Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Jayden Bartels and Jules LeBlanc, Part II

Saturday, March 27th, 2021

Okay, I think it’s worth taking a closer look at Ms. Annie Bartels’ title song for Side Hustle, because I think I might have… found… something.


Was that Annie Bartels or Jules Bartels? Or was it Jayden LeBlanc? Or… uhm…


I mean, just listen to the song, here:

Listen to about 18 seconds in, when google tells me they sing “It’s easy when you got a sidekick” which is CLEARLY wrong, because I hear very plainly “It’s easy when you got a PSYCHIC”, and then they go into “Dream Big” and “Visions coming true” lines and such, etc.

Which is… crazy, because that would mean that they’re trying to, IDK, influence me in surreptitious ways, which, although I wouldn’t put that past them, would still be… uhm… kinda wrong nevertheless. I mean, wrong when they do it, not me. When I do it, it’s cute and fitting.

So, uhm, yeah. Would they… do that, to me?

They wouldn’t, right? Surely not.

I mean, not unless they got instructions on all of this from 1) Disney (which Jayden was a part of, natch) and 2) some other people at Nick who may or may not have worked somewhat tangentially or maybe even wholly on stuff like Victorious and other assorted Nick shows and such (which is a distinct and very probably possible possibility).

I mean, all of which is…

Well… kinda to be expected, right? I mean considering the inns and outs of the… situations at hand, and by situations I mean girls, not controversies (or maybe even that distinction is not is not as distinctive as need be, in this case).



We’ll see.

So there.

Jayden Bartels and Jules LeBlanc

Thursday, March 25th, 2021

Oh my God, what have I thrown myself into the middle of this time?

I mean… it’s just… yeah, wow. I mean, I think we can all remember the great Victorious and Gossip Girl wars of ten years ago, and then I go and do this?

I mean, it’s just… I… you know, it’s ok. Not a problem. I know what I’m doing, I’m sure of it. Absolutely sure, mostly. Pretty much.

I mean, it’s their fault, anyways. Yeah, it’s them. You know the type. I mean Jules even said that her favorite Nick show was Victorious, so she’s just that type of girl. And Jayden is… Jayden, and you just know that she probably liked Gossip Girl or something. Or at least something on the CW, which is basically the same thing, mostly, if you ignore everything that isn’t.

Speaking of which, Emily of all people is starring in the new Gossip Girl, which is just like her. I mean I knew that she would do something like that back when we started dating (which was… seven and half years ago? Jesus Christ!) but I mean I didn’t expect it to be Gossip Girl specifically (I mean, who would, really?), but… yeah, that’s just so like her, and if you knew her, you would see that, too.

So yeah this is just like… uhm… them, which is what I was kinda expecting, anyways. Mostly.

So there.

The History of Me, Part XX

Tuesday, March 16th, 2021



Uhmmmm… some thoughts, here.

Well The Island is obvious. But I’m sure we all knew that.

I mean, let’s just do the usual thing here.

I’m talking here about the Michael Bay flick, which is liberally peppered with references to my relationship with Scarlett Johanssen (at the time, I think my favorite girl). The hero’s name is Tom Lincoln, with the Lincoln part I think a reference to The Land of Lincoln (i.e. Illinois, the only place I’ve ever lived).

Note that The Island is a film that concerns itself greatly with the places that people live, like the eponymous “Island” itself that takes center stage for most of the film.

It fits, and it’s obvious. I mean, all those references to my relationship with Scarlett, and everything else. It’s a good package and a fine extra example of what I’m talking about, here.

Note the “bacon” scene with Tom and Scarlett, and her sly innuendo, etc. etc. and the other stuff, etc. etc. Well, I’m not going to lay all of that out since I have more important things to think about, here. I mean, this blog is for me, mostly, and since I understand it, well, that’s good enough.

Okay, on to the main course of this post.

