Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The Key Problem with Trump, Part III

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017

Trump’s approval ratings are continuing to sink. That isn’t the problem. The problem is that Trump is doing everything in his power to help that process along.

Oh, GOD. More bad, bad, bad news in the last few days coming from the Trump camp. Now, he’s getting aggressive with North Korea, AND Syria. Jesus Christ!

Trump……I can’t even, at this point.

I have a question for people. Is Trump trying to sink the government on purpose? Is this some kind of sabotage? If so, it’s brilliant. If not, it’s… unfathomable.

I simply cannot believe what I’m seeing coming out of the White House these days. Trump’s administration is just truly vile. He is in fact worse than Obama, who was the previous worst president ever since Dubya left office.

My God, they just keep getting worse!!! It’s baffling. Every time you think they’ve hit rock bottom, you realize that they’ve yet more ground to dig. It’s just amazing. It really is.

Trump’s approval ratings are horrifically bad, right now, for an incumbent president. You would think that he would actually try to do something about this, you really would, but that isn’t the name of the game here. In this country, the oligarchs must come first, regardless of consequence or cost. Their needs aren’t just paramount, their needs are in fact the only needs that exist, here.

So, we’re getting war, apparently, in the Middle East. Yes, AGAIN.


You know… I just can’t, at this point. I don’t know what to say, or do, that could change things, or make any of this mess anything close to salvageable.

It’s just… unbelievable.

You would have thought, at this point, that Trump would have paid attention to the fact that our economy is melting down- if not actually done something about it. But no, no. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

The best we’ve gotten from him is more collusion from the people that destroyed the economy in the first place.

This week, Trump met with a bunch of his oligarch buddies (this time, business leaders) and they had a “round table” discussion chiefly to deflect responsibility and to publicly pretend to care about having an interest in seeing this country thrive, and in seeing that people here actually have a chance at gainful, non-humiliating employment.

These “round table” discussions about economics are one of the time-honored tools of the oligarchy that can’t help but fall flat in the current environment. I remember back in high school that Clinton used to have those things. Nothing positive came from those, either.

The oligarchs that Trump invited to discuss things obviously do not care one iota about jobs in this country. You can tell because of their actions. For something like the last ten years, the US oligarchs have spent their money on things like stock buybacks in their own companies. Back when this country had a future, what would happen is that wealthy people would spend their excess cash on their actual businesses- by buying equipment, inventing new kinds of product, hiring workers, offering incentives to their employees, and things like that.

Even the robber barons of the 20’s used to make it a point to “give back”, somehow, at least some of their wealth and experience to the public.

But to people like Bezos, things such as I just described are as foreign as the air on Mars. People like him just exist elsewhere. It’s like, they don’t “get it” to such an extent that nobody even expects them to know what normal, compassionate human behavior is like. They’re just out there, doing whatever it is that they do, far, far from reality.

And so, to deflect blame even further, we’re getting another dumb war in the Middle East, and more dumb talk about wiretapping, as if anyone has even given a fuck about any of that.

Those are the kinds of things- small wars, and meaningless spats between plutocrats- that are enjoyable when the basic things, like jobs and purchasable housing and such, are available to the great mass of people.

You will know when things are changing for the better once the stock market crashes, and/or dies, so the money will go elsewhere- say, into the hands of people that will actually use it for something, as opposed to people like Bezos or Trump who will never spend it at all and just dumbly sit on it for the rest of their lives.

This stuff… isn’t working. Trump is looking exactly right now like I thought he would when I envisioned a worst-case scenario for his Presidency. He’s looking like the emblem of a failed government, and a failed economy, if not of a failed country altogether.

No good is going to come from any of this, ever. Words cannot express how disappointed I and the rest of John-Q public is in our “leaders” and how they have utterly failed on every level we can imagine to make life better for anyone else.

The US government is truly the worst and ugliest government in the world right now. People like Trump, Obama and Bezos are making the rest of us ashamed to be American.

It is mind-boggling how horrid our leadership actually is. Compare the mood of the country now, with what it was 20 years ago. It’s just unfathomable how far we’ve fallen in such a short amount of time.

There really is no way out of this, at this point.

Ah, well. We had a nice run, while it lasted.

Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XXX

Sunday, March 26th, 2017

Interesting local news this morning: Cook County continues to lead the nation in population loss. See more here:

I think I know why.

