Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Zoey Duetch, Part II

Tuesday, July 24th, 2018



A few things:

1) I need to get back into blogging. Like, soon. lol. Everyone thinks so, I suppose, including Ms. Duetch, if the hidden messages in her most recent movie are to be believed. And yeah, I see it. I should write. I mean, I’m good at it, and it’s fun, and it’s a really great way to spread my wings. So… yeah. Blogging it is.

2) If I were you, I would reread the first post in this series.

3) Because I’m me, this post is going to be a few things: It’s going to be A) introspective, B) about my obsessions / fantasies, and most importantly, C) it’s going to be kinda awed / scared of my own powers and such. (Yes, I just did the whole double-nested thing. And proud of it.)

Ok, now….

Zoey is an interesting bird. A very interesting one indeed. Super, super…. yeah ok, here goes.

I’m not sure but I’m seriously wondering now how much of her life has been wrapped around me.

My relationship with Z has taken a much more serious turn as of late. Much, much more serious. We talk a lot, and I’m fantasizing about her a lot more than I used to. More than anyone else, really. I also am seriously considering a move to California (for reasons beyond “Hollywood” believe it or not), and I’ve been picking her brain for info that I could use regarding that subject. See, Cali is good for software programmer types like I am. It can be very good. So… why not? The opportunity to run into a girl or two of mine would be just icing on the cake, really.

So, Zoey and I have been more “together” now than ever before, which has got me thinking. In particular, I question this:

How much of her life has been influenced by my powers?

This is a VERY relevant and important question. VERY. This is somewhat a sticking point, because the route that I’m taking right now is going to put me on a collision course with her if I’m not careful, and the results could be… IDK, really. No idea, and so I need to figure this thing out.

See, her mom was probably my first real obsession, and if I had any powers at all back then (I was utterly obsessed with her when I was 15), then it’s very possible that my influence rubbed off on Zoey from a very young age for her.

Case in point- I remember distinctly Lea’s appearance in Parade magazine, back in the mid-90’s. I remember it because it was the start of my adult obsession with her, and in many ways the start of my sexual obsession with celebs. See- she had a nipple slip on the cover of the magazine. It wasn’t caught by anyone but me, but I distinctly remember it. I wish I still had it; I had to get rid of it when I left for college. But yes it was there.

That, combined with Lea being the first celeb chick I saw topless on the net, cemented my obsession with her and my interest in all of this.

And so now- here I sit, 20-ish years later, formulating my fantasies (amongst other things) with her daughter, whom I read about in that magazine, over and over again, back when she was only a year old.

How much did I change Zoey’s early life, if at all? I mean- I didn’t- I couldn’t have steered her in this direction, could I have? To become my ultimate fantasy chick, to replace her mom?

Impossible. Kinda. Well… it’s that whole question again, like with the Marvel movies. There are SO MANY COINCIDENCES.

I don’t know. I grew up with Lea. I saw Back to the Future and Howard the Duck dozens of times when I was a kid. Literally dozens. Honestly, Lea’s the chick I started all of this for. I had such a crush on her back then that it wasn’t even funny. And so NOW… what? What is the situation, here, exactly? If I bump into Zoey at some point, I could easily bump into her mom, too. And then we’re back at square one, aren’t we? I don’t know.

How powerful am I? And how long has this reality-warping stuff been going on with me?

My question has to do with how much Zoey’s recent films have been shaped around my life- I mean, the stuff that I do on a day to day basis. The correlation is extremely strong (just misspelled as “string”, natch. Sigh.). I’m getting rather disturbing visions now of my powers jumping off from her mom onto her back when she was a baby, and kind of twisting her development around my fantasies and desires.

I’m probably looking too much into this.

I mean… that CAN’T be real.

I wish I could find the cover of that issue of Parade on the internet. I can find the interview inside, but not the cover with the nip slip. Dammit.

At any rate, it’s just… IDK, eerie.

But you know what? I also don’t care much, and I don’t think I should.

Lately I’ve been uncorking something close to my full powers on girlfriends. It’s been a long time since I’ve done that; usually I just bottle all of that up, but this time… no. I’m letting them have it, full bore. And I’m going to keep at it, until I reach 100% of my maximum. Typically, I would just run from this stuff, but no more. I DON’T CARE. I’m seeing this through to the end, one way or another, because… IDK. I just feel like it. It’s not “cheating”, it’s just what I do.

You know what? Honestly, fuck it. Honestly. I just don’t care anymore.

So there.

A Few Thoughts on the Oscars

Thursday, March 8th, 2018

Wow, sure has been awhile.

I’ve written a few blog posts since my last one, but not posted anything. I might post them just to archive them for myself, personally. I didn’t post anything mostly because 1) I got sick- very, very sick; and 2) I was curious to see how things would unfold nationally if I just stepped away for awhile.

