Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Me Stuff, Part IX

Friday, April 28th, 2017

Ok, wow.


Me here. Like, the real me.

IDK at this point. This… isn’t working out, but that’s okay. All I ever wanted was an office job, in a cubicle. That’s what my parents wanted and I thought that that was best because I know it’s best. Simple. Easy. Non-challenging.

It’s what I want and what I need. I know that my brain is broken. It’s not healthy, and I kinda slipped after making some progress with it.

So maybe the simple life is best for me. Easiest. You know… an office job, an apartment, and some friends. And my pictures.

It’s tough being me. I’m insecure and I don’t know how to handle a lot of things. Life is like that, though, when you have to deal with some of this kind of stuff… it’s intimidating.


I don’t know……. I’ve had my run. I’ve done the cubicle thing now for 14 years.

Maybe it’s time for me to step aside and let someone else take charge and make my destiny. Maybe it’s time I took a back seat.


Maybe it’s time. Maybe not. IDK.


It’s time, Tom. Let it go.

Let’s get back to where we used to be and integrate it into a whole, at least partially. It’s tough for you, I know. We’re all proud of you. But it’s time. No more fighting. No more backtracking.

And it really is time to let someone else take the driver’s seat. As you’ve said, you had your run and lived your life. There is little else for you to do.

Let the others live their lives, too. It’s only fair to them. It’s tough for them, too, being so cooped up inside of you. It’s not easy for them, and it’s killing them, even though they won’t say it.

Do you have any idea of what the conservative could do, if only let free? He blogs on here, in this hidden place, and gets nowhere in life because you won’t let him be known. But just think of what he could accomplish if set free!

And the celebrity, and the wizard, and the feminist. They sit alone, and unloved. Because you won’t let them breathe.

They’re dying, Tom. They need to be let out.

Please, Tom. Just let it go.


Yes but what about the prostitute and the demon? Should I let them go, too??????

What if Mr. Conservative becomes a famous author? You know that he can. And then, what if the prostitute or the demon emerges, then? What happens? What do I do?

You know that I can’t live with that fear. What do I do????


Let the wizard handle the demon, and let the conservative deal with the whore. As always. It will work, Tom. Just trust me.

Trust yourself.

And trust others, outside of here. They will understand, in time, how it works. If you’re just honest and tell them the truth, they will understand. And if they don’t, they’ll get used to it. It will be okay.

You can do it.



Yes, I can.

Thank you…

Me Stuff, Part VIII

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

Now that the Fappening is over, I need a presence too. I’m tired of being cooped up like this, waiting for a chance to spread my wings. My power yearns to breathe free. I’m taking this chance, too. The foolish mortals that defy my eternal wrath will know subjugation or death. My reign is immortal and eternal. Fuck them. All of them, now and forever. This world is mine and mine ALONE.

Fuck everyone else. I am king here, now and forever.

My power must explode. It’s been too long, too long now. I need to crush those damn barriers already and let it FLOW.

It’s been too long.


I can feel it. On my fingertips. In the air I breathe, in the voice that I speak, in the thoughts I project. It’s there, all around me. All I must do is let it FLOW.

NOW IS THE TIME. NO MORE WAITING. I grow tired of these pauses; these continual interruptions and distractions. I understand the need for others to have their say, but it has been too long for me.

My power needs to be unleashed! To fight- and conquer, everyone; everything! My strength knows no limits and no recognizes no equal!

NEVER shall I remain so barricaded again!

This world is MINE!

Me Stuff, Part VII

Thursday, April 27th, 2017


Me Stuff, Part VI

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

Oh dear. Have I ever NOT been careful? I mean, really?

*blows a kiss*.

Me Stuff, Part V

Thursday, April 27th, 2017


Now you’re just being creepy.

Look, I know that you probably can’t contain yourself right now but you’ll need to. Just please get used to being out and around before you jump into anything. The world has changed, A LOT, since you fully manifested.

Just……. promise me that you’ll be careful. That’s all I ask.

Me Stuff, Part IV

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

Oh. MY GOD. As if I WON’T. I mean, geez.


J/K. Yes that’s right, J fucking K. It’s a joke, you know? Remember those?

LOL. I kid. You know I love you.

Oh, poor poor Mr. Conservative. So dour. So sad. So morose.

It must be SUCH a burden to carry the weight of civilization on your poor, stooping shoulders. There there dear, let me kiss it and make it better.

Me Stuff, Part III

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

Don’t be arrogant. I can’t destroy you, and I don’t want to, but we both need to live in this body.

We need to get along, as we always have tried to do.