People do not like living in this area. People are really, really angry here. Like really angry. Like, you wouldn’t even believe how angry and frustrated the average Joe is, here.

See my previous posts for evidence, if you need any.

This place… is a powder keg. If Civil War II is to begin, it will probably start here.

I don’t think it will start in California. Or in New York City. Or Texas, or any other border place, TBH. I think it will start here.

This is where I differ from establishment conservatives, like Pat Buchanan and those at VDARE and other places. It’s long been a meme amongst them that Civil War II, if it were to begin, would start in California, owing to conflict between the Mexican invasion and the mythical conservative white base there (conservative, because they voted for Reagan).

White Californians are not conservative, though, and never were. They were and are liberals, and I offer up the fact that they supported Reagan as proof of this. Reagan never took hold here; the people always saw him for who he was: a California liberal and actor who played the part of a conservative for his masters.

I’m willing to bet that this little area here in Illinois has the starkest divides in the country. In Chicago, you have the extremely liberal Democratic machine that birthed Obama, Hillary, Jesse Jackson, and Oprah. And in the surrounding areas you have those strongholds of hyper conservatism; many of the people just outside of the liberal bastion of Chicago are IMO the most conservative people in America, if not the world.

These two sides do not mix. They exist in separate universes.

This place… feels like a war zone. You can feel it, in the air. You can hear it in the things that people say. You can practically smell it. It’s like… there is no way the two sides here will ever see eye to eye on anything. They will never agree, on anything. All they can do, and all they have done since Obama’s election, is prepare for conflict. And these days they’re both extremely pissed off. No peaceful resolution can happen, and neither side is going anywhere.

IMO, this is where it will begin.

I think that this knowledge might be the reason behind these posts… like, I want to document things, as they are now, before this world is gone forever. Before all of this is consigned to the dustbin of history. So that the people of the future can learn from our mistakes, and hopefully, not repeat them again.

I don’t think that Trump’s meager efforts as President are anywhere near enough to divert anything. This massive area is beyond hope, at this point. It’s over. The border should have been closed 30 years ago. It’s too late, now.

The oligarchs still don’t seem to get it. They’re out of time. They continue to play these stupid games with everyone but really, there’s only seconds left on the clock before the buzzer sounds. It’s really and truly over, and they’re still wasting time offering up healthcare plans and debating other, non-essential issues.

The surprise election of Trump has given them a few more minutes to play with, but those will exhaust themselves shortly. Sure, we’re not in Civil War II right now, owing to Hillary’s defeat, but that is miles from saying that things are “fixed” now.

The clock is still ticking.

The Key Problem with Trump, Part II

Sunday, March 26th, 2017

Ugh. Here we go yet again. It’s OK to turn elsewhere; I don’t care. But this stuff needs to be said by someone, especially in the wake of the Trumpcare disaster, so here it is.

The real problem that Trump has is the one he shares with the rest of the oligarchs: he operates as though there isn’t this thing called “The Internet” that allows the public to debate and criticize the actions of the regime.


Look, Trump already looks like a lame duck president, with Trumpcare being DOA. So I’m not saying this to help him, since he looks beyond that, at this point.

I’m just saying this as a way to diagnose what went wrong, in way that a coroner would investigate a corpse. Because you need to know, even if after the fact.

Trump campaigned and then took office, as I’ve said God knows how many times before, like this was the early 80’s. I’m not going to rehash the details yet again (for my readers’ sanities, if not my own), but he seemed to think that it would be an easy thing to pull the typical GOP Ronald Reagan type bait-and-switch routine.

But… that just won’t work, today. It can’t work. This is a nation in decline, and nobody likes Trump. He is in fact an inherently unlikeable and nasty person.

Reagan’s betrayals of this country were made possible by several things: 1) People grew up liking him, owing to his past as a popular film actor, and his skill at pretending to be “one of us”; 2) This country was on the upswing, which meant jobs and optimism; 3) it was a more ignorant time in some ways and people actually trusted the government, somewhat.

Trump can’t use Reagan’s strategies and make them work. He is inherently unlikable, everyone is pissed off at the oligarchy anyways because there are no jobs for Americans here in America, and nobody, and I mean nobody in their right minds would ever believe what a politician says without double and triple and quadruple checking everything that comes out of their mouths, regardless of party.

