, how depressing.

My kingdom for a news outlet that is worth reading, lol.

The History of Me, Part II

Monday, September 7th, 2020

500 posts. Wow.

That’s… a lot of posts, lol.

It’s amazing.

A lot has gone on here throughout the years. History has been made here more often than I remember.

But there’s still a lot left to do.

Not necessarily here, but… overall.

Here’s the thing: This time, I am truly sure of it when I say that I am done with my magical studies. Yes- that’s it, I’m done learning. At 40 years old, I’m a master wizard now. I really don’t think there’s anything left to prepare, and with that said, I’m lifting the constraints off of myself. I can cast without undoing, now.

Look out, world. Because holy jeebus, lol. As I said in the past, if this isn’t to your liking I did give you plenty of time to prepare.

Alright then, let’s do this.

So… it’s likely going to different from this point forward. How, I’m not sure; we’ll have to see. But I think I deserve change, and I am ready. Something snapped in me lately, possibly when Cady kicked the bucket. That’s it, I’m done fucking around in here. I know what I need to know, and now it’s time to apply my knowledge to the world at hand.

I mean, outside of my bedroom, lol.

We’ll start slowly at first and see how it goes.

This could be extremely easy, lol. IDK, we’ll see. It might be. I have a feeling that I were to try things would just fall into place in a neat little order: one two and three, for me. It might be just that easy.

Well, regardless, I still have other non-magic things to attend to first, so I will say that the hard part is done at least.

So, other things to attend to: 1) Get off the drugs, 2) fix the depression, 3) Lose that eternal last five pounds to get that six-pack, 4) Get some money, 5) See the dentist, 6) etc. etc.

Whatever. But the point is that the hard stuff is done. Compared to mastering the ability to speak with the dead, going from 190 lbs to 185 should be easy peasy. The money part I am a bit worried about but we’ll see how tough that is. I mean, using my mind I was able to amass a phenomenal collection of precious gems and gold coins on a meager working man’s salary. Getting actual money shouldn’t be… that difficult. I don’t think.

I don’t know. Maybe it will be.

The self-esteem part… IDK, that could be brutal. A lot of times I really don’t like me very much. We’ll need to work on that.

Oh, I don’t know, though. It would be so much easier to throw the constraints back on and… stay in here. LOL. In my cozy. cozy bed, haha.

I’ve had avenues in the past- to possessions, career success, girls, that I wanted, that I spurned because I wasn’t finished with my studies.

With my studies officially over though, maybe now’s the time.


Maybe tomorrow.


Meg Donnelly

Saturday, September 5th, 2020

Ok- let’s just get this out of the way.

I know what you’re thinking.

You think I’m going to tease her.

But that isn’t who I am, people.

I’m all about the love.

Wait, who am I talking about again?

Right. Meg. Meg Donnelly.

I would NEVER tease Meg. Never. I mean, I can think of an armload of reeeeally cheap shots I could lob her way but would I do such a thing to someone so pretty? Nooooooo. Never. I mean, maybe if she were AnnaSophia Robb. I mean, then, sure. Jordyn Jones? I mean yeah, absolutely. Olivia Holt? I mean like why not?

But Meg? Nooooo. I mean I can think of so many nasty little immature-ish mischievous sneaky little barbs that truth be told she probably needs to hear but would I do such a thing? Nahhhhhh. No way, I’m too proper for that.

See, you don’t know me, after all.

Right, Peyton?

Oh wait, Meg. Yes, Meg.

Sorry Zoey, I won’t do that again.

Kathryn Newton

Saturday, September 5th, 2020

I wonder if she’s related to Issac Newton. I mean…

Ah, fuck it.

Gawd is she gorgeous.

Her arms are just spectacular. Gawd, she is just HOT. Her appendages are just the best- arms and legs both. Top tier. And her digits, too. I mean like her actual digits of course.

Jeebus Cribiny!

See Kathy? I’m older. I mean not too much- just enough. Juuuuust enough for u huni. When you want me to be.