I finally did skim through / watch Blue Velvet. Unfortunately since I had ulterior motives with the film I felt I couldn’t watch it as normal, but I think I got out of my viewing perhaps more than most would regardless of how they viewed it.

I loved, loved, loved the setting, and the sets, and the visuals. They reminded me so strongly of the world I left behind when I grew up that I couldn’t stop watching the background of the film in spite of whatever was going on with the characters and plot. Lynch has an almost uncanny ability to create a feeling of a specific place in his films- see The Straight Story, again, for this, and his shockingly spot-on evocation of small town Iowa.

As far as the “content” of the film (plot and dialogue, as opposed to environment and ambiance), I lean towards Ebert’s negative appraisal. I’ll quote him, here.


If “Blue Velvet” had continued to develop its story in a straight line, if it had followed more deeply into the implications of the first shocking encounter between Rossellini and MacLachlan, it might have made some real emotional discoveries.

Instead, director David Lynch chose to interrupt the almost hypnotic pull of that relationship in order to pull back to his jokey, small-town satire. Is he afraid that movie audiences might not be ready for stark S & M unless they’re assured it’s all really a joke? I was absorbed and convinced by the relationship between Rossellini and MacLachlan, and annoyed because the director kept placing himself between me and the material. After five or 10 minutes in which the screen reality was overwhelming, I didn’t need the director prancing on with a top hat and cane, whistling that it was all in fun.

Indeed, the movie is pulled so violently in opposite directions that it pulls itself apart. If the sexual scenes are real, then why do we need the sendup of the “Donna Reed Show”? What are we being told? That beneath the surface of Small Town, U.S.A., passions run dark and dangerous? Don’t stop the presses.


Yeah I get what Ebert was saying, here, and I think I know why he thought this way. IMO he had his finger on the pulse of small town America a bit more than other critics, especially those that were employed by the coastal elite owned papers of NY and LA, I think.

Ebert never strayed too far from his Midwestern roots when it came to interpreting and reviewing film. Like me, he was born in Illinois and stayed there.

So he was I think somewhat more personally familiar with the “dark side” of small town USA than, say, a Rex Reed or Pauline Kael type. And I think that his opinion here reflects this- no matter how impressively made the shocking scenes were, merely being shocking in and of themselves is not enough, since, after all, weird or disturbing stuff happens all the time in rural USA.

In a sense, I think that this film was almost not made for a rural USA demographic but for an urban one, to scandalize their own assumptions of what they think small town life is like out here.

But… it is well made, in general. And I found Ebert’s follow up to his review interesting as well, since he included a snippet of an interview he had with Lynch. It seems that Lynch based much of the movie’s setting on his own childhood experiences in small town USA.

Hmmn. Interesting.

But yeah, this post is supposed to be about me, so here goes.

I’m not seeing myself in much if any of Blue Velvet, thank God. I was 6 years old when the film came out, which would have made me four or five during it’s filming.

Which of course wouldn’t place me anywhere inside the main plot of the movie.

What it would do, though, is place me around it, potentially. And here’s where it gets weird, again.

The film ends not like you would expect it to, given it’s plot and reputation. It ends rather oddly, with the closing shot being of a little boy- around 4 or 5 years of age, running over to his mom. Hmmn. Weird.

I mean, I get the context within the film. The kid was kidnapped and then freed, etc. But still, it’s worth investigating.

So yeah, the kid in and of himself certainly doesn’t point directly at me, even though the kid is wearing a wizard’s hat (with a beanie propeller, lol), and is named “Little Donny” according to IMDB. Here we get a similar name- I was of course called “Tommy” when I was that age. But yeah… weird. I don’t know.

I do know that Lynch took shedloads of stuff from me for his later films, but all of that is extremely obvious. This? Not so much, but it is… interesting.