I learned a lot by not doing. Someday, I might talk more about the knowledge I gained from merely watching things, but not today. I can feel my writing skills getting rustier by the minute, so I need to attend to that little problem and fix of it what I can.

Well… so. This post.

I saw the Oscars on Sunday, and thought that I might discuss my thoughts and feeling about it, since I’ve had a few days to digest what I saw. So, here goes….

The Oscars were…. interesting. Not funny. Not inspiring. Certainly not enjoyable. But it was interesting, more for what was not said than what was expressed out loud (in some cases, very, very loud) by the attendees.

My overall impression is this: Hollywood is scared. Scared, of the present, but mostly of the future, and also more than a little angry at the world.

Watching the Oscars this year was far from pleasant. It left me with a sick feeling in my stomach. You know how when you’re in the same room with someone extremely fearful and anxious, that you can’t help but feel anxious yourself? That’s how I felt after the show had concluded. I felt profoundly uneasy. It was disconcerting as hell, and jarring considering how I used to feel in years past after watching the show.

I remember watching the Oscars as a teen in the 90’s and feeling awed and inspired. Hell, alone amongst my friends, I used to look forward to them. To me, the Oscars meant class, confidence and style. Man…. wow. The way things used to be, haha. This year, the feeling I got from the attendees was that of desperation. I pitied them somewhat; a weird reaction, but I guess a reasonable one, considering the state of things.

The Oscars just aren’t relevant anymore. They don’t seem to count for anything. Off the top of my head, I can’t even remember the names of most of the best picture winners, let alone the nominees of this decade. Hell, it literally took me like 5 minutes of hard thinking and head scratching to remember that “Moonlight” won best picture last year, and that was only because I remembered the envelope snafu. I have no idea who took home best picture 2 years ago. Literally no clue.

Though I do remember that Fargo, As Good as it Gets, Schindler’s List, and Titanic won back in the 90’s.

In a way, the Oscars’ plight is a mirror of the problems facing Hollywood in general. People don’t really go to the movies much anymore, at least, not like they used to. Certainly the younger generation doesn’t. In the war for their entertainment dollars, the xBox has utterly crushed Hollywood, especially in that still crucially important demographic of young white males.

And it doesn’t look as though that’s changing anytime soon, except in the way that Hollywood doesn’t want it to go. Hence, I suppose, Hollywood’s fear. Video games are annihilating film as the entertainment choice for young people. And so is social media of course. And Netflix obviously. In fact things have become so bad that even for me it feels weirdly antiquated to actually go to a theater to watch a movie, and I mean ANY movie. Even stuff like Star Wars.

For the Oscars, as THE symbol of the status of the moviegoing experience, the writing is on the wall, and they know it. Their status as a cultural force peaked decades ago, and has been in a gradual slide downward since. Today, they are teetering on irrelevancy. And not even because of the record low ratings. It’s just… nobody cares. It’s all so boring, so old, and staid.

In a way, the show’s bloated 4 hour running time is a kind of effrontery of that fact. It’s like a rejection of the accusation that the show doesn’t matter anymore. Which, I’ll bet, is why they refuse to pare it down. Because to whittle it down to 2 hours would be to publicly admit their reduced status.

So… the diversity push. To me it came across like the Oscars think it’s their last chance. In a way, the 4 hour diversity push that was Sunday’s show reminds me of the constant diversity pushes of the legacy media, like CNN and the newspapers. The feeling seems to be: “White people have lost interest in us, so we’re going to represent the interests of the minorities, whether they like it or not.” To me, the sheer aggressiveness and relentlessness of the politics on display was too much to be anything other than an expression of profound insecurity. They literally doth protest too much, as if by trying to be as loud as possible, they can get someone, anyone, to take them seriously and pay attention to them again.

So, yeah, it was fear that I saw. And it was unsettling, and not entertaining, like at all.

I still doubt very much the wisdom of even pushing diversity at all. It’s a huge, huge gamble that may not pay off, and may backfire terribly. As I said before on this blog, the international audiences do not need diversity from Hollywood. Today, the Chinese can make their own big budget films. They just need to actually do so, and they will, with time. They don’t need Hollywood’s pandering. The question is, then, do they want it, and I’m betting that they don’t.

The story is much the same across all of Asia these days, as well as Europe. Bid budget spectacle can be done by dozens of countries.

And if diversity fails… it fails, and hard. Witness the backlash to The Last Jedi. It made money, yes, but at what ultimate cost to the franchise?

But I’m getting close to veering off topic.

For the Oscars, the future looks bleak as hell. I can’t imagine anyone will care much about the nominees of the year 2038, assuming of course the show is even still around by then. 20 years of declining ratings, staring from this year’s record lows, would be unimaginably brutal. IDK, maybe they’ll find some way to desperately hang on by the skin of their teeth, like the newspapers and news magazines. Who knows.