Hence, the failure of “Trumpcare”. That kind of legislation- which is just a rebranding of Obamacare- can’t pass from a GOP politician in this kind of environment. The base will not stand for any of that, anymore. Did the GOP not learn anything from Dubya’s repeated failures to pass amnesty? GOP, what the hell is wrong with you? You are only pissing the public off more and more. Stop it!

Trump, do you want to leave office as universally hated as George W. Bush was? If so, then by all means continue with his habits.

Which brings us to Trump’s other problem- his personality. Trump is an unlikeable, unsympathetic person. Which is of course why he was elected- people thought that Trump, being a crude asshole, would be an asshole to the people that deserved it- the Clintons, say, or Goldman Sachs. And then, of course, he filled his cabinet with GS alums and failed to bring even a modicum of punishment to any of the people he said he would.

So- NOW what? Why would anyone on either side of the aisle support Trump in this kind of environment, with this kind of behavior coming from him? An asshole who doesn’t target your enemies is YOUR enemy, instead. Think about it, Trump!

“Trumpcare” isn’t going to fly in this environment. In fact almost nothing coming from Trump will. With the border still open, Trump has no legs to stand on, and no credibility amongst his base or anywhere else.

You know, I blame part of this nonsense on the losers, suckers and fools who popularized that “God Emperor” meme last year. And who championed that stupid frog- I forget his name, but it was that one that looked like he was drawn by a retarded 9 year old. I never got into that nonsense. That stuff always looked so embarrassing and childish to me that it made me recoil whenever I saw it.

But, those things seemed to set the tone for Trump’s admin. Memes, and no substance. Twitter posts, and no actions. And I think that all of that “God Emperor” stupidity went to Trump’s head. As in, maybe he actually started to believe it, since so many fools and children on the net seemed to think it. I mean, why not? To a narcissist, anything can be real!

TLDR; this stuff really, really sucks. Trump- you suck; congress- you suck; GOP- you suck; US regime- you suck; public, for blindly and ignorantly putting up with this crap and not demanding more from your “leaders”- you suck; professional “conservatives”- you suck more than anyone; blah blah blah blah

Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XXIX

Thursday, March 23rd, 2017

And still, it continues.

The clown show just continues on, day after day, with no reprieve in sight save for the final, inevitable one.

I don’t much care if Trumpcare passes or not. At this point, it seems moot either way. Trump’s base has already checked out. He’s disappointed them too much, too soon. He has still done nothing for them at all in all his time in office. At this point he barely seems interested in giving their concerns lip service.

They just don’t get it. Even now. God, is this frustrating.

Trump is too much of a pussy to support. He is weak, immature and pathetic. He is as narcissistic as a ten year old girl. He always was, really, but all of this makes it clear and obvious.

I despise the GOP. All of them. Burn them all to the ground. Burn everything.

You know- I’m really starting to hate this country. I know that it’s not the country’s fault, since the oligarchs are the responsible party here, but I can’t help it. We put up with this. We enable it, through our inactions. It’s the truth.

Oligarchs- you have a mess on your hands. A big one. You need to fix it, or else.

My advice: Tell the truth. Come forward, and explain the truth. About everything. About the NWO, about the racial differences in IQ, about, well, everything.

And end the government. Put it out of it’s misery, once and for all. Kill the dollar and replace it with something reasonable and logical, like a gold standard. And bury the entire political system and everyone in it.

And do it soon, before the inevitable.

The clock is still ticking.

Thoughts on the Celeb Leaks, Part XV

Friday, March 17th, 2017

Thanks for the pictures and the videos. But… if we’re being honest here, no thanks.

You know what I want? You know what I really want?

I want to talk to Taylor Swift.

THAT’S what I really want.

And you know what?

That’s what I deserve.

The Key Problem with Trump

Sunday, March 12th, 2017

Ok, beyond what I’ve already said tonight, the problem with Trump thus far is this: when you look at every republican president since 1980, there is very little to no difference between them in policy, narrative or style, Trump included.

Always, it’s the same shtick, over and over again. You see a reformed liberal become “conservative” and win the presidency on some dumb, unthinking “law and order” and militaristic platform, like… Nixon did, basically.

It’s always the same damn thing. It never changes, and people everywhere are beyond sick of it.

I understand a lot of the anger that the more liberal types feel towards Trump. He’s boorish and not very respectable as an intellectual, in the same way that Reagan and Bush the younger were.

