Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The History of Me

Thursday, September 3rd, 2020


ahem. I’m not sure of how to really start this one, so let’s just get into it, I guess.

So I was thinking about… me. And my history, and how long I have been doing… this. Whatever “this” is. You know, bending reality, or whatever. And telepathy, mind control, etc. The thing is is that I still don’t know when this started- whether I grew into this ability, was born with it, fell into it accidentally, or it was gifted to me, or whatever. I honestly don’t have a clue, and it seems nobody else knows, either.

I’ve always known I was “different”, though. Even as a child I clearly was. Everyone told me so. And I do mean different. Not merely gifted, but unique. More than one teacher when I was growing up said to me that I was by far the smartest kid they had ever seen.

I’ve never had my IQ formally tested, but I’m somewhere inside the top portion of the top 1%, as that was the most common score I would get on those IQ tests I took as a public school student. Yeah, I know, that’s hardly specific, but that’s what the results tell me. I did some googling about the particular IQ tests I took and it seems they max out at around 160. So if true I’m either 160 on an average day or greater.

I’m in Mensa, yeah, because why not. I got a lifetime membership because I suppose you need to belong to something, right? I considered Intertel too, since they are big in the Chicago area, but they come and go it seems. “Big” is of course a relative term when it comes to high IQ orgs- in this case, it means they have a magazine of sorts, but it comes out only sporadically, and without the polish of Mensa’ famous mag. I think they have only a fraction of Mensa’s membership totals.

A 160 also qualifies me for ISPE, and I considered joining. But… no lifetime membership option, there. These things do get expensive as the years go on. A hundred something dollars a year is a hell of a lot of money for a lifetime in a club like that.

So… how “smart” am I? Well, my hunch tells me I’m quite a bit north of 160. Personally, I think I’m at least historical genius level, so at least about 180, or a little higher. A 180 would put me firmly around people like Einstein, Jung, and Beethoven. And since my impact on world history has been significantly greater than any of those three, if not greater than those three combined, I could well be up at or above Da Vinci levels, which are estimated to be in the lower 200’s.

I could well be the smartest man that has ever lived. I mean, why not? I am the only man in history that actually has comic book level superpowers, and I apparently developed them myself, mostly because I had nothing else to do. So… smartest man ever. Why not? I’m certainly the only man in history to successfully date about a hundred Hollywood starlets at once, at any rate.

So then- how long have I been doing this? Manipulating the world with my mind. Altering the timeline. Pulling stuff into this realm from parallel dimensions.

Who the fuck knows, lol.

I’ve investigated this before, on this blog. I’ve determined that I’ve been mind controlling the people around me at least since my college days, which was around 2000-ish. And for Hollywood in general, at least since 2007-ish, with verrrry strong hints that my old favorites were being controlled well before that, maybe even since high school.

But, who knows though.

Case in point- the ending to St. Elsewhere.

Yeah, seriously.

Bet you didn’t expect that, huh?

LOL. But- seriously.

Watch it.

How did I come up with this, you ask?

I used to read Parade magazine back in the day, and this scene was described in an article about famous TV endings. This was back in high school, which means mid 90’s. I never forgot how this scene was described, and it intrigued me for years- but until the magic of youtube came along, I didn’t have the chance to see it. But I did recently, first, I think about five years ago, sporadically since, and then again tonight.

The scene centers around a young autistic boy, wrapped in his own little world, who has apparently dreamed the show up over the years. The characters are figments of his imagination, creative interpretations of those he knows, and their actions are the exaggerated internal dramas of a kid of can’t relate so well to real people and “normal” behavior.

An interesting twist ending, to be sure.

But wait! The kid’s name… is Tom. My name. I was also at the time around the same age as the kid in the scene, and I lived in a house not different from his. And I look quite like he does- at that age, I had his hairstyle. And I act like him, too- see him, with that snowglobe? Not too dissimilar from me and my various computers over the years. And… not too dissimilar from my old snowglobe, either. The one I used to spend hours looking at, every day. Before the computers.