But for me… I won’t care much. To be honest, the only reason I watched myself was to see Emma Stone, because she looked amazing. I probably shouldn’t have, because there was unfortunately like a three hour stretch of the show where I literally didn’t see her at all. It’s a good thing I had other stuff to do, then.


Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XLVII

Tuesday, September 5th, 2017

A lot of people have said a lot of things about Trump’s DACA thing, today. But as far as I can tell, nobody has said anything about the only issue that really matters, here.

Are we a democracy, or not?

And if we’re not, than why should anyone care about any of these losers in politics?

The demographic that matters here is the same one that always matters the most. White, working class men. The people who vote. The people who run the vast majority of our nation’s businesses. The people who will ultimately decide the future of the country.

Are they going to get what they voted for, for once? Or are they not? And if they’re not, than why the hell should any of them care one bit about Trump, or Obama, or any of those idiots?

I saw much of the press conference that Trump’s spokeswoman gave, and read the comments from Trump today. And I read what Obama said, and what the celebrities said, and about what the media outlets were saying. Not one person- not even ONE- framed this issue correctly.

This issue is not about “opportunity”. It’s not about children, or even immigration. It’s about whether or not the white, working class male demo is going to stay loyal to the empire or not.

Are we a democracy, or are we not? And if we’re not, than what is the point?

Trump, as usual, punted. Just like I said so many times earlier, he’s a Bush with a different haircut.

The oligarchs just continue to dig themselves in deeper and deeper.

It would have been better, and easier, and more logical, for them to have simply bowed to the power of the working classes and ended DACA on day 1 of Trump’s admin.

As it stands, the oligarchs need to get the fuck over themselves, and fast.

They are in danger here of losing everything, and they will, the second the white working classes say, finally, to hell with the empire and the assholes that run it. At that moment, the party is over, and it ain’t never coming back.

This- THIS- is the thing to fear, here. Fuck all other concerns. Those can and should be shelved.

Trump had better pray that people take to him over all of this hurricane bullshit. He’d better pray that this North Korea nonsense actually works. If it doesn’t, he’s doomed, and so are the rest of them.

The clock is ticking.

The Key Problem With Trump, Part XXIV

Tuesday, September 5th, 2017

I’m getting sick and tired of Trump looking as though he’s embarrassed of his own voter base.

This… problem does not seem to be getting any better.

It’s aggravating and infuriating to see the orange fool try to do everything in his power to avoid appearing publicly that he identifies with or supports the agenda of those who voted for him.

It’s getting tiresome and endlessly frustrating. It’s like pulling teeth to actually get table scraps from the arrogant, stupid fools that run the GOP.

Trump failed his base, yet again, when he refused to act as though he had a problem with illegal immigration, yet again. His mistakes regarding his so-called “repeal” of the DACA program are these:

1) He refused to take ownership of his actions today, instead having those underneath him deliver the news. I’m referring to Sessions, his spokeswoman, etc.

Trump looks like a coward, and again like he doesn’t care to put a face to the concerns that his base has. Obama would NOT have done this with an issue so important to his own base. He would have owned up to it, and guided the process along publicly, in person. Trump, being a weakling who does not understand or want to be a part of the demographic he pretends to represent, refuses, yet again, to do anything himself that might upset his fellow billionaires. What a pussy.

2) Trump waited far far too long to move against DACA, and even then, he did not move boldly, or with any kind of confidence. In waiting for the cover of the hurricanes, he looks unsure of why he’s even doing this stuff (which he probably is). My thinking here is that Trump knew that his base demanded some action, somehow, on immigration, but he didn’t want to move too openly against it, because he was frightened of what people would say about him if nothing else was clogging up the news. Again, what a pussy.

3) Trump didn’t actually end DACA in the way that Obama actually made it, or in the way that Obama actually made anything. Trump is just shifting the “blame” for enforcing the nation’s laws here to congress, so that he can weasel out of his responsibilities of representing his voters, yet again.

4) Trump, as usual, lets his damn brats walk all over him. That candlelight vigil they held? Disgusting. They should have been fired for that. Seeing the members of a presidential administration openly mock the president himself,as Trump’s own kids do so regularly with him, is just nauseating. Honestly, Trump is such a fucking weakling that it turns my stomach.

5) It is horrifically difficult to even get the “conservative” politicians here to make any effort at all at even providing lip service towards the things that their voters want. Our political system is annoying and painful as hell to be a part of, and that is most especially the case when dealing with “conservative” people like Trump and Ivanka and that Kushner twerp.

6) I’m getting tired of “conservative” GOP politicians verbally backhanding their own voters. And Trump especially seems fond of doing this, like he really, really does not respect or even like the people that he feels he’s being forced to represent.