Through his campaign, I gave him the benefit of the doubt. After all, he’s a self-made billionaire, so I thought, surely he’s just doing it for votes. Underneath it all, of course he’s secretly brilliant, and we’ll all see that side of him once elected.

Ugh. Joke’s on me, I guess. Well, joke’s on everyone, it seems.

It’s always the same platform. Big government=bad and wasteful, except for by far the biggest and most wasteful government dept. of all, the military. That one is literally always good.

And the rest of it. Promise the country one thing, and then deliver the other, over and over again to the point that doing so becomes tradition.

This stuff is just pissing everyone off across the political spectrum, and it needs to end.

This endless regurgitation of the same old stuff, over and over again, was at least part of the reason for Ron Paul’s popularity. He was a GOP candidate that actually dared to try something different for once, and people respected that and listened.

So, NOW what? It looks as though we’re going to be getting 4 more years of standard-issue GOP nonsense, yet again. And THEN what? Oprah? Her name is being bandied about by a good number of former supporters of Hillary, as though that would be a change from Trump, somehow. Honestly, Oprah? A billionaire who made her name in the 80’s through a connection to talk shows, an occasional acting gig, and trashy reality TV? Wouldn’t that be just Donald Trump, all over again, yet again?

So, if not Oprah, who, then? Hillary, yet again? Biden, again? Obama, again? Some combination of those 4? Is there any functional difference between them anyways? Or will we get 4 more years of Trump, again?

Jesus fucking Christ, this shit is getting so God Damn TIRESOME.

The oligarchy needs to either leave, or change, or be pushed aside.

There really is no other way.

Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XXVIII

Sunday, March 12th, 2017

So, with Trump having had over 50 days in office now, where are we?

The same place we were 50 days ago, it looks like. And the same place we were 50 days before that, and then 50 days before that.


You know what? Fuck it. I need to vent. Hence, this post.

I really, really just hate politicians in this country. Not a one of them is worth the brain power needed to think of a way to criticize them, yet we’re all forced to deal with them anyways.

And I’m getting really tired of hearing politicians talk about themselves, and of hearing others talk about politicians talking about themselves.

So, where are we, now? We’re 50 plus days into the Trump administration, and everything Trump has done since his inauguration has been about him. Not the country. Not even his family. But HIM.

I’ve written before about how my great fear in regards to Trump is that he would turn out to be another traitor like Bush or Reagan, but in this case, even that would be in some ways an improvement, as that would at least show some initiative or curiosity on Trump’s part.

More than 50 days in, and Trump has done nothing of importance, good or bad, and as far as I can tell, he has shown no inclinations to do much of anything in the future, either.

Where is the wall? Where is the crack down on Wall Street excess that we were promised? Where is the immigration stop? Where is the end to street violence? Where is the repeal of Obamacare? And where the fuck is everything else? None of that is here, and it’s nowhere that I can see, either.

There appears to be no substance to his administration. At this point he is looking exactly like the man is described in my earlier posts- he looks like an sheltered oligarch awkwardly aping the mannerisms, concerns and ideals of working class people. In the Oval Office, he looks like a fish out of water almost as much as then Obama did.

Thus far I have found little to like in him or his actions since he took office.

Enough, already, with this talk of Obama wiretapping. NOBODY FUCKING CARES, and Trump, you look like a self-absorbed brat even mentioning it, even if it is true. Just SHUT UP.


Thus far the tone of Trump’s admin has been a mixture of extremely dated 1980’s GOP boilerplate militaristic nonsense mixed with Obama-era multicult garbage mixed Keeping up With the Kardashians. And, UGH, I mean that literally. Thus far, Trump’s three most notable acts as President have been a proposal for a massive and senseless increase in the military budget, a proposal to keep Obamacare up and running (!) in all but name only, and a summit with Kanye West.

People, what the FUCK?

No, no, no!

Trump, you have a JOB to do. You were HIRED by people, in this case the public, to CLOSE THE BORDER, amongst other things.


Trump, it is not difficult to build a wall. With modern techniques and an infinite amount of money at your disposal, a wall separating the US and Mexico could be built in a week, to be generous to you.

And there is no reason why such a wall has not been built already, except for the obvious one, which is that you, and the rest of the oligarchs, really do not want to build it.

If we can declare war on Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya and Vietnam with a Presidential Order, than surely a fucking wall can be built with one, too.