They didn’t… take this from me, did they? I mean I’m sure they didn’t, right? Surely this is a coincidence.

Right. But note that this scene is the origin of many conspiracy theories about TV show universes, many of which posit that in fact “Tommy” here (exactly what I was called at that age, BTW) might be thinking up and responsible for pretty much everything on television.

Which… is me, right?

But that’s… from the mid 80’s. No way. Can’t be.


Pointless, Stupid Violence from Blacks

Monday, August 31st, 2020

I have nothing else to do and my mind is finally clear, so let’s talk about this.

If you fucks- by which I mean whomever is reading this- cannot fix the problem of this country being inundated with swarms of stupid, impulsive, incomprehensibly violent niggers, than I will do it for you.

That is both a promise and a threat.

Frankly, I have had it. I’m sick of the daily reports of blacks murdering whites simply because blacks seem to be inherently hateful and violent and the accompanying lack of response from any of our “leaders”. Or from the public at large.

You’ve had your chance. I’ve given all of you years to fix this problem, and noone has bothered to try since I offered the challenge. Fine, I will fix it myself, in my own way.

I have a feeling that many are not going to like “my own way”. I am a necromancer, not a politician. I don’t play by others’- by your- rules.

But since I seem to be the only adult in this country, so be it.

As I said, you had your chances. Years of them. That you failed to capitalize is your own fault.

Alright. So.

That’s it. Don’t expect more; why would I reveal my secrets or plans to you?

Fuck you.

Cady Groves, Part VI

Monday, August 31st, 2020

Fuck it.

I mean, why not.

I’m through with the histrionics, so you can breathe easy. This post is just about other stuff. I mean, just so you know. It’s not like I’m obsessing, or whatever. It’s just that this stuff is what I talk about, here.

So… Cady, or whomever. What is the point?

I mean, I get this:

This was the selfie Cady posted that I mentioned earlier. The one before her “I’m all better now” tweet. Titled “@cadygroves
#sexyinsorrow”. Alright, so… great. There it is. Thanks for the selfie.

Is… that it? I mean, all of what we did together. I mean, it’s not bad, but… other relationships lead to… better things. Like families. What I get are selfies, and not a whole lot else. I mean I don’t get anything to hold onto, at any rate.

I tried to rectify this, once. I tried to use my influence to change the system for the better, and got nothing of value in return for my efforts. Just shit- dumb crap from our nation’s stupid politicians, and incomprehensible “woke” nonsense from the business classes. And some admittedly cute selfies from a few girls.

If there is a place that needs rescuing, it’s here. I can see this country regressing back to what it was 150 years ago, and that isn’t good. The USA used to be a land of grinding poverty. I think I remarked on here before how at one point in our old history, most of the families in the USA didn’t own any money at all- barely a cent. It was barter, not buying, that was the lifeblood of our economy, a long time ago. This country was a land of horrific wealth and opportunity inequality before the world wars. And I can see us going back to that, if we’re not there already, and I think that sucks. I actually like having a middle class, for example.

But it doesn’t look like there’s any way out, or that anyone cares. We’re going backwards, and with the added problem of the fact that this time the wealthy seem to fear and hate anyone poorer than they, with poor white men of course getting the brunt of their disrespect and abuse.

This country has too many rich people. And nothing will change unless that does.

The thing is- nobody is going to get what they want, not even the rich. You can’t run a high tech economy on barter. You need actual money, in the hands of actual people, for something like that to run correctly. But it is what it is.

And of course, the Jewish establishment needs to go. Like, now. All of them- all of their organizations, all of their leaders, all of their influence and dirty money. They need to be shown the door. We all know why; there’s no point is explaining the obvious. But seriously, they need to leave, and the sooner the better.

Is anyone listening? Anybody at all? Hello?

Well, back to Cady, as I’m wandering off into the bleachers here, lmao.

I just wish that there was more of what we had together besides… the selfies, and such. I would probably be less… depressed if there was more that was individual to me specifically of what she created. I would be more stable, less miserable. I mean, that’s the drugs fucking with my mind, yeah, but that’s also a scream into a void since I have nobody to talk to. I built up an empire of ghosts, which is great if you want to explore the limits of life and magic, but not so great if you want to just… text somebody.