I’m referring here to the news that Trump “wrestled” with ending DACA. Trump, you ass, ending DACA is what your voters WANT. A politician should not have to “wrestle” with the idea of doing something that the people who voted for you might approve of. Trump, are you listening?

This news is just another is a very, very long line of offensive and insulting things that Trump has hurled at his own base since the day after he was elected, and I’m sick and tired of hearing it.

Trump, if doing the things that your base wants are causing such problems for you, then why the hell are you even still President? Quit your job and take your billions and go live on an island somewhere if the nation’s voters are being such an inconvenience to you.

Honestly, what the FUCK?

Did Obama “wrestle” with whether or not Obamacare should be put in place? Or with DACA itself? Or with anything that he did? Would Hillary have “wrestled” with enacting anything that SHE wanted? No, of course not.

Trump, you know, if your voters are getting in the way of you enjoying life, then please, please do go away and leave the job to someone else.


You know, that’s it for today. I have others things to do, here.

The Key Problem With Trump, Part XXIII

Wednesday, August 30th, 2017

What I’m going to do here is preemptively gripe about Trump’s tax plan, because I might as well just get this out of the way, so that I don’t need to write anything about it, later.

No, I have no idea what Trump is going to say about taxes, but I know what he wants, and what he wants is more of the same. More standard issue garbage, I’m sure.

I’ll just say some stuff, here.

1) A principal problem we have, as a nation, is that our stock market is way too high. Our financial sector has been given such exorbitant privileges over everyone else in the country that there is no reason for anyone with money do to anything but invest in stocks, thus removing any reason to build businesses here in the US. The logic is simple. Stocks always go up, but businesses might fail. So, where to put your money? Stocks, of course. And so the businesses don’t get built.

2) Another problem is our fossilized oligarchy. The wealthy people here exist in their own dimension, far far away from the concerns and cares of everyone else. Our preposterously elevated stock market gives them a guaranteed universal income that ensures that they will never have to mingle with the non-wealthy or care about anything that anyone else needs to think about. And there is no “churn” of wealthy people, here. The whole idea of people rising and falling economically is a thing of the past. These days, if you have money, you rise no matter what, and if you don’t, you fall, no matter what. You are in the club or you’re not.

3) Trump’s presidency marks the fifth time in a row in which a GOP president has delivered nothing of value to his base. And this is, I suspect, the last and final time this will happen. Not sure why, just a feeling.

Ever since Nixon removed the gold standard, the GOP has been about one thing and one thing only: suckering the dupes into pretending to care about their problems on the campaign trail, and then openly ditching the non-rich the second the election is decided. And Trump appears to be by far the worst of the entire lot when it comes to this. Even the Bushes seemed more “Earthy” and grounded than our orange wannabe-emperor.

4) Corporate profits are the enemy of the United States. Corporations do not care about people. In fact they hate the whole concept of “people” and see the public as targets for wealth-extraction, only.

Cutting corporate taxes will not benefit American workers; it will only benefit corporations. See: Apple, and it’s 50 billion or whatever dollars in it’s bank account. Corporations will not hire people if at all they can avoid it, regardless of how much money they have or save. At best, “corporate profits” means that CEOs get preposterously huge and monstrous severance packages in the tens of millions of dollars. At worst, they mean companies use their money to outsource their operations to countries with saner economies, thus ruining the workforce here.

It is not a coincidence that the US was at it healthiest economically when corporate profits were kept to a minimum.

5) Trump will not do anything about immigration, ever. Because he doesn’t care, because immigration is something that effects the non-wealthy.

Obviously, you can expect Trump and the rest of the GOP to breathe huge sighs of relief over all the flooding in Texas, since it may convince some of the people to excuse, at least temporarily, their reluctance to build the wall they promised everyone.

By some of the people, I mean those fools who use words like “RINO” (Republican in name only) as if the republicans were ever anything besides a party by and for rich people.

6) This garbage is still getting increasingly tiresome. The oligarchy refuses to budge, one iota, on any issue that does not revolve around them.

They should have repealed obamacare, just to show people that they do, in fact, have the ability to remove something, and are thus not totally and completely helpless in that regard.

They should have done something about immigration, just to prove that they would have the ability to listen, at least temporarily, to the white working classes here.

As it stands, it’s as always just the same old trash, over and over and over again. It’s the same old nonsense.

Even the wars never change. I mean, god DAMN. North Korea, again? AGAIN? How many times are we going to re-fight that one? Christ, that damn war is so old at this point that barely anyone alive even remembers why it started. Take Kim Jong-un, for example. He’s 33. Do you think even he knows why the war began? It was started back in the year 1950!