I probably shouldn’t do this when I need to refill a girl, lol. It kinda spills out in embarrassing ways.

That’s ok, I guess it will spill out one way or another, lol.

Nature does have her ways.

I seriously need to stop looking at her insta, lol. I don’t have time right now for any fantasies. And I mean like any.

k, the tab is closed. I shall resist temptation.

There, see? I’m proud of myself.

You should be too.

Haley Pullos

Saturday, September 5th, 2020

So why does Haley keep deleting her posts? On Insta.

IDK, she must be trying to create an air of… mystery?

Yeah. Must be it.

IDK though. I mean, she’s dating an evil wizard. You’d think that would be enough for people.

Then again, it’s not like that isn’t a common thing these days, especially in Hollywood.

See this blog for some juicy deets.

Yes deets. Not beets.

Let’s not get too kinky here people.

Lexi Jayde

Saturday, September 5th, 2020

Ummm. Lexi.

So about that extra “y”… I… like it?

I mean it’s there, right? So it’s not like you can not have it. I mean you can’t at this point be like “Oh yeah, that y in there? I guess we don’t really need it.” Nooooo, not at this point. I mean, we’re at least like… 15 years too late for that.

So it’s mostly a matter of… aesthetics. Perspective. Aesthetive? Is that a word? Sure, why not. I mean, “Jayde” is apparently a word, so….

Yeah, it’s aesthetiveness. The aesthetiveness of the whole thing. “Jayde”. Jayyyyyyde.

Yeah I like it.

k, I’m glad that’s cleared up.

Brighton Sharbino

Saturday, September 5th, 2020

Ummm. Pretty.

Yes, pretty. Not pretty pretty- which would be almost too much pretty- but pretty. Juuuuuuuust the right amount.

Pretty much.

The Key Problem With Trump, Part XXV

Friday, September 4th, 2020

Yeah, well… I don’t know. I really don’t want to get too far into politics here again.

I just took a cursory look at the rest of the posts in this series and wow there are a lot of them, lol.

Like literally 2 dozen of them, haha. And it seems they all share the same running themes of disappointment and frustration.

Yeah… so… with what may be Trump’s last days in office upon us shortly, what now?

Well, it’s just more of the same, I guess.

Trump still sucks, of course. He’s still the same guy today as he was when he stepped into office- a grifter, a con artist, sociopath, a traitor for Israel. A boomer cuck who doesn’t know, or perhaps doesn’t care, about building bridges to the younger generations.

His presidency was basically four years of sucking Israel’s dick and dumb boomer fantasies of “MAGA!!!!!!!!1!!!1”

In all other ways he hasn’t actually done anything, like at all, including his job. It’s chaos in the streets now, like it has been for… I don’t know, 6 months or something. He doesn’t seem interested.

I mean I know he tweets or something. But to who? Not to me. Few of his supporters even use twitter- see my Cady Groves posts about that. Who, exactly, is he tweeting to? Fuck if I know, lol.

The GOP basically has nowhere to go after this. After I stopped supporting Trump, he stopped even trying to look conservative. Perhaps he ran out of material to steal. The right, then, abandoned him. The GOP is dead.

I think I read on Gab that at the Republican convention half the speakers were either Trump or his family members, lol. What a ridiculous circus. Gawd, how dreadfully embarrassing. I mean, what if you’re not a Zionist? Or a boomer? Or a part of what Sailer calls Conservative, Inc.? LOL.

Oof, well, I don’t care. Let it sink. The GOP is a party of traitors and losers. It belongs to history, anyways.

The democrats… I don’t care, they’re Democrats. Biden / Kamala will just be Obama and Trump again. Biden is another boomer cuck sociopath cut from the same cloth as Trump, and Kamala is yet another one of those Brown-ish mullato type Democrats whose whole career is basically about hating non-Jewish white people, men especially. Who knows what her specific positions are, who cares. I mean, if she has any. They’re all the same. She will just be Obama yet again, just more shrill and without his admitted charms.