Look, guys, the circus that is Washington, D.C. is running on borrowed time. The depression that started in 2008 continues, unabated, to this day.

Trump is being given a grace period, to allow him to acclimate himself to the job. But that grace period will not last long. He needs to PRODUCE, and do it like NOW.


What I’m thinking now, as I close out this post, is how Trump’s presidency illustrates everything that is wrong with oligarchy.

Trump and the other oligarchs are inherently uninterested in the advancement of the nation, or in the fixing of it’s problems. Their only interest lies in stability- of the country, maybe, but really of themselves. In an oligarchy, those with power work only to keep it, and they will only change if they believe that change will help them hold onto power.

Hence, of course, Trump’s reluctance to fulfill any of his campaign promises. To my eyes, he seems unsure if closing the border will benefit himself, his own constituents be damned. So, it hasn’t been closed yet, and it might never get closed in actuality. I would not put it past him or those around him to half-ass a “wall” with giant gaps that would allow the flood of illegals to only be moderately reduced, as opposed to eliminated. Why? Because this would benefit the rich, and Trump, like the rest of the oligarchs, are all about money and position, and not principles.

I believe that this motivation is what inspired Carson’s recent goofy comparison between slaves and immigrants. What he (Carson, or maybe his handler) is trying to do to generate sympathy for immigrants amongst black people with such idiotic, nonsensical statements. Then, hopefully, Trump can use that sentiment to weasel his way out of his promises.

Well, either that, or Carson is just a typical Affirmative Action employee. Illogical, untalented, and awkwardly foolish, but impossible to fire or ignore without causing too much of a hassle.

You know, what I would really like to see within my lifetime is this: A political administration I can actually respect.

I hope, truly, that this is not an impossibly tall order for the oligarchy to fill. Though it may well be.

I don’t want a president that takes advice from Kanye fucking West, and I don’t particularly want one who comes from a Reality TV background, either. And I certainly don’t want one that is an illegal immigrant from Kenya, or one who deliberately and openly declares war on his own country with a terrorist attack on the U.S. homeland, or one who prefers getting blowjobs from ugly interns instead of preventing the dismantling of the entire nation’s economy.

I’m getting really tired of this shit, guys. Me and everyone else, really.

The oligarchy here runs on inertia and fumes. Once upon a time, a LONG time ago, the people who ran this country were competent, good natured, and wise. They knew how to act in such a way that their actions benefited the people as well as themselves.

Because of this legacy, the fools running the ship now have been given “Get Out of Jail Free” cards by the public. Hence why none of them have yet been executed for treason, regardless of their actions.

Oligarchs- it’s time that you kids grew up, and started acting like adults.

If you don’t, one day, the warnings will stop.

Keep that in mind.

Thoughts on Whitewashing in Hollywood, Part II

Tuesday, February 21st, 2017

Since publishing my earlier screed, I decided to test my theory.

And in light of the Oscars coming up this week and the whole “whitewashing” controversy refusing to leave the headlines, I feel it apropos to chime in again on this topic. So, here goes.

A lot has been written about the film Warcraft and it’s immense, and to many, incomprehensible financial success in China.

I was curious, too. So, I watched it myself.

I liked the movie, personally. I was pleasantly surprised that the film took more inspiration from the RTS franchise than the MMO, which I was never a fan of (the subscription model didn’t agree with me; seriously, Blizzard, time to go free-to-play with WOW).

At any rate, it was cool to see so much of the stuff from the RTS series on screen, like the big-ass portal that the Orcs used to escape Draenor. Very impressive. And Gul’Dan kicked ass, naturally. Us evil wizards always do, really.

I found the film more Warcraft 2 than Warcraft 3, which was doubly awesome. Maybe the sequel can introduce Arthas and Illidan, or at least Kel’Thuzad. That would be nice.

Is it just me, or did it seem to others that the film took inspiration from the old iOS game Orc: Vengeance as well? I mean, the story about the Orc chieftain being the protagonist and saving the world from evil, etc.

While I’m on this stream of consciousness kick here, some of what Medivh went through with the Fel seems eerily similar to some of what I went through with those ultra powerful dark and death based demonic energies that I experimented with, years ago. I got some weird flashbacks watching Warcraft. Crazy stuff.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m still evil, and I still have access in my brain to that stuff in case I ever need to enslave the Earth, or something. But, that isn’t on the radar right now.