The film ends with “Little Donny” turning his ear to the camera, which seems almost a callback to the ear that the protagonist found in the field. Yeah, I don’t know, but…

There is some kind of card being played here, I think, that is very, very hard to pick up and understand. Little Donny’s wizard propeller hat is found a few times throughout the rest of the earlier film. So he’s there, narratively, just not present. And it’s just… I don’t know. I cannot unpack this one, given the tools that I have with me. I mean, perhaps that’s because there is actually nothing to unpack. But… I don’t know.

I mean, it’s just so weird. What is Lynch saying, here, with the little wizard boy in the film’s ending, and what I think is it’s callback to the beginning? Does anyone know, or know where I can find out?

It’s just… what the fuck is going on, here, really? I’m sorry but this is extremely baffling.

Well… maybe I know the answer to this one, maybe I don’t. But either way I’m going to end this post here, because I need to do some more thinking, guessing and figuring.

K then.

A Few Relationship Thoughts

Tuesday, March 16th, 2021

People, you need to stop just doing random stuff without thinking about me.

I’m referring to my girlfriends here mostly, but frankly I’m including everyone else in this, too.

What it basically boils down to is that at least as far as careers and stuff go in entertainment, my wants / needs / whatever are more important than essentially anything else, etc.

It’s always for the best to just address me directly, and tell me what you are doing / thinking, and to avoid weird surprises. Basically, you need to make it easy for me, and the easier the better. And this often boils down to not touching stuff after we’ve already established it’s importance and such.

So- no surprises, and I mean like ever. You need to tell me what you are doing and thinking, and the more direct and obvious you can make the telling the better.

I think the key here is that these are romantic relationships / marriages, and again, these require communication to work correctly. So- no weird surprises. I mean, I’ve been talking about this for years now, and I seriously mean it.

So don’t do stuff like what Taylor Swift did and just up and delete your social media at some random point or whatever. If you do that, and I need to investigate something in your (our) past, it becomes too much of a hassle. So don’t do that stuff. I don’t care what your manager or agent or your parents tell you. Don’t do it, since their opinions are of lesser importance since 1) They aren’t as smart or as talented as I am, and 2) They aren’t as important to you anyhow once we get into “relationship mode” together. So don’t do it.

So yeah, don’t delete old stuff. I mean, just don’t do it, and I mean like ever. Old vlogs? Leave them up. Old instagram pics? Leave them alone. Old music videos? Don’t touch them, like ever.

Whatever the reasoning might be behind making radical changes to your style or career, it is more important to you in the long run to keep me happy and knowledgeable about what is going on- believe me.

So, yeah. I mean, that stuff is important. I mean I already talked about Chloe East’s old vlogs and stuff, and now that we’re on the subject, I wouldn’t mind seeing Johnny Sequoyah’s old stuff, either, not to mention Lexi Jayde’s music videos, which is kinda what sparked this rant. I mean, I was going to use those for research but since they’re not there, I guess I’ll be investigating someone else, then.

I mean, seriously. You need to make it easy for me if you really want to connect with me. Seems obvious, no? But apparently it isn’t to some.

Think of it this way: if there is ever a question about whether you should delete your old music videos or vlogs or whatever, just ask yourself: what would Victoria Justice do? And then, look at her youtube channel, and the answer should become obvious.

Successful relationships require thought and planning, and good plans for the future can come only from firm knowledge of where you have been in the past.

So… yeah, there you go.

Follow up to the Addendum to The Girlfriend Wars, Part II: Blah Blah Blah, Part II

Saturday, March 13th, 2021

I’m not a ditz, either, so you can all stop thinking that, like, at any point. I mean, I know what you’re thinking. I mean, I know it, and it’s just, like, not right.

I mean, so there.


Follow up to the Addendum to The Girlfriend Wars, Part II: Blah Blah Blah

Saturday, March 13th, 2021

Ok, I just want to make ONE thing clear: I do NOT do mind games. Or drama. I do NOT.

See, I don’t do that stuff. I mean, I don’t. That’s not like… my thing. Or like, what I want my thing to be. Or like, it isn’t even WAS my thing, like ever. Like, you know? You know.