I see that some naive Democrats on twitter were upset about their convention. They wanted more policy talk, I guess. LOL. Are they… really that dense? It’s hard to believe. If they aren’t, they seriously don’t know the landscape well at all. Honestly- as if hearing about Kamala’s opinions on the issues of the day- like race- will make people want to vote for her. Hahaha!!! Good lord, people.

Seriously, Kamala is just toxic. Like everyone else not biracial or female, I am really dreading Kamala. She seems every bit as obtuse and ignorant as Michelle Obama when it comes to any issue that affects White male Americans, but it her case it seems almost purposeful- as if she specifically avoided learning how to relate to white men simply because she couldn’t stomach it. With Michelle, she wasn’t a career politician, herself. I mean, not really. So her ignorance kinda made more sense. With Kamala, the ignorance seems almost cultivated. Yikes.

I think the VDARE crowd nailed it when they said that biracial politicians were typically even worse than pure blacks. The lighter the skin, the more the need to “prove” one’s anti-white credentials. Yeeeech. At any rate, Kamala sets my teeth on edge. I can just feel it. This could be unbelievably nasty.

Though it remains to be seen whether it will be bad. We’ll see. I suspect it might not be. I’m getting visions now of an angry empire, lashing out blindly and stupidly at random and only hitting itself in the process. And who knows- maybe the Orange Zionist will win. Yeeeeech. How utterly dreadful.

So… whatever. It’s all just junk. There is nothing of value here.

I’m not voting, if you haven’t guessed. LOL.

Addendum to Stefanie Scott, Cady Groves, Dove Cameron, Christina Grimmie, Chloe East, and Debby Ryan

Friday, September 4th, 2020

lol at that title, haha. Quite a mouthful.


I don’t know what I wrote last night, I mean I was in a haze of drugs, pain and sadness, per usual. But I just took a quick glance at the other post and it seems ok to me.

More important is the fact that I think that with each post here, I feel very slightly less like eating a bullet. Very slightly less, yes, but it’s something, and I’ll take it, if in fact I do wish to live. I think I need this.

I really don’t want to die, I think. Kinda like what I said about Dove, down there. I don’t want to kill myself like her father killed himself, over… I don’t know. Or Cady. Or a multitude of people I’ve known both famous and not that have done so. Celebs, childhood buddies, college friends, etc. I don’t want to go out like that, I guess.

Yeah, I guess. I mean I’ve done all that I wanted to do as an adult, here. I mean, everything except start a family of my own. And that… just seems like an impossible dream sometimes. This country in particular seems to go out of it’s way to make that as difficult as possible, maybe because it hates us, lol. I mean, the government reeeeeally doesn’t like white people, haha. Really really doesn’t, kind of like the media, the courts, and everything else. But I mean, even excepting that, it’s brutal. The birth rate is low even for Asians and Jews, here, and fuck knows the government likes those two races well enough.

But, I don’t know.

Middle age, too, sucks, especially for anybody not rich. It’s just so dreadful and imposing. It’s waaaaaaay to stressful. It’s just too much. The jobs we get in this country don’t pay anywhere near enough to sustain even a baseline of happiness, and the responsibilities, even without children will quickly overwhelm anyone without a support system. For someone who needs to for some reason deal with unique problems that must be sorted out by his lonesome (*ahem*) it’s essentially impossible to make it work. Toss in drug addiction and physical problems and there’s just no way to make it. At least in this society.

It just seems so overwhelming, I guess. Too much. My brain shorts out from the pressure. A lot of peoples’ would. I mean- if I indeed am the smartest man in the world, if not ever, and if even I can’t make it work, than what does that say?

Yes, I do realize that my circumstance as the world’s only “superpowered” individual make me unique. But still.

It’s just… too much. Wayyyyy too much.

I don’t know. Maybe I won’t be able to make it work. Maybe I will. But I will try. I guess that’s all I can promise.