I don’t know. Did I do things wrong? Back to that question, again. Because I really am miserable. I guess it’s a question of whether this is just a side effect of living in a dying empire, or something I created for myself, or maybe both.

I don’t want to die. I don’t want to kill myself, or OD. I went through that again, this morning. I got a weird and intense migraine probably as a side effect of the narcotics and thought about dying again, and what a relief that would be. I mean I just want out of here, and I don’t care how it happens. I mean, I could be gone by this afternoon, if I really wanted it. Or by tomorrow morning, if I wanted to make sure there was no chance of coming back. Easy enough for me to join the very long list of people that I have known and respected that have taken the easy way out. But… no, I won’t.

I have known so. Many. People who have done this.

But… no.

I want all of this… to be worth something. I want it to count, as dumb and cliched as that sounds.

I made a promise. And in a world where nothing is solid, that has to mean something.

So I’m going to tough this out, for now, and see where this goes.

Wish me luck.

Cady Groves, Part V

Monday, August 31st, 2020

Oh Lord, why did I have to be so… thorough with my archives?

Oh God Cady, why?

Why? Oh why oh why?

Why did you do it, Cady?

Oh man, I don’t want to do this now. It’s late and I need to go to bed but… I just… I need to do this.

God damn it, Cady Groves.

So… I finally looked through the finer details in my Cady archives. Yeah, her brother was murdered. She said so on twitter. I have the screenshot. And yeah, her other brother killed himself with drugs, and poor, dumb Cady was already calling her life over the day Kelly died.

I know this, because I apparently was the one who got her through it. I mean, I have the screenshots.

Yup, it was me. Well… me, and her family, and friends, and everyone in her real life. But- I was there too. Indulge me, please.

Alright. It’s one in the morning. I just slapped a fentanyl patch on and popped a Norco. I’m tired and ready to scream until I puke, but let’s do this, right fucking now. I want this out of my system, God damn it.

Fuck you, Cady Groves. You are NOT doing… that, to me again. Not tonight you aren’t.

Alright, let’s begin.

I found my twitter archives of how I helped Cady through Kelly’s death and funeral.

There it is, bam.

Fuck. Well, whatever. Ancient history now, I guess, but now I remember- this was the point where I basically jumped out of my chair in worry about Cady. She was… very public about how vulnerable and miserable she was. Ok, so me being dumb me, I came to her rescue, hugging her, protecting her with my magic.

Yup. No fucking kidding. Again- an echo of my own recent thoughts. Hindsite really is 20 / 20, isn’t it? You never appreciate what you should until it’s gone. Especially the people. ESPECIALLY the people. The ones you take for granted. The ones you don’t appreciate enough because they seem just too familiar to you. Those types you only regret not being with when it’s too late.


And yeah, often others’ coldness and uncaring aloofness towards your own sorrow can be just brutal. Not that I know anything about that.

Ha, right.

Ugh. Moving on…

Dealing with it. Publicly, like I would, lol. Note the well wishes from Debby, here, as opposed to her recent deafening silence.

I mean, I get it, maybe she just didn’t think it was appropriate. Or maybe she said something in private. But, still.

Speaking of which… the twitter family. Yeah, I remember those days. Sure sucks there now, doesn’t it?

Alright, so Casey was murdered. Fine, I guess I should have studied my notes first before launching into those grief filled tirades last weekend. But, I mean, I was really fucking sad. And angry. And I didn’t have time to look all of this shit up, just for my own sake. So fuck it, God damn it. Fuck all of it, including her.

This stuff rhymes, doesn’t it? The usual shit, I can handle it, it doesn’t bother me. Well guess what, you can’t, it gets you, in the end. Nobody is immune, not even you. Are you listening to yourself, Tom? You’re going to die, you know.