So, no mind games, or drama. I mean, that stuff is for, like, OTHER people. You know the type. Like, the people I go out with. See, that’s THEIR thing. They’re all about the drama, I’M not. Because drama isn’t my “thing”.


See? So that’s that, then. I mean, that’s that. I mean, that’s that that. You know? The thing. That’s that thing, I mean- you know. That… thing, that thing I don’t do because I’m not, like, them.

I mean, you know the kind. You know the type, by now. That type.






Addendum to The Girlfriend Wars, Part II: Katherine Grace McNamara vs. Victoria Dawn Justice

Saturday, March 13th, 2021

I wasn’t expecting it to be so surreal to see Victoria and Katherine in the same scenes, together.

I mean, they even talked to each other!

Which is, yes I know, kinda the point, lol. But the thing is is that I have an alter personality that is Katherine McNamara’s man, and then another that is Victoria Justice’s man, and it’s like… they weren’t exactly processing this stuff well.

See, when I call a girl my “favorite” I’m not lying. To whatever personality they’re chatting with at the time that actually is the case. See The Favourite with Emma Stone for more details on this.

So- seeing the two together, it was like… Victoria Justice’s man wanted to talk to Vicky, and Katherine’s man wanted to talk to Kathy, and the two of them weren’t exactly happy with each other at the time, which is… based on the bits of the flick I’ve seen thus far, precisely what the girls were expecting (!).

It was almost like… they were… kinda… doing it on purpose, you know. I mean, all of it. On purpose. Like, for real. Which… can’t be true, since they would never do that to me. I mean, I’m sure of it. Very very sure. Mostly so. Pretty much. Kinda.

You don’t know these girls as well as I do, people. I mean, you just don’t.

So uhm… I’ll probably watch the whole movie this weekend, and uhm… I’ll… digest, later on.


But… I think that someone’s boyfriend wants to talk to their S.O., which is fine so long as it isn’t… you know, one of them. The boyfriends (husbands), or both, I mean. Not the girls.

It just occurred to me that it is very possible that, say, Katherine McNamara has both a boyfriend personality in me and a husband personality, too. And that maybe the same holds for Victoria. And that maybe that is like, literally, the whole point of the movie, and as usual, I’m the last one to understand these things.

Uhm… yeah.


I have things to think about, I guess.


The History of Me, Part XIX: David Lynch’s The Straight Story

Monday, March 8th, 2021

Do I even need to explain this one? I’ve documented on here my thoughts about small town Iowa more than once.

Well… it’s David Lynch. So yes, I suppose I do, even if only superficially. I owe him one after all, since he was the key to unlocking much of my recent discoveries of what it is that I actually do and am.

So… for many years, well, decades, actually, I would make the trek to and fro Illinois to one of the smallest of the small towns in Iowa to visit my Grandparent(s). I would visit at least once a year, and sometimes two or more times. It was these trips and the experiences I had on them that are the obvious basis for this Lynch classic.

I missed this one in theaters. I was in college at the time and was intrigued but otherwise busy.

I caught it on the internet back in December, after Christmas, while I was trying to detox from the fentanyl. I guess it carried me through when I needed it. Consider this post a “thanks” to everyone involved with the production of this great film.

But… wow, was I utterly blown away. It was so… surreal, watching this movie. I mean, the main plot here obviously has nothing to do with me but everything else… wow. It’s utterly insane how many memories this movie brought back to me.

I mean, I won’t even list them, since there’s just… so many. I mean, memories, and situations, and places. The streets, the people, the… environment, the culture, the roads and hills, the farms, the hot sun. Even the chairs people sat on, and what they talked about. The houses, down to the details. The way the kitchens were laid out and just… everything. It was incredible.

And I mean just everything. I did some calculating on google maps and the journey of the protagonist was basically the same length in miles as the journey that I made every year. Of course, he was going from Iowa to Wisconsin, and not from Illinois to Iowa. And apparently the film is based on a true story. But I mean… wow.