I’ll give it a shot. I hope I can at least make some people happy, while I’m here.

That’s… what counts, right? Yeah.

I guess.

Sure, why not.

Stefanie Scott, Cady Groves, Dove Cameron, Christina Grimmie, Chloe East, and Debby Ryan

Friday, September 4th, 2020

I saw that, Stefanie.

Yeah… I saw it.


I mean it. It’s those little things that sometimes mean the most.

Thank you.




Let’s do this.

Another post, before bed.

Because fuck it, that’s why. And I know that I need to.

Ok… I… need to say some things. Debby… I get it. I mean, I get it, I really do. I’m sorry I said the things I did. I was just… really sad. Seriously sad. And seriously angry. You have a right to be defensive. But still. Considering the… situation… something, to me, should have been said, at the time.

You know that I can pick up on the subtle. I mean, c’mon, hun. Jesus Debby you KNOW what she meant to me. You had to have. You were fucking THERE. And you, being you, should know what is going on with me now. Right?

I mean of course NOW you know, since I’ve spelled it out for you. But you should have known before, too.

Well… thanks, though. I’ll look into it, I guess. It’s pretty sad though that it’s come to this. Maybe you should have done things different too, you know? Maybe you ALL should have. Maybe things would have been better that way.

I mean THINK about it.

Well, whatever. I know what I need to do, and I will do it. I don’t want Dove to suffer through that again. I’ll do it, even if only for her. Right? Is that how it works? Is that the rallying cry I need right now- for Dove Bar?

Sure, it works for tonight. But what happens if 1) It doesn’t work, 2) It doesn’t work out, or 3) It doesn’t… work?

You know?

Not to belabor the point, but if it doesn’t work, what does that say about TOMxDOVE? Or if it doesn’t work out, me without Dove? Or if it doesn’t… work, you know, what does that say about this whole thing?

I shudder to think.

But… I’ll do it.


I guess.

Um… so back to Steffy. I see that she just unlisted her music videos. I get why, but I don’t like it; those things meant something to me. And like a lot of the stuff I like, it apparently needs to be buried. I mean I get why, but I don’t want to. Sometimes this stuff is a real bitch.

And while we’re still kinda on the subject of Dove, so did Chloe East as well bury her old vlogs. Sucks, but I have at least the Halloween one saved. Maybe some kind soul will upload the rest of them somewhere? For her youngest (oldest?) fans.


So. Steffy. It’s late, and I’m yawning, my eyes are watering, and the nightly narcotics cocktail is zonking me out… but… I need to know something, and I know you can’t help me. But maybe you can… give me something. Something I desperately need, now more than ever. I need a clue about what happened, that night. Girl That I Used to Know. The lyrics, and the band seem to… almost… foreshadow something dreadful. Christina Grimmie.

What… is the story there? I mean I know you don’t know the story but… maybe you can help me? Or if not you, maybe… someone else? Someone close to things.


I just need to know. With all of the stuff that has happened lately it’s like, I need to know. For my own sake, to understand me. To understand us.

You see- we’re going to need to fix this thing, and that means asking the difficult questions. That means understanding where we came from, what we did wrong, and perhaps doing things in a better way, next time.

I can’t feel like that again. Like it felt after Cady passed. No way, no how. Not with someone like that.

And Cady- God damn, I’m STILL hung up over this! It still hurts, and fuck I still feel sometimes like a little cry or two now and again. Very uncharacteristic of me. It’s just that this really shouldn’t have happened.

Like oof. I hate it because in way too many ways it touches a nerve. It’s like it hurts everything, even the things she wasn’t involved in. As in- I’ve withdrawn from everything romantic since she passed. IDK why, perhaps I’m trying to figure things out, first. Maybe I need to. I don’t know.

I still need to decipher the Cady Groves conundrum. Maybe that is for another day.

Actually- yes it is. I’m tired, and bed calls.

Good night.