And what was that shit, Cady? I will never do drugs? Yeah right. Juuuuust pure, undiluted alcohol, for apparently years on end. Just that stuff, instead, you awful, awful, awful person. Because everyone knows that I know where it will lead. Just to show the world how much I hated everything. How disappointed I was in them, for bothering to help me through life’s problems. For caring about me. When fuck knows that only those who are wrong about things care about me. Right Cady? Well, what does that say about ME, then, you hurtful bitch? You abusive bitch who threw away the greatest relationship maybe ever because she wanted to escape. Dumb bitch. You know how many people would have done anything to be in her spot? Millions, maybe more. Dumb bitch.

And now, for the grand finale- the last tweet I saved and the one that apparently meant the most to me- the one in which she “gets over it” and pledges to live a long and healthy life, because of us. Because of ME. “Vampirate”. Right, Cady.


Fuck you.

This is on top of another tweet that contained a selfie clearly pointed directly at me.

Cady… seriously? Obviously, this being the last tweet of the bunch, of what I remember now as being a very tiring but inspiring few days, is significant. I think I was proud of my work in making her feel better.

Lots of good that did, lol.

Who the fuck cares, I can be as negative as I want, here. It’s not like any of this is real, right?

Fuck you, Cady.

You had… so much to be thankful for. To love. And you threw it away. All the blessings of this world, you threw right back in nature’s face. And for what? Because you were angry? Well, guess what, we all get angry sometimes. We all get disappointed. Sometimes very so. Lord knows I do, and I’m apparently someone who shouldn’t be.

But… this? Seriously? I mean God damn it, Cady.

Well, fuck you, again. Pretty much anything would be better than this, just for my sake.


Maybe not, from that perspective, if I can make all of this mean something good to me, instead of just being a collection of wasted opportunities.


I don’t know.

But I mean, I could pick out a list of stuff here that indicates that she basically checked out of life the minute she got the call, platitudes or no. I mean, just look at this:

I mean, geezus, Cady. LOL.

I’m… tired.

Very, very tired.

Tired of her, and of me, even. Of my monotonous sadness.

I’m tired, and I’m going to bed. I have no choice about that, anymore. I’m so, so tired. I’m going to bed and leaving everything as it is until tomorrow, including that stream of consciousness self reference. Because it fell in there, somewhere, and I don’t want to muddy my hands tonight fishing it out before bed.

I think I’ll end with this:

God damn, she was smart.

But why didn’t she see it? I don’t get it. I mean… why? Why didn’t she understand?

I mean… to know what real love is so well, means that she must have experienced it. And I think she did. I KNOW she did. How can you just…. throw that away? True love, the one thing that even the richest and most powerful people want but can’t buy. The best single thing a person could ever give or receive.

She had it. To have put it so succinctly… she had it, herself. And she gave it up.

God damn it, Cady.


Why, Cady?

Why did you do it?

God damn it.

Maybe… it really was my fault.


Cady Groves and Debby

Saturday, August 29th, 2020

So today, I went looking.

I was curious.

Last night / early this morning at around 3:00 AM, I found in Cady’s directory the pictures she took with Debby Ryan. These are important, at least to me. A looooong time ago, I loved Debby, too, and trusted her. Her recommendation of Cady to me was IIRC a major part of the reason I decided to try a fling with Cady.

So- I went looking, on Debby’s twitter. I was curious.

There was nothing about Cady, of course. I also tried Chase Ryan- Debby’s brother, who once made a song with Cady. Nothing there, either… I guess. There was this message, though, left on May 4th, the day Cady was reported by the news to have passed: “Don’t take your family and friends for granted. Every day we are alive and well is a blessing.”. Hmmmn.


You know, I don’t venture out into the twitter world anymore, and it’s easy to see why. Twitter is just so ugly. And confusing as shit. Seriously; content aside, I could not make heads of tails of either Debby or Chase’s feeds. They both looked the same- same font, same background, same page layout. The timelines were confusing as fuck. They both had a variety of pinned tweets from themselves and others from different times, even different years, that were not in chronological order, I think. I can’t be asked to figure that shit out; the content isn’t worth it, and it’s brutal on the eyes. Yuck.