Anyhoo- to a longtime fan of the franchise, the movie was nice.

Um, back on track, here… so why did the movie do so well in China? It’s because it wasn’t Chinese, of course.

It presented to the Chinese mainland a fantasy world that is unlike anything that they have themselves. To them, Warcraft (and the other Blizzard properties) are pure escapist entertainment.

China has it’s own mystical tradition that is unrelated to the European mythological and LOTR based worlds that White culture has. So to them, these Western traditions are new, fascinating and edgy. I think that to those in the far East, playing Warcraft would offer the same escapist thrill that Westerners get when watching Kung-Fu movies, or when getting tattoos of Chinese words, or something like that.

And all of this can be applied to Starcraft and Warhammer and The Elder Scrolls and Mortal Kombat and Avatar and the rest of the modern Western fantasy franchises, all of which have huge followings in Asia.

See, what people here need to “get” is that China has no need for, and no willingness to see, China and Chinese stuff in Hollywood movies. They have their own film industry for that.

I can’t stress this enough. China pumps out hundreds if not thousands of movies of it’s own, every year, that focus exclusively on China and Chinese issues. That being the case, why are people here thinking that the Chinese are begging to see China ineptly shoehorned into American films? They have zero need for such representation.

Done well, pandering to Chinese audiences will get Hollywood nowhere. Done badly, it looks offensive and dumb. So why do it at all?

The best approach to things in the future, by far IMHO, is to ignore China and other cultures completely and go full tilt White and European. This is what the Eastern audience WANTS.

I mean, JUST LOOK at the box-office receipts! It’s right there!

So, upon seeing Warcraft, my opinion still stands.

Whitewash everything.

Thoughts on the Super Bowl, 2017 Edition

Monday, February 6th, 2017

These have become kind of a tradition here, so here’s this year’s edition.

Sports wise, the short takeaway is that this was a good game, what with it going to overtime, and because of Brady’s records and all that. He really is a great player. You can tell because even I think so, and I’m not a football fan.

That’s the litmus test for real greatness, IMO. If someone who doesn’t follow the sport and doesn’t even know all the rules can immediately tell that you’re the best guy out there, than you probably are. I mean, I only watch one NFL game a year, so I can’t honestly tell the difference between a poor QB and an average QB, or an average QB and a pretty good QB. But Brady? He is awesome- there’s no question. He is the best. Everyone can see it.

Watching Brady tonight, I got flashbacks of watching the Bulls, back when Jordan was our sports hero, here. He is so obviously superior at his sport that even non-fans feel comfortable cheering for him, even when they don’t understand 100% of what’s going on.

It is kind of unfortunate that the Falcons lost. I was actually rooting for them, because I’d learned before the game that they’d never won a SB before. I didn’t know who was on their team, or anything, but I thought it would make for a good ending if they would’ve taken it, kind of like how the Cubs won the World Series.

But… the Patriots deserved it. They were the better team today.

So, congrats, Patriots.

Non-football stuff… Lady Gaga was also awesome, as usual. Hopefully, her performance will lead to a comeback of sorts on the charts.

So, everything was all good, except for… that. The feeling.

That other feeling.

Is it just me, or is football… boring, now? Even the Super Bowl.

It’s puzzling. This was a good game, at least near the end, when it really counted, but… it was kinda boring, even then. It seemed very samey, which struck me since I only watch one game a year.

Something’s happened to the NFL lately. It’s nowhere near as fun or as interesting as it used to be. I think I can say this with authority, since I’m a non-fan. I can look at it objectively.

It was a good game, but it seemed weirdly anti-climatic. To me, it was a tense game with a unique ending that somehow seemed rote and routine. Even with Brady’s epic performance, the whole thing seemed hollow.

Maybe this is the “Cubs effect”. Around here, you can still buy magazines celebrating the Cubs’ World Series win. And a lot of them, too. I went to the corner drug store today before the game and saw fully stocked rows of four different magazines commemorating the Cubs’ victory. And still, the hats and T-shirts were prominently displayed, as if the Series was last week.

It could be that compared to the madness that was the Cubs’ victory, any Super Bowl would look stale here.

But… IDK. The NFL really seems to have lost it’s luster, and it’s aura of mystique. Back in 2015, I wrote another one of these, and I started the post off with this: “The Super Bowl is the only NFL game I’ll really watch, because it mostly isn’t about the NFL. It’s about everything besides.” But, I feel as though even that’s no longer true. This year, I felt as though I was just watching the SB because it’s what I’ve always done, and not because I can actually glean something from it.