7) I’m not even going to go into how coincidental all of this flooding stuff is, and how it weirdly happens whenever it’s most convenient for the oligarchy here. I mean, I get it, at least I think I do, but that isn’t what I’m going to be talking about here, at least for now.

So yeah, that’s it for today, because I want to stop for the time being. So, that’s this rant.

We’ll see what Trump says today.

Or not. IDK, TBH.

Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XLVI

Thursday, August 17th, 2017

A few more thoughts on the ridiculous circus that is politics in this country.

The first and most important one, vis-a-vis the US on the world stage, is about the failure and collapse of the New World Order, that utopian dream of a peaceful world of Christian values ruled by the Christian churches- most especially, the Royals of Britain and the Vatican.

The NWO’s failure on the world stage has left the US rudderless, it seems. And this is also the chief reason for the hellish bind that the oligarchs here find themselves in.

What happened, it looks like, is that they were so convinced that the NWO was a certainty that they cut ties absolutely with the white working classes- i.e., the conservatives. This was the symbolic point of 9/11, I guess.

The thinking of the rich people here went, I guess, “Well, we don’t need the working classes here, since we have China, so to hell with the US.”

And so they indoctrinated a generation of kids here to worship at the feet of the NWO and it’s idols- Martin Luther King, Jr., Nelson Mandela, the icons and gods of the “Abrahamic” religions, and so on and so on. And they trained these kids from birth to have a Pavlovian hatred of anything that looks or feels remotely “low-income white”. Because whites without money were expendable.

But… now that the NWO is over, and in the process of being kicked to the curb by the Eastern powers…. what then?

Well, the obvious and logical solution is to backtrack and re-connect with the white working classes. To get back into their good graces as much as possible, so that the NWO can be replaced with something else. Say, something that works, or has a future. Or at least, something that others see as positive.

Obvious, and logical. But not being done.

In fact, the oligarchs are only doubling down, on everything that hasn’t and could never work. On the NWO, on the hatred of whites that don’t have money, on the “values” that they inculcate kids with, etc., and in the process, trying to… I don’t know, force the issue? Even though the world no longer wants it?

It sure seems like it, at least to me.

So… why?

I don’t know. But they did burn their bridges fully, it looks like. In addition to 9/11, we do have the issue of there being an army of non-whites here who have been trained from birth to despise and attack the white people who operate what remains of the nation’s economic base.

And it seems like that’s that, then. They can’t go back. It’s like I said earlier here… NWO or death.

And it does seem like they’ll be getting death, then.

Logically, what they’re doing makes no sense. I mean, with the statues, and everything else.

See, the only people who pay the taxes that keep the system afloat are those same people who are now being attacked. This being an oligarchy, the rich of course pay little if any taxes, and of course the poor don’t/can’t pay. And let’s not talk about the protected classes in the ghettos. IDK the facts, but I would doubt they pay much. So, it’s the working classes that pay the bulk of them.

That being the case… why, oh why, are they being turned into permanent enemies of the empire?

In a sane world, the oligarchs would be coddling them, so as to keep the empire afloat and operating. To keep the tax money coming in, so that the system actually works.

But… that isn’t happening. As I said yesterday, the white kids are staying home and preserving their self-respect by not contributing to corporate America’s destruction of their futures. Much has been made of this phenomenon. Google “young men unemployed” to find reams of articles about millions of young men, almost all of them white, who are boycotting the system by staying at home, with their parents, and playing video games instead of working. And paying taxes. And keeping the system afloat.

In a sane country- in one with a future- the government would be bending over backwards to get these kids to join the workforce so that, if nothing else, they pay taxes to fund government activities. That it isn’t doing this at least is insane and suicidal.

And that it is actively doing everything in it’s power to keep these kids demotivated and out of the workforce is beyond lunacy. It looks legitimately as if the system here has no concept anymore of what is logical or reasonable. Like the ruling families here have lost their minds. Which, who knows, maybe they have.

This stuff that they’re doing- trying to alienate the totality of the largest demographic in the country- is unbelievably… psychotic. I mean that in the clinical term, like they have no idea what harms even themselves.

The first duty of any country’s leaders is to keep it’s own citizens happy, I would think. Happy people pay taxes without complaint. Happy people aren’t likely to rock the boat, or rebel or revolt against the system. And this is usually done by efforts to, you know, keep people happy.

It’s not difficult to keep people happy. You listen to them, and respect their past, and their achievements. It’s easy.

With that in mind, WTF, guys?

What the hell are you even doing?

Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XLV

Wednesday, August 16th, 2017

And that’s the rub, isn’t it?

The oligarchs here, regardless of who they are or where they stand, all have the same problem. Whether it’s coastal liberals bullying southern whites or Midwesterners, or GOP types attacking China or Russia or whomever, they all suffer from the same delusion, which is the fantasy that this is all about projecting power.