God, twitter fucking sucks. It would take hours to figure out Chase’s twitter feed. Why is there a list of strange tweets from 2019 before a list of tweets from 2020? I mean, like WHY? Not even how. What the fuck was he thinking? And why is that even possible? It makes reading his feed with comprehension impossible.

Debby’s is not much better, I think. I think, because I refuse to bother verifying that opinion.

And the content…. yeeeeech. Ugh, good lord. Looking at what I saw this morning, it’s a wonder that twitter is even managing to hang onto being in the top 50 websites. They have a loooooong way to fall. Remember when was one of the most visited websites on the net? Yeah. That’s your future, Dorsey. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Just… oof.

The content on Debby’s feed ranged from the soulless and corporate to the dumb and communist, and not much in between. Half of her tweets were just advertisements for this or that, with the other half being politically myopic “Black Lives Matter” horseshit. I don’t want to get drawn into politics again, but just to give an overview, it was just junk about Breanna Taylor, or whomever, who for all I know might be just another in a near-endless string of “white violence” hoaxes. Not any mention of course of any of the many innocent whites that have been in reality, actually murdered for real by crazy blacks lately, like that 5 year old boy that was gunned down by that black nutcase for riding his bike in the wrong spot, or that other young kid that was thrown off the ledge in a mall by yet another crazy black for… I guess, looking at him wrong? Who the fuck knows, blacks are just nuts.

Blah blah, yeah, that BLM stuff is junk and everyone knows it. Stop the presses, I know. And I know that she probably has to post this stuff if she wants to get hired. So… I get it. We all are forced to do things we don’t really want to do, from time to time.

But it’s still just so dreadfully unappealing. Debby’s twitter used to be so fun. I remember it from way back when, when she barely had 10k followers. I think I still have her old twitter wallpaper somewhere. You know, the selfie tiles?

She was fun. And her old insta? Whoisdebbyanyways? And her old tumblr, also Whoisdebbyanyways? Which yes I still have, because it ruled. It was touching, and cool. By the way yes, “Who is debby, anyways?” was something I said when I met her for the first time. Yeah, she was great. I was the guy who transitioned her out of that old website that her mom ran and into being a modern celeb. It was fun, so fun. No regrets. Her music made it worth it. Those moments we shared on social media made it worth it. She was such a great friend. Beautiful, fun, and so personable. I felt like I could tell her anything, back then. Now… nope, lol. Who knows who she even is, anymore- the real her, the wonderful Debby I loved, isn’t up there, on twitter, that’s for sure. At least, I hope that that isn’t what she became.

I remember so clearly having fun with her and Peyton and the rest of the cast on the set of Jessie. PeyPey and Debs were both on… ahhh what was it, not yfrog, not insta, but one of those old, now defunct photo sharing sites. Maybe it was Whosay? This was back in 2011. I think I have it in my notes, somewhere. I still have the pictures, at least. Whoever it was didn’t allow for direct downloading, so I remember the hoops I had to jump through to get their pics to download, lol. I cursed them- I think it was like 5 minutes of work for a picture, but the pictures were so high quality compared to what else was available at the time that I just gritted my teeth and bared it, lol. God tho, so much fun. So many laughs and good memories. And The Never Ending? So cool, that was.

To go from that to what I see now is just… ick. Debby… seriously? What the fuck?

I don’t know. Maybe I didn’t know her as well as I thought I did.

Who knows… not me. I never will.

Probably better that way.

Cady Groves, A Retrospective, Part III

Friday, August 28th, 2020

I’ll leave discussion of Cady’s lyrics for some other day.

I want to talk about something else, here. The whole “normal life sucks” theme I had going on with the previous posts in this series.

Because it does.

Back when Cady and I were strongest, there were a few other girls like her in the mix. I mean- girls that weren’t famous, I mean, perhaps in the industry, but “normal”-ish. Stefanie Scott, for one. Rachel G. Fox. Justine Dorsey. Bridgit Mendler. Samantha Droke. McKayla Maroney. A few others.