The ads, especially, were horrifically boring. God, were they boring. They were awful, awful, awful. It used to be that people watched the SB ads because they were more entertaining than normal ads. But, things have actually swung in the opposite direction. I would have rather watched any normal ads over the SB ads this year.

And it isn’t the politics. I mean, everyone took note of how overtly political and anti-conservative the ads were, this year. But, that isn’t a surprise, or even noteworthy. That’s just how TV ads are, these days. But what is noteworthy is how utterly charmless and devoid of humor this particular bunch was.

Most of the ads were like sermons; like lectures on Proper Behavior. They were morose and tiring, and some were outright condescending. It seemed like there was *no* humor in the majority of them.

It was awful. Really, it was awful.

The ads are making watching the SB a depressing, painful experience. As it stands, I watch TV to be entertained, so I’m thinking of skipping next year’s show because of the overwhelming number of sullen, intentionally boring ads in this year’s show.

The ads this year illustrate, once again, how badly the left is missing the mark these days. Ideals aside, who in their right minds would want to be ruled over by people as flat, condescending and dull as those types who made this year’s commercials?

You know- what I said earlier, about the ads being like sermons, seems more appropriate the more I think about it. It really did seem like Sunday school all over again, because I remember watching movies like those ads all the damn time in Catholic Sunday School classes. Really drives home the Christian origins of the multicultural mentality to me, as if more proof was needed for that.

Beyond the ads, it just seems that football itself is boring, too.

The game itself never changes.

The sports boom was brought on by the advent of HDTVs. For the first time, people could actually see what was going on on the playing field. HDTVs and new camera tech re-invented watching team sports. It made the old games of the past interesting again. But now, that interest seems to be waning.

Football, I think, will likely take the brunt of this.

Football was boosted by HDTVs perhaps more than any other sport. NFL games are perfectly suited for them- they’re just the right length for a get- together with family or friends, and have enough action to entertain, but not so much all at once that you can’t talk with people or get something to eat while the game is on.

IMO the NFL was boosted by the advent of HDTVs perhaps more than any other entertainment choice.

But, the novelty really does seem to be wearing off.

You know… I think I’ve said enough. It’s midnight, I’m tired of typing and I’ve already given this experience more attention than it deserves, really.

Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XXVII

Friday, January 20th, 2017

One more of these, on the eve of the inauguration.

I’m not sure of how the next 4 years will go, with Trump as President.

TBH, I don’t think as of now that anyone can be.

But, I do want to say a few things.

1) In general, I dislike politics and most political people these days.

It’s all ego, it seems. Nobody seems concerned anymore with facts and on the ground, obvious realities. I do realize that this has always been the case, of course, at least somewhat, but I don’t remember it ever being this bad in my lifetime.

Case in point: all of those ostensibly conservative people and websites- and there are a lot of them- who are proclaiming that Trump is some kind of second coming of Reagan, who apparently embodied working class values.

There… is so much that is wrong with this, and so much that is, I am sorry to say, DUMB with it, that I almost can’t summarize how brutally incorrect this idea is.

I’ve tried before, but here’s a refresher, since it seems that we need one:

Trump’s past is that he is a billionaire, who was born into a very rich family, who made his own fortunes in the Fed-fueled easy money experiments of the 80’s and 90’s, and on his appearances in reality TV shows about monied businesspeople, like “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” and “The Apprentice”.

Reagan was a Hollywood actor and lifelong socialist who joined the Republicans when it was convenient for him personally to do so, and who promptly amnestied every illegal alien and shipped virtually our entire manufacturing base overseas as soon as he took office.

Neither one of these people is or was an embodiment of “working class values”, and it’s still baffling to see intelligent people even claim such.

Reading conservative (meaning, GOP oriented) blogs these days is very telling. You can see plainly how these suckers just keep losing and losing, over and over again. They’re pathetic; they refuse to look reality in the eye. They’re weak.

The left has not been as weak as they are. The left really does demand actual results, as opposed to simple lip service. They expect their leaders to actually deliver. The GOP worshipers don’t; they are too gullible, or too scared, to do so.

The professional “right wing” seems infested lightweights and weaklings.