I mean, I actually recognized the hero’s house. Literally. Like, I did a double take and legitimately wondered if I had been in that actual house, lol. I mean, it’s built so very closely to my grandparent’s old house that I kinda didn’t believe what it was that I was even seeing while watching the flick.

It’s kinda… amazing.

And yeah, I was looking for the key and I found it. The guy who sells our hero the tractor that he needs to make the trip is a man named “Tom”. IMDB lists him as “Tom the John Deere Dealer”. Special emphasis is placed on his name “Tom” when he is around. And he sells John Deere tractors, in a lot not unlike the Caterpillar tractor dealer located around my own small town experiences. Note that at the time this movie was made, I was also a salesman, selling computer stuff retail during the summer months, in much the same way as “Tom” sells the tractor in this film, which is not coincidentally the action that kick starts the whole process of his journey and the main arc of the movie.

I’m not going to bother listing the myriad other similarities and minor keys in this film that tie it back to me. I’ve already proven myself with all the stuff I’ve already listed, I think. And I’ve done these exercises enough, honestly.

But… yeah, there you go.

And I see that the Iowa parts of the new Superman show seem to be based on these memories as well, if the clips I saw on YouTube are indicative of the whole show.

And come to think of it, how much do you want to bet that ALL of the recent depictions of Smallville are based on my own memories of small town Iowa? By recent I mean anything from the early 90’s on.

Honestly, I don’t know this one myself. I’ve not seen one complete episode of Smallville or Lois and Clark. I was always more a kind of a Justice League Unlimited kinda guy when it came to my DC fix. But I mean… seriously. Anyone wanna bet against my hunch on this one? Because personally I wouldn’t.

I mean, well… there you go.

But… wow, though. It literally just doesn’t end, does it? I mean, I can see mirrors of my own experiences there even in stuff like old Leo DiCaprio flicks, which of course could just be mere coincidence of course. I will need to investigate further when I have time.

But… wow. This is kinda crazy, isn’t it? And kinda… dispiriting. Like, I really am different, and I mean very, very different. I’m not even remotely close to “normal”.

And yeah I will need to go back now into Lynch’s earlier works, like Twin Peaks and Blue Velvet, which is kinda disconcerting since I was like 5 years old when Blue Velvet was made, lol. but I mean… I think I’ll need to.

Well… IDK. I suppose I will dedicate my involvement in The Straight Story to my old life, the experiences I had, and the people I left behind there after my Nana passed on. And to the way things were, before all of the recent insanities on the national stage.

Well… there it is.



The History of Me, Part XVIII: The Lawnmower Man

Sunday, March 7th, 2021

Alright, we need to talk about / unravel one of modern Hollywood’s weirdest mysteries, here.

We need to talk The Lawnmower Man.

I know, I know. WTH is “The Lawnmower Man”?

Alright, time for some backstory.

First, please read the following link:

It gives a backstory for this odd, forgotten movie that is relevant to what I need to talk about and unravel here.

Basically, the story goes like this: Stephen King wrote a short story called The Lawnmower Man. It was about supernatural stuff- demons, and demonic possesions, etc. New Line Cinema got the rights to the story, didn’t like anything about it except the name, and so rewrote everything about it, changing the plot, characters, setting, and… everything, basically, to make a film about some developmentally disabled blonde guy taking over the internet with his mind and ruling the world thereafter as some kind of God.

King absolutely loathed what was done to his story and sued to have his name removed from the credits. He won, and the movie was thus removed from King’s official cinematic oeuvre.

The movie seemed to do alright in theaters, I guess. It got a sequel.

I didn’t see it in theaters, since too young. I did find the commercials interesting, with their old timey 90’s CGI VR graphics. When I was at a friend’s house I saw the first sequence of the film from his VCR copy. You know, the sequence with the monkey? I mean, I thought it was stupid (because it was, lol), but I was young enough to think it kind of unnerving regardless, and stopped it after that to watch something else, or something. I don’t remember what exactly, lol. Though I guess that that isn’t important.

