Yup. Alright people, now’s the time.
And yes, this is apparently Part III. I looked thru my archives and found 2 other posts named “Demi Lovato”. So, part three it is, just so I can avoid confusion, lol.
Ohhhhhkay, yeah.
So… YEESH. Where the fuck have *I* been? You know, I was going to write about some stuff about how the past history of Demi and me, when it comes to narcotics and eating disorders and our sexual history and other stuff, when I googled and apparently she overdosed on… fentanyl? Or heroin laced with it, a couple of years ago. Note how I said “past” history. I’ve been avoiding her for awhile now, for of course a myriad of reasons, one of which of course is the sneaking suspicion that we… wouldn’t be good for each other, in some ways, because we might… reinforce each other’s bad behavior. Apparently not a bad thought.
So… wow. Ok, then. Apparently her heroin usage is common knowledge, now. IDK who supplies her these days. Didn’t it used to be Hanna Beth? I seem to recall that Hanna was her old dealer, back in like… 2008-2010, ish.
Um, I don’t know. But… yeah. This will be apparently a heavier post than what I thought it was going to be. I mean, if I in fact go through with it.
Well… so… just going through her directory, I see a ton of old Selena pictures in the beginning of it. I mean like tons, lol. So many, so many. Pictures of them together, walking, talking, hugging, singing. Seems like a different world, almost.
Selena I… love, truly, madly, (sigh), deeply. Love isn’t a strong enough word. I can’t even begin to summarize our relationship here, and how monumental it was to us, and, I guess, to the world at large. I can’t even. Perhaps I can do it piecemeal, over time. But, yeah. Remember that love letter I wrote to her on twitter, back in like 2009? Yeah. Start there, that is when we really got going, big time, at least publicly. Personally, it was years before that, of course. But, I’m getting off topic, here.
Uh… so, Demi. Demi was my favorite for a very, very long time. Back before I got those… tingles, those inklings, that perhaps tragedy would be in store for us if we stayed together. Which was a long time ago. See the archives here for a bit of what I was thinking in past years about this.
So… Demi and Selena aren’t friends anymore, unfortunately. At least not like they used to be. I guess because perhaps Selena needed for her own mental health to stay away from someone with problems like that, which is a thought that frankly, kinda worries me about me, lol. Well, I don’t know. People drift away from each other, over time. It happens. Someone’s career goes one way, someone else’s goes another. It’s life.
Uh… and wasn’t Taylor Selena’s best friend at one point? And Demi’s as well, before that. Um, well then.
The love… triangle? No, quadrilateral, that shaped the world, lol. Crazy stuff. What would the world look like today, had I not met Selena all those years ago? Who knows, but I suspect it would be a very different place. Would anything look the same? Music, celebrity, social media, Hollywood, politics? Any of it? It was Selena that got me seriously into twitter; note the love letter I referenced above. And we all know the enormous, society wide changes THAT brought about, lol. In a sense, people are still living under the shadow of that fateful moment, all those years ago. It defines us- our culture, our nation. Our destiny as people, perhaps. Wow. Yikes. Crazy.
Of course, it wasn’t just Selena, it was Demi, and her music, and Taylor, with hers, and me, with my powers, and so much else, it was one of those watershed moments in history that changes everything, kind of like Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo, or the invention of the printing press, or the dropping of the atomic bombs over Japan. One of those unique moments that takes everyone’s breath away and they say to themselves… that’s it, things will never be the same again, after this. There’s no way to go back, this is just how it is, now.
Absolutely bonkers. And all because I wanted a girlfriend and Demi seemed like a cute (and available) chick, lol. So, so crazy.
Um… I can’t even summarize this avenue of thought, where it is taking me. It would require encyclopedias of text to parse though all of this. And then, to explain it’s meaning and context within the development of humankind as a whole, it would need a lifetime’s treatment and reflection. It would need the mind of someone like Edward Gibbon or Jacques Barzun to steward the study, too. I mean I guess I would fit the bill but I kind of have other things to do, lol.
Yeah, the thing is, the world does not make sense anymore, unless you know the history of me and Demi, and Selena and Taylor. It doesn’t, it’s impossible to figure out anything anymore without this piece. And this may in fact be why people seem to be going bonkers in general these days. Because they don’t know this, and thus don’t know what the fuck is even going on, lol.
Ah… but as I said, the effort needed to summarize all of this and explain it to others would be Herculean. Almost beyond human in and of itself. Impossible for like 99.99% of the population.
Ah… hmmnn… I don’t know. So much easier to talk about drugs, I guess.
So, Demi… yeah, the drugs. It probably really was best for us to separate. We would have blown up, together, and it would have been awful to watch. Her problems are a mirror of my own, and we would have reinforced each other.
So, I remember years ago, after I talked to her about doing harder drugs. She responded by wearing that t-shirt, that one that said “THE ONLY COKE I DO IS DIET”. Remember that? I guess her way of trying to keep me away from the stuff, similar to Kathryn’s movie (I know, not technically her movie but please go with this, this makes sense in my little realm). I mean- Julia is in there, too, and if you reference OUR relationship together, you would see and understand my point, here. But I digress.
So… I need to do some thinking, here. I’ll write about this more, later, perhaps.
I kind of want to fuck a chick, now. LOL. How utterly crude. How barbaric, that way of thinking. But, that is what some people like, after all.
k, I’ll be back.