I often wonder if there is anyone in this world more distrusted than the American newsmedia.
I mean look at this shit, here.
What do you even say to such stupidity?
The gist of this article is thus: 1) American journalists are people who try to “uncover the truth”, 2) Trump is more of a threat to free speech than, IDK, Biden or Kamala, 3) journalists often make those in power “uncomfortable” with “hard questions” (Seriously, he wrote this! It’s in the article! LOL), and 4) A whole bunch of shit relating to TV, which I’m sure is just as wrong the rest of the garbage he wrote in the article. IDK, I don’t watch TV.
Does this guy actually believe what he wrote, here? I mean it’s possible that he doesn’t- he probably has student loans to pay off and a 401(k) to fund and a whole bunch of other expenses, but… holy shit, dude. LOL.
I like to give people the benefit of the doubt in these situations, but it sure sounds like he believes what he wrote there.
Ugh. Jeebus. It’s just shit, all of it. Just junk. There is little to nothing of value coming from the media, about anything at all. They all suck.
I am tired of them making random shit up and passing it off as news. They do this constantly- and constantly have to be corrected by the public. The press was caught lying for the CDC regarding the COVID death numbers, they had to correct themselves. They were caught lying about Russia (the Trump thing, not the rest of it, although that was a bunch of garbage too) and now they just kinda… don’t talk about it. And on and on, I could list more but that isn’t the point of this post. It doesn’t matter what they talk about, they lie and lie and lie and lie, and keep at it until people (trolls, according to the media itself) get sick of it and rise up and demand the media stop fucking lying to them already.
And nowhere is this more prevalent in the endless and ALWAYS proven wrong stories about black violence- and always, always, and I do mean in like all cases, the media lies here. All cases of white on black violence are hoaxes or exaggerations. I mean ALL OF THEM, for literally years, probably as long as I have been alive. ALL cases of black on white violence have been downplayed, or shuffled under the rug. No matter how many of them there are, no matter if there is actual video of the incident, always the media lies, until fed-up people force the media not too.
Oof, ye gods, the US media is shit, utter shit. There is not one person amongst them that has any sense of honor or decency it seems; and then they wonder why noone respects them or their word. I often wonder if there is some kind of screening test for journalists, where anyone with honesty and integrity is weeded out before graduation.
The media in this country is a major major problem. They just seem to exist to make life difficult and dangerous for everyone not chosen by the Zionists or plutocrats. They seem to live to obfuscate the truth and prop up the empire so as to help it continue it’s destruction and plunder.
Has anyone faced any consequences for Bush’s Iraq war disaster? or Obama’s Syrian war disaster? Or for their enabling of the dumb, pointless riots of 2020?
Anyone remember them trying to pin the blame for those riots on “white supremacists”? Why are there no consequences for these people? It baffles the mind that there is nobody in the ruling class who gives two fucks about having an honest media, or about the health of the USA as a whole. Perhaps it’s because they all profit somehow from news coverage; I don’t know.
But Jeebus, how depressing.
My kingdom for a news outlet that is worth reading, lol.