So, anyhow. I was young back then, and I mean like really young. I was 12 back in 1992.

So… on a whim I decided to see what I had missed 30 years ago, so I saw it online last week and have been processing since.

Uhm… hmnn. Yeah. Well.

You know, Katherine McNamara told me something in her recent adaptation of Stephen King’s The Stand. In the fourth episode (I think it was the fourth episode at least, lol), she pointed out to me that one of my alters was developmentally disabled, and even functionally illiterate, I guess. Which… kinda took me be surprise, but I thought about it for awhile, and yeah, holy cow, I think she’s right.

I mean, wow. Suddenly, some other stuff in my life started to make sense, lol.

I’ve had a weird, weird life. Like very, super weird.

Back in… 1st grade(?) I was stuffed into a class for a few weeks for LD kids. Or was that kindergarden? I don’t remember. After a while though the teachers realized what a mistake that was, lol.

Or… was it? IDK. My life is really, really weird, lol.

But, back to the movie.

The film was of particular interest to me because of the overarching plot of some guy taking over the world with his mind and the internet, which is of course basically me, yadda yadda. I mean, you know.

But beyond that, while watching our titular hero I was getting weird flashbacks to my own youth, particularly those scenes of him mowing the lawn like I used to do at that age and… yeah, I’m sure you can see where I’m going, here.

I mean, I was kinda like… oh no, lol. Like, noooooo, lol. But I mean, there it was, kinda. I mean the hair (obviously), but also the comic book and the kid who kinda seems kinda like me, too(?) who would walk with our hero and talk with him as he mowed and some other stuff, etc. etc.

The clincher to me was the gas station scene with the interaction between our hero “Jobe” and a bully “Jake”, which plays out near word for word like a memorable interaction that I had when I was young. And then… the scene ending, which shows “Jobe” in frame by himself, with another character shouting “Jake, Jake!” while he just stands there dumbly. And I was like… okay… does “Jake” mean “Jake-obsen”? I.E. me? I mean, are they giving the audience (or someone, or me) some kind of clue, here?

I mean, think of it like the Legally Blonde reference to “Tom” in that one scene, which was admittedly more obvious and direct. But, I was a lot older then, too.

Keep in mind that developmentally disabled or not, “Jobe” acted quite a bit like me, back then. I was just a kid after all.

I mean, all of this would be just a coincidence of course without literally the rest of the movie, where Jobe unlocks his latent telepathic abilities kinda-sorta-ish like I did (while in doing so coming to many of the same conclusions that I did as well, natch), which cumulates in him doing what I did, and taking over the world’s computer networks with his fantasies and thoughts and such.

I mean… I don’t know. But the coincidences are there, again. And there’s at least four of five scenes in the beginning of this film that really strike me as eerily familiar to myself, personally.

Really weird. And I mean it, this is all so very strange. I mean, I obviously had outrageous psychic abilities from a young age, it seems. But I mean… WTH? I was literally like 10 years old when they were making this movie, and the whole thing is pre-internet. I don’t get it.

And I won’t even get into the other stuff I noticed from this film, mostly because I know my legion of girlfriends or whomever gives them their marching orders would get mad at me if I did, lol. But I mean, it’s just nuts, all of it.

I guess that what I’m ultimately getting at is that I need really come to grips with this whole “AntiChrist” thing. I mean, this is very, very difficult. I mean, of all the hobbies to have, lol.

But I mean, this is just exceptionally tough, all around. I really wish that someone had pointed out to me what was going on when I was younger, just so my life would have make some kind of sense before now. I mean, all of this stuff in combination is like a lot, and I mean it. Like a lot a lot.

So… I don’t know. It’s just… baffling.

I don’t get it.

But, back to the movie. The story. There’s that old question again- that one I posed in my dissection of Serial Experiments Lain. Where did this story come from, if not from Stephen King? Who or what was the inspiration, then?

Was it actually me?