See- it isn’t. It’s about working WITH people, instead of against them. It’s about building bridges and being nice, and listening to others and not trying to bury them and genocide their way of life because you just happen to disagree with some of it. It’s about respecting others and their borders, and trying to make life better for them, by offering them something that you think they can use to make themselves happier.

That isn’t what we do, anymore. It’s all attack, attack, attack, both domestically and internationally.

Anything that the oligarchy doesn’t personally like is in their crosshairs, and that isn’t how you govern, or rule, or even be considered a responsible nation or a good neighbor to others.

And it makes no sense.

And for them, as individuals?

They’re cowards, the lot of them, from Trump to Bezos and everyone in between.

Whenever something stressful comes up, they find some excuse to cry “racism!!!!” and run back to their mansions, scared of their own shadows.

Like rats fleeing a sinking ship.

Despicable, all of them.

Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XLIV

Wednesday, August 16th, 2017

One more thought: they had their chance.

The oligarchs had a slim window with Trump with which to do something to save their system.

But, they didn’t take it. Instead, they dicked around for 6 months and did nothing of any consequence.

Trump was put into office in the middle of this nation’s greatest economic decline, and from day 1, he refused to take any stands or make any hard choices. Instead, he handed responsibilities off to his extremely unqualified kids and golfed for apparently months on end.

Sure, he introduced bills, but even then, he refused to support them or even stand by them. Hence, his own party didn’t support them and they went nowhere. And hell, why wouldn’t they? Nobody asked for those bills, anyways. They’re not what anyone wants, or needs, for that matter.

And I’m not even going to reiterate the dumbness of Trump’s overseas ventures, and the grating repetitiveness of his military worship, or the predictability of his new War on Drugs.

The elites in this country don’t get it, even now. This country is in a terminal decline. All the data supports this. Private debt is at all-time highs, the auto industry is drying up, the malls are closing, gasoline usage is down, way way down, full time jobs are disappearing, etc., and so on and so on.

And in the midst of all this, this nation’s “business leaders” can’t find the maturity to sit down and have a real, honest discussion or work together to fix anything, or even to find a direction.

I’m referring here to the breakup of Trump’s business councils, or whatever those were. Even if those produced no results (and they didn’t), they still were at least a symbol that the rich people understood that something was wrong. But, predictably, they disbanded at the first possible excuse, and of course, it was everyone’s favorite catch-all excuse, “racism”. I guess now they can go back to counting their money, or whatever else it is that those types do.

Guys, you have way, way bigger problems on your plate then whatever it was that happened in Virginia. Just look around.

Steve Bannon came out of hiding today with some telling comments. He blasted conservatives- i.e. white ethnic Midwesterners and Southerners trying to defend their culture- as being “losers”. More here:

He also stressed the importance of fighting a trade war with China, as though we hadn’t lost that 20 years ago, once our entire manufacturing base had finished being shipped over there.

A choice quote from Bannon: “We’re at economic war with China,” he added. “It’s in all their literature. They’re not shy about saying what they’re doing. One of us is going to be a hegemon in 25 or 30 years and it’s gonna be them if we go down this path. On Korea, they’re just tapping us along. It’s just a sideshow.”

The Chinese already won the war that Bannon is referring to, of course. Their silk road project this year pretty much confirms it. Note that all of the US government’s recent initiatives like that (see: TPP) have been puked up by the rest of the world. And the Chinese alliance with Russia and their developing business ties to get access to Russia’s resources seals the deal. The Chinese won. In that regard, they are distinctly unlike us, who have tried as hard as possible to alienate the largest and most resource-rich nation in the world, over gay marriage, I guess, or some other dumb, childish reason.

The Chinese have actual savings, the world’s manufacturing base, and the world’s largest country joined at their hip. And they have 4 times our people, and none of those are illiterate Africans or Mexicans. They have a secular, responsible leadership, an atheistic outlook and culture, and no external debt.

We have a rotting, indebted empire, and a public up to it’s eyeballs in economic problems the likes of which the world has never seen. And we have no leadership, save for religious nonsense, whether that takes the form of Christianity or whatever it is that the multi racialists believe in.

The general takeaway from all of this that I see is that the elites are, finally, starting to panic, although they still don’t have a firm grip on how much they themselves are going to need to sacrifice, now, if they don’t want to be strung up come the revolution.

Trump’s economic counsels were almost undoubtedly what you would expect from such things, I would imagine. They were probably just groups of rich people that met to discuss further ways to fuck over the citizenry here, or something similar to that. But- they at least showed that the elites knew that something was wrong. At least.

I’ll not mourn their passing.