The left, as well, seems to have gone off the deep end, but in their own special way. There is no discussion, and I mean none that I can see, about any of the very valid reasons why so many people are ardently against them.

There’s been a lot of talk from the leftist intelligentsia about “soul-searching” after Trump’s victory, which to them apparently means pointing the finger at others for their own mistakes. Especially, they like to blame Hollywood for Trump’s victory. Hollywood, it seems, drove the country to vote for Trump as a counter-reaction against them- as if celebrities putting posts on Instagram about their support for Hillary led the common man to vote for Trump, instead, for some reason.

Nowhere on the intellectual left is there any discussion about, say, black-on-white crime as a motivator for people to reject liberalism. Nor is there any meaningful discussion about the systematic and severe job and school-related discrimination faced by poor whites, and most especially by poor white men. No, there cannot be any discussion of that, because that would affect the intelligentsia directly, since so many of them have cushy, tenured jobs in universities and such.

So, they point the finger at others. At Hollywood, for example. I mean, it’s Leonardo DiCaprio’s fault that Hillary lost! Isn’t it obvious?

Not to me, it isn’t. People do still listen to these guys, though, because of their past history of victories. But not because of respect for their ideas, I think. We’ll see if people keep listening to them if / when Trump makes any changes to the system.

2) Like everyone else, I’ve no idea how Trump will do in office. But, there is a good chance that he will flounder and flail in the same way that Obama did.

The country really does seem too divided at this point to be governed effectively. Simply put, the nation is too diverse. There might be no way for any President to get all of the groups in here to see eye to eye on anything.

And especially, I believe that Trump may not be able to reconnect the white working class with everyone else.

I still believe that there is a good chance that 9/11 sunk that particular ship. Once the oligarchs directly attacked the mainland of the US with micronukes or whatever it was that they used to bring the twin towers down, it was probably over for them here.

To appease the white working class now, and to really get them on board again, would require Herculean, and maybe impossible, acts of contrition on the part of the oligarchs.

To eject every illegal in the country, and to make Black America pay publicly for their epidemic of violent crime, would be a good and promising start. But it would only be a start.

I can’t imagine that anything Trump has to offer at this point would be anywhere near sufficient, or even respectable.

Keep in mind that the US today has by far the greatest wealth inequality ever seen in history. Here, the divide between the oligarchs and the white working classes in particular has been growing ever since the Fed was established over a hundred years ago. It may take that long, or perhaps longer, if it is to truly heal.

If such a thing is even possible.

I will not be holding my breath.

3) I don’t envy Trump. Not even a little.

His job will be hard, to say the least, if not even impossible to do well.

The US has been pushing it’s problems aside now since from… who knows, really. But it’s been a long, long time.

The debt needs to be brought down. It cannot continue to grow into infinity.

People need jobs- tens of millions of them, and they need them yesterday.

Obama’s wars need to end, everything else notwithstanding. They are costing trillions of dollars a year and thus are far too expensive to maintain.

And- the government (like the schools) must cop to reality and admit the truth that the races are not “equal” in intelligence level or mental competence. They don’t have a choice about this, IMHO. Everyone from the ages of 23 – 55 with an internet connection knows the truth, by now, regardless of what they say in public. The secret is out, and this is one genie that will never be able to get back into the bottle. It’s over, guys. It really and truly is over.

And I won’t even get into stuff like immigration or whatever.

All of this being the case, I don’t envy The Donald.

His “drain the swamp” stuff, whatever it is, is most likely not going to cut it.

4) Apparently, Trump’s first act as President will be to be sworn in on 2 bibles. Why? PR stunts like this aren’t what’s needed. Trump and his team should be focusing on more important stuff, not clickbait generating nonsense like that.

Besides, Christianity is a dead religion, and most especially amongst Trump’s own base. The White churches are empty. Nobody cares.

Leaving aside my own prejudices, it would be better sign, IMHO, if Trump was to ditch the bible entirely. Now THAT would be different. That would mean that he wasn’t a typical amoral GOP stooge like Reagan, the Bushes and Nixon.

I mean, did he HAVE to choose Lincoln’s bible, of all things? The Bible of Mr. GOP himself? I thought that Trump was supposed to be some sort of renegade in his party. Someone different. Apparently, I was wrong.

But… this is only a detail. And I really should hold my tongue until he has had a chance to prove himself, as I said yesterday.

So, I’ll end this one here.

Trump, if you’re reading this, good luck.