Hmmn. So, I’ve been… surfing…
you know…
Not tonight.
I had this spiel all thought up in my head about the opioid plague that is crushing everything inside the inner united states. It was about imports of fentanyl, the Chinese, and other stuff. I mean I thought it up, but… I just can’t. I mean I can’t. I’m just so tired, and I mean tired of everything. It’s too much.
I hate how drugs have just taken over my life to the point where I can’t function or do anything, like at all, besides to think about drugs and how I’m going to get my next hit. It’s death to me.
It’s like, I get it. I mean it’s just death. It’s like, that’s it, this is your life now. This is everything. Everything. You have nothing else, and never will again. It just steamrolls everything else in your life into oblivion.
It’s death, that’s what it is.
I’m just so… tired. So horribly, horribly tired. I can’t fucking move, and my body feels so awful and foreign. I need to get out of this. I have to, but I can’t. GOD DAMN IS THIS AWFUL. I’m trapped. I’m going to die, seriously, ugh, lolllll. Ughk.
It’s like I can’t feel anything anymore, except to need MORE, or to want to cry, or to feel inexplicably weird. My only good feelings anymore come from the narcotics. It’s like I can’t feel them from anything else, like I’ve been robbed on my ability to feel happy otherwise.
And I just feel so WEIRD all of the time. Like, this isn’t natural, lol.
I’m seriously in a bad place, lol. This isn’t good.
And I know how I look when I try to justify my habit. But the thing is, I do what I do because I have to.
Ughk, this is not good.
oh god, ugh, lol
I’d rather not die like this, although I will admit, the possibility is still intriguing to me. So… welcoming. So wonderful feeling, it seems. So freeing. Like it would be such a convenient escape from… all of this.
But yeah, this stuff is going to kill us. Honestly, it already has. I fail to see how this country is going to get out of the grave that it has dug for itself. It’s like, this is it. We’re fucked.
So, I read a bunch of recent articles about our drug problems, specifically fentanyl, and one claim I heard repeated over and again was the claim that this was apparently the “worst health crisis in our history”, or the “worst addiction crisis ever”, or other claims similar to that. IDK of course, I am far from an expert in that, but man, claims like this would not surprise me if true. I mean statements like those seem hyperbolic at first glance, but apparently 2020 is setting records with overdose deaths, and fentanyl is the main… culprit.
Yeah, I mean, personally, I can see it.
But seriously, we’re obviously in a shitload of trouble. That is clear and very obvious I think to everyone in the world. America is severely fucked up. Verrrrry severely. Like, why-would-anyone-even-step-foot-in-this-place-if-they-weren’t-born-here severely.
It’s fucking SCARY. Even reading this blog, I mean the stuff I write myself, scares the shit out of me. I mean, in those spare moments when I’m sober, and take some time to reflect, and review my recent writings. Always, its… holy shit, I wrote THAT?!?!?! How unbelievably depressing. How scary, and… dark. How doomed am I, lol. Oh man, lol. It’s like, if this is what I think about half the time I’m awake… I’m probably not going to make it, lol. I’ll be a statistic before I hit 45. Maybe well before.
Yeech. I can’t imagine what it must be like to read this stuff if you’re one of my girlfriends. YEECH. Man, do they have some patience. And trust. Yes, a lot of trust, clearly. More than I have in myself, it seems. I hope that’s a good thing.
Um, yeah tho. We are doomed. I mean you can’t get away from it. No matter where you are, it follows. It finds a way in, and gets inside, no matter what rules there are, no matter what laws are passed. The drug problem, I mean. The heroin, the fentanyl. It will follow you, and there is truly no way to escape it, no matter where you live, or what you do. It’s a monster. And not the under-the-bed kind, it’s the LOVECRAFTIAN NIGHTMARE FROM THE STYGIAN HELLS kind. The kind you can’t comprehend, let alone defeat.
The kind of monster that kills everything in it’s path. The kind that destroys countries and civilizations. The kind that brings down empires and forcibly shatters collective delusions.
It’s like… it’s coming. The consequences of this. And nothing in this world can fix the problems that are being caused by this… thing. It’s like a Mordor blade. One cut, you are forever cursed.
Like, how the fuck are we going to fix this? lol. We’re not, that’s how.
I think that that’s why they spend so much time on pretend problems like “police violence” and the “consequences of slavery” or somesuch nonsensical bullshit. It’s because they don’t want to look at something like… THIS, because it scares the shit out of them. Because they don’t know what to do. And if they don’t try to fix it, they can’t technically “fail”, can they? LOL.
It’s like we were going to fix that opioid problem, I swear! But all of this other stuff got in the way and we just couldn’t get to it! You know, stuff like “racism”, which is always number one on the list of problems, and is ALWAYS the one problem that in their minds can’t be fixed! It’s the eternal scapegoat, that “racism”. Always, the reason they can’t actually do anything to fix anything else. Always, always, the justification for every abuse of power and every failure of the government. Racism, that magical thing that absolves the government of ALL it’s responsibilities and forgives ALL of it’s failures.
“Racism”. Such bullshit that word has always been. Such nonsense. As always, anyone who prattles on about “racism” in any capacity is just wasting peoples’ time. And yes, that of course includes all U.S. politicians. Note how they never accomplish anything, never fix anything. Like at all, ever. It’s because “racism”. And since “racism”, that’s excusable.
And all of their failures? By which I mean anything they try and do. Those are OK, because “racism”. And no, you can’t point any of this out- because “racism”, of course. Or perhaps “antisemitism” if there are Jews involved, doing Jewish things.
Such nonsense. And it will never change. We are doomed, this is our lot in life, it seems.
Oh man I hate this place. We had such potential to do good, here, and look what we are, now.
I don’t see a way out of this. There likely is none. Maybe there never will be. We’re all going to die, perhaps.
And I mean that as a distinct possibility. Imagine this place in a hundred years, if addiction rates keep rising. Half the population will be hooked on heroin or fentanyl. I mean, impossible, you say? I’m not sure of that.
And now imagine what kind of country that would be. It wouldn’t be a country, so much as it would be a graveyard. An enormous tomb. The kind of place I would thrive in, perhaps, as a necromancer. But not a place fit for most. I would rule that place, but I would not like it.
For most living today, it would be like living in a nightmare.
And, scary thought- what if I’m being optimistic? What if our future is… worse? Bleaker? Jeebus, I shudder to think.
I do not believe in the “inherent goodness of man” or whatever. I don’t believe that “people will always find a way to make it”. I don’t believe in these things because I’ve not seen any evidence of them.
Well… IDK. It’s likely over, this place. And that sucks. When this country dies, maybe the spirit of optimism that we gave the world, once, will die with it. And I shudder to think of what would happen next.
I would probably happen, lol. But as I said, that would not necessarily be a good thing.
Well… I gave people a chance. An opportunity to set things right. They failed.
Que cera, cera.
Oh- and you can kiss your “New World Order” goodbye. There will be no place for such things in my realm. I do not like race-mixing, for starters. And likely, the “high-tech” will go, as well. A high tech society requires an educated populace, i.e. not the one we’re getting.
Yuck, what a future.