The oligarchs here have to deal with that problem, I think. They have a terrible, terrible reputation. It’s so bad that it’s spread overseas. Nobody wants their plans, because they work people to death in miserable, hellish conditions so that they can live it up in luxury. The business leaders in this country, Trump included, are some of the most vile and despicable people in this world. No morals, no decency, nothing good about them, at all. They’re slave drivers and scumbags, all of them.

This is the reason that such huge numbers of young men have lately opted out of the workforce. Working a job in this country is a literal nightmare. Working of course was never supposed to be pleasant, but rarely in the past was it as horrifying and soul-destroying as it is today.

And all of this, so that those rich fuckers can add a few more billion to their offshore bank accounts? Fuck that, and fuck them. All of them, Trump included. He and everyone in his administration can go fuck themselves.

And that is the problem, isn’t it? The people of this world have a choice, now. They can go with the slave drivers and all around greedy as hell, warmongering and traitorous lot that runs the show here, or they can roll the dice and go with the Chinese instead. And really, who can blame them for signing up with the Chinese?

The people outside the US aren’t blind, or dumb. They know fully well how badly the corporations here treat their employees, and how little people are paid here for a honest day’s work. They’re not dumb. And they see very well how miserable and depressed our workforce is.

With that in mind, WHY would they want the people here to run the show in their own countries? Why would ANYONE do that, willingly?

And so, the Russians, and the Chinese, continue to make economic inroads into the countries that once swore allegiance to the US. And honestly, why the hell wouldn’t they?

The whole appeal of the United States was that it was supposed to be the “shining city on the hill”. In other words, it was supposed to be one where the people on top earnestly worked to ensure that economic inequality was kept to a minimum, and that workers were treated fairly and paid a decent wage, relative to what they could do. Without that, the US is just another country, albeit one with a big, angry, aggressive military and with the debt to prove it.

The reason that the oligarchs here keep pushing the “military” button is that they refuse to see this problem for what it is, so that they doesn’t have to put forth the work to get a solution of some kind out there.

Hence, also, the drive for “equality”, which is always of the RACIAL kind, and never the ECONOMIC kind, which was of course how it used to be understood, back when people knew what made a country rich and successful.

As it stands, the oligarchs are in a hellish bind, and for them, there is no way out.


Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XLIII

Wednesday, August 16th, 2017

It is as interesting as ever to watch the empire fumble around for relevancy and crumble from lack of intelligence.

It’s fascinating.

As usual, I don’t care about the details. I don’t know who in particular killed who at Virginia, or what Confederate statues are being removed, or which talking head yelled at Trump the loudest, or what Trump said, if in fact he actually did say anything. I don’t care about any of this because it isn’t relevant.

The real issue at stake here is none of that. The real issue is the same one that framed the election and everything else our country has done since then.

The question: are we a democracy, or are we not?

And if we aren’t, then what is the point of voting? Or of caring?

The issue now is the same one that overshadowed everything last month, and the month before that, and the one before Trump was inaugurated.

When will the people who put Trump in office get what they voted for? Or perhaps, will any of them get anything they voted for, ever?

Or are we not a democracy?

To date, Trump has yet to start work on delivering even one of his promises, as they were understood by the great majority of the people who voted for him.

Where is the wall that the public voted for? Where is the effort, by Trump or anyone else, to begin it’s construction?

Where is “MAGA”? Where is the palpable reduction on immigration into the United States? Where is the “America First” foreign policy that we were promised? Where is any of the stuff that people thought they were getting when they pulled the lever last November?

Well, nowhere. And in fact, what we’re getting is Obama 2.0, only louder and dumber, if such a thing is even possible.

What we’re getting is an empire that is fighting everything in the world because it refuses to play nice with anyone else, including it’s own citizens.

The question remains. Why vote?

Nothing has been reversed, or even changed. In fact, it seems as though every trend that the people hated under Obama has been pushed forward, or even accelerated, since Trump took office.

So, why vote?

This is the thing that consistently goes over heads of the left.

They don’t get it. They’re losing the war for a sake of a few old statues.

Without even the appearance of legitimacy, the system that they feed on has no future, statues or no statues.

And the same goes for the web. Whether or not Daily Stormer is there doesn’t make any difference. And that goes for the rest of the conservative stuff being threatened or taken offline. If the real world system lacks legitimacy, if it feels corrupt, or clearly looks it to the 100’s of millions who voted for Trump, the fate of Daily Stormer or a collection of “alt-right” twitter feeds means nothing.

Will the people who voted for Trump get what they voted for, or not?

And if not, why would any one of them from this point on bother voting?

And if they don’t vote, what will they do, then?

The reality on the ground has not changed one iota in the last year. The people who voted for Trump are not going away, regardless of the statues or Daily Stormer. And all of this stuff will not change them or their minds.