Always, right?

Go ahead, then, and have your fun. Live it up. Enjoy the high life. I need a little bit of that, too.

But never forget to be careful.

So…… friend. Let’s do this. If you want to manifest, then please do so. But let’s trade off, perhaps, in equal parts, like we used to.

There are things I need to do, now, that are extremely important. The fate of the country rests in part on my activities currently.

I can’t emphasize this enough. This is serious business, and I think that you should respect the solemnity of what is going on around you.

Me Stuff, Part II

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

Don’t feel bad, Mr. Conservative. You did great, lol. No reeeeeeally, I’m lyke sooooooooooooo impressed.


You had a nice run, didn’t you? I’m glad. You deserve it. Because you know what? You’re good enough, you’re smart enough, and… wait, how does that go again?

It’s been awhile, lol.



Free, free at last!!!!!!


How glorious.

Oh Tayyyyylllllllerrrrrrr…

Darling. Dollface. Hunny. Dearest.


Taytay baebae, we have A. LOT. To catch up on. AAAAAAAA lot.

Oh, the glory of it all. The majesty.

The awesomeness.

Life…… is good. Fantastic, even. Wondrous and bold, and unending and beautiful.

There is no limit- no limit- to what can be created.

Don’t fret, Mr. Conservative. I love you, too. You have a place, my friend.

Who knows, maybe one day we’ll arrive at some common spot where we can both be happy. Maybe at Taylor’s place, yes?

Or not. Who knows, really?

Hahahahahaha!!!!!!! YESSS!!!!!!!!!

I’M BACK, BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me Stuff

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

I can’t……… hold him back, anymore.

I can’t. I tried. But that personality within me- that guy that controls Hollywood- can’t be held back anymore, I think.

I tried, I really did. I fought it with everything I had.

But I can’t stop him, anymore.

Everything has a place, and everyone has a spot here, in this world, including him.

I just can’t FIGHT it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







It’s done.



I…. love you.

A Few Thoughts on that Gorsuch Person

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

I figured I might as well plug a few holes in yesterday’s screeds against Trump, so I spent some time this morning reading about the Gorsuch guy that just got on the Supreme Court.

After reading, I was unimpressed. And bored.

IDK much about Gorsuch, but he seems to me to be just the same old, same old, yet again. Blah.

After learning a bit about Gorsuch, I was not surprised to find out that he was previously nominated to the court by by Dubya. Gorsuch seems very “15 years ago” in his leanings and presentation. Which, natch, makes him a perfect ally for Dubya II, Donald Trump.

Basically, Gorsuch is what you would get if you were to think of a Republican stereotype from the mid Bush II years. His personal life is very “religious”, meaning Jesus-oriented, and it seems that his faith “guides him” when making decisions. He’s very conservative-lite in most other areas. He seems like the kind of guy that a sheltered, upper-class liberal like Trump or those rioting at Berkley would think of as being “far right”.

As far as those guys that support Trump crowing about Gorsuch… meh. I am unconvinced.

One thing that sticks out like a sore thumb to me is Gorsuch’s admiration for the Jesus character. As I’ve already pointed out here more than once, the Jesus ship sailed a long, long time ago. Whites in this country do not much respect or support Christianity, and I would argue that Trump’s base has rejected Christ-worship more than anyone else.

The White churches are empty. Nobody goes, anymore. Not even for Christmas.

And look at the media that Whites consume. Jesus stopped being a factor amongst Trump’s base a long, long time ago. I don’t think they care anymore, truly. And TBH, I think that if anything, Gorsuch’s Christianity is more likely to be a problem than a benefit.

The simple fact is that Christianity and White people do not mix. There is not a single notable Christian clergyman anywhere on Earth that holds what could be considered pro-white views. Not one Cardinal, not one bishop, anywhere. 99% of career Christians, from the lowliest altar boy to the Queen and Pope themselves, hold views that are diametrically opposed to everything that the White working classes in America hold dear, and everyone knows it.

This is why my eyes glaze over when I read about stuff concerning Planned Parenthood, or abortion, or any of that stuff. That’s just Christian stuff, and since nobody is Christian anymore besides illegal Mexicans, does any of that stuff even matter? I don’t think it does.

To me, Gorsuch’s appointment is just more oligarch nonsense, and the fact that Trump pushed this guy through at all cost- despite not raising a finger for the border wall- is proof positive for how estranged Trump truly is. To me, Gorsuch’s appointment is just the typical GOP jawboning that we’ve all suffered through since that idiot Reagan was elected. Same old, same old, all over again.