I don’t know, I really don’t.

Does anyone else?

The History of Me, Part XVII: Legally Blonde Edition

Saturday, March 6th, 2021

So… do I even need to bother explaining this one?

I mean, I guess so, at least somewhat, but it isn’t like everyone isn’t already familiar with all this at this point. I mean, just watch the movies again and keep me vaguely in mind somewhere while you watch and it will become extremely obvious. I mean, just keep in mind that I was in college during the time Legally Blonde was made (and when the book was written), and just watch for all the typical symbols and remember the state of Reese Witherspoon’s relationship to me at the time and it’s like… yeah, this one is super, super obvious.

I mean, at least now it is, lol. I do remember the first time I watched the movie. I was utterly stunned at how… me it was. I mean, the whole thing. I was kinda floored, honestly. I was so stunned that I bought the book and read it (maybe the only guy in the history of the world to do so, lol). I was however kinda not… putting things together, I mean not fully, and I remember now when watching it that my mind was actively preventing me, I think, from understanding certain things.

I mean, I was like… is… that what I think it is? But then I was like… no? I mean, it couldn’t be. I mean, because that wouldn’t make sense, you know. You know? You know. I mean, I saw the sequel too, and there was like a ton of stuff in there as well. I think that scene of Elle Woods studying the book on politics was in the sequel. I mean, you know.

Um… well, just watch this summary, I guess. Legally Blonde: Elle Woods and the Philosophy of a Blonde.

Go to 7:40. Note how the camera zooms in on the book, which has a byline that starts “Explained by Tom…” and notice the wedding ring on Reese’s finger. Like… yeah. I mean, I like saw this stuff, I really did, I think, but it was like… I mean… you know. I was like, it couldn’t be, right? So I didn’t think it was.

But yeah, this one is super, super obvious. I mean I just saw the video I posted here as well as the accompying video by the same channel about the history of the “dumb blonde” trope and wow, I’m honestly thinking now that Legally Blonde might be more drenched in… uhm… “Tom-ness” than maybe any other franchise I’ve ever seen. I mean, it’s just… soooooo, uhm, there. You know? You know.

I mean, even reading the stuff I’m writing here and comparing it to Elle Woods is like… wow. It’s kinda unreal, yeah?

Come to think of it, watching a movie about you and not realizing that it’s about you at all is frankly probably the blondest thing that has ever happened to anybody, ever, in history. I mean, how could I not see this, back then? I mean I did, but… somehow, my mind refused to process what it was picking up. Or maybe the processing was done by one of my alternate personalities, somehow, and I just wasn’t aware of it. But… yeah. Wow, what a trip, lol.

I think now that Bruiser (Elle’s doggie) is probably a symbol for myself, in the same way that my girlfriends today use their dogs as symbols for me in various ways (see: Hale, Lucy, amongst others).

I mean, it’s like… oh yeah, I can reallllly see it. Like, wow. Very very strongly, and the more I type the more obvious it gets. Wowwwwwwww. Wow. Oh yeah; yup. I’m Elle Woods. Holy Jeebus.

Or at least… not Elle Woods, but her inspo. Whaaat even the fuck? I mean, wooowwwww. Yup, though. Yup, defo, there’s no question.



Uhm… yeah, I mean though, it’s all there.

Even in the book it was there, honestly, though in different ways. I really wish I would have kept it. Darn. I really could use a re-read of that right now. Maybe I can check it out online somewhere, from a library or something. Google books doesn’t give me much of a sample in this case. I mean, not enough to do a thorough study on.

But yeah, Reese and I. I suppose that this was our project together back then, as I was working through my college years. I mean, watching the youtube videos I talked about, I was really struck at how familiar many of Elle’s social interactions were to some of the ones I had back then. I mean, I just chalked that up to, you know, coincidence, you know, like a large train of shocking coincidences, but, you know, maybe that wasn’t it, you know.

You know.

lollll. Oh man, this is crazysauce.