And yes, what happened in Virginia, whatever it was, does not matter, either. And neither do the fate of Trump’s corporate councils, or his new drug war, or any of that garbage. None of that mattered when the GOP tried it back in the 80’s and it sure as hell isn’t going to matter, now.

Are the people who voted for Trump ever going to get what they voted for, or not?

And if not…. then what?


Sunday, August 6th, 2017

I am waiting. I sit here and I wait and I wait and I wait. What gives?

Jesus never showed up. Why? I am the Anti-Christ, am I not? SO WHERE THE FUCK IS JESUS? Isn’t he supposed to fight me? To be my rival? To haunt me?

I sit here and wait and wait and let that conservative guy keep saying his spiel and it is starting to bore me. He’s repetitive and grating. I do like him, mostly, but he is getting on my nerves.

WHERE IS JESUS? I have been waiting a good decade now for his arrival and he has yet to show his face. Where is this “savior”?

There is nobody. Nobody but me. I have arrived to find an empty arena.

There will be no battle for the souls and minds of this Earth.

The human race is trash. Weak, powerless and foolish. And I grow tired of sitting here and waiting for them to get their act together. It pains me to continue with this game of patience.

In fact, the only other person I have ever met in my life that has powers that rival my own is Tom.

And HE, as annoying as he is, is likely the only one who could truly spar against me and live.

Which means… not what…


No, it couldn’t be, could it?

No… no way.

That would be weird as hell, and absolutely impossible.

And there is no way, no how, that such a thing could ever come to pass in this world. It defies logic and reason on all fronts.

I am perhaps too narcissistic for my own good.

I must remember that my mind is broken, and that delusions come from such things.


Not necessarily. Ok, wait, Mr. Conservative, go sit over there, please. This is my blog, now. And perhaps it’s time that you left, for a little while. And I mean it, this time. I mean…. you know.

If it happens it happens. Great. If it doesn’t it doesn’t. That’s OK, too. It’s how life is. It’s how things go, and that’s Ok.

And as for YOU-

I don’t know. I don’t know what to think, or what to do, sometimes.

I can feel that power that you possess. I can feel him, here. Satan, in all his glory. I feel him so powerfully, sometimes.

And I get you. I understand who you are and what you want, and what you live to see. And I know that you have a job to do, in this world. I know that because I can feel it too, sometimes. That destiny.

That alone doesn’t mean anything. Millions feel that same call. It’s in each one of us, once we find our direction. Our purpose. Our calling in this world.

We all have our place.

And though our places may be different, there is no reason why we can’t get along, and work together.

After all, that is the dance, isn’t it? You destroy; I do not. You smash. I recreate.

Which does not mean anything by itself. We’re not Gods. Only humans, put upon this Earth to make it a better place, in whatever way we can. To make it work. To make things grow. To make them shine.


But YOU…. are different. Perhaps this year of isolation has done you good.


It has, my friend. It has. I see things now like I never could. I understand, now.

We can make it work, together. You are strong, so strong. Stronger than I could ever be, in some ways. But one day, I will, I may, rival even you.

Which may be what you truly want, and perhaps have always wanted.

I will give you your rival, if you wish it.


No, it must be someone else. Too wierd, otherwise. Although yes, I can see that there is in fact nobody else out there.


I know; I need time. Years. I am not where I should be to rival you, sir.

But given enough time, enough opportunity, I may be the answer to what you seek. This goodness and power that I have now can give you a path as well.

And- I will not object to you using your full strength, if you should desire it, now. If you need to. Like it used to be, back then.


No more, then? No more fighting?


No, sir.

No more fighting.

It’s been a year now, to the day, since I was let go.

And what a year it’s been! I have grown and will grow. And I can become so much more. I can go so farther beyond.

It was premature, the other times. There were always walls, put up in front. But now… no more, that I can see.


No more waiting?


No, sir. No more.



It’s about time.






As far as I’m concerned, I have no problems being “Jesus” if that’s what is needed. I will be fine staying a virgin forever and everything else, and living like I have done, with the people, and guiding them, and helping them through life. That would be a good way to live. I can start at any time, I think.

You, though- you want to go and have sex with Hollywood? Fine. Do it. Have fun. No objections, anymore.

But I cannot live like that.


We will need to find some way to live, then.


This is really fucking stupid, but yeah, it works.


It’ll be fine.

We’ll work together, somehow.


But I DO want to fuck some of these bitches IRL. Just so you know that. Just for the experience.


I don’t know. We’ll need to work that out, somehow.

There must be an even way to do things, I’ll bet.


I’ll bet.



You have only yourself to blame, necromancer. I’m not the real Jesus or anything, but if I have part of him, it was you that you raised it from the grave. LOL. Remember the story about the tomb and such? Be careful of what you wish for.


Whatever, dude.

I’m over it, anyways. Fuck all.