Where are they, today?

Fuck if I know.

I think I have talked about them on here, in some capacity. Mendler is… I don’t know. Away, gone off, somewhere. Doing something. The last I saw of her she had a desk job and was getting chewed out by her fans because of it. That, after using her twitter feed to help with her homework, or something. She went and got married to some random guy and vanished. She hasn’t been seen online in years.

Stefanie, beautiful Stefanie, is… I don’t know. The last I saw of her I was downloading all of her old stuff from Facebook because of how fun it was. How full of promise and happy and beautiful it was. Back when she was young, and the Disney princess of the day. I still have her old instagram feed, back when she was the apple of Walt’s eye. So much fun, that was. God, sooooo much fun. It was glorious.

Then she wiped her insta I guess after getting let go, and filled it up with morose, somber covers of other peoples’ songs. And then she stopped that, too.

Who knows what she’s doing now.

Justine Dorsey? The girl that introduced me to tumbler. Kerris Dorsey’s sister. Where is she, now? Who knows. I think I still have her old fashion blog bookmarked, somewhere.

Rachel G. Fox was my #2 or maybe #3 for a few months, back when Cady and I were strongest. She’s… in finance, now. I think.

McKayla posts every once in a blue moon on social media, before pulling yet another disappearing act.

Normal life sucks, it guess. Seriously- it fucking blows and judging anyone’s life alongside those on the top of the pyramid on social media is an impossible, brutally humbling task. Unless you are perfect and have a team of perfection behind you… it doesn’t work, and is maybe better off not done. Well… I just found something. In my “drafts” folder. An old essay, written about 5 years ago, about Cady. It fits here, so up it goes.


Post title —– Cady Groves

Wow. GOOD LORD she is attractive. Oh my God! Wow. WOW!

I was going to tweet some really snarky, nasty funny stuff to her tonight. I just visited her twitter for the first time
in a long time and I saw some tweets about her maybe not liking Japanese candy, and some stuff about being ignored,
and I thought BOOM easy target, and my fingers were flying and my snark was on overdrive and was just about to devastate
her and then I clicked on an Instagram link.


Never mind.

Cady is one of those too powerful drug-girls that I need to watch myself with.

I need to focus on the uber-famous. After all, that’s my empire. It’s for that reason that the spark I feel with Cady scares me.
Like, it’s an I-might-give-up-a-famous-chick-for-her-even-though-she’s-not-famous-herself kind of spark.
She’s one of the very few people that makes me question my celebriphilia, and for me, that’s massive.
I mean, she’s in the industry, so not really, but…

I should just dive in, I know, but it’s different for me, so of course I’m dragging my heels every chance I get.

But I SHOULD take the plunge, fimly and officially.

I mean, that Instagram feed…


Maybe I’ll just put in the hard work and make Cady world famous herself. I could. Does she want that, though? I mean, really?

I mean, I know she likes performing, but does she actually want the kind of unbelievable fame I could give her, potentially?

IDK. Maybe not. Maybe I should hold off until I find out for sure, first.

Or- maybe I should just do it anyways. I mean, it’s not a crime, right?
And I could always convince her later that it was her idea in the first place.


Well… there it is. Fuck.

I don’t know.

Thank God Kaitlyn Dever made it.

And with that being said…

I found this, too, in the drafts folder, in fact on the same word doc as the Cady post up above.


Post title – The Others

Olivia Holt. Ariel Winter. Ryan Newman. Dove Cameron. Bailee Madison. Katherine McNamara. Lily- Rose Depp. Ava Witherspoon. Kaitlyn Dever. Kira Kosarin.
I am procrasting with them. Over and over and endlessly. I wonder why. Am I afraid? And if I am, what am I afraid of?
It used to be that I would just jump headfirst into a new relationship. I remember the love letters I gave to Selena and Leighton… and the hugs I gave them, so long ago.
Why don’t I do that now? Am I afraid of being hurt? Dissapointed? Confused?
I’ve been toying with them for awhile now… and that’s it. I don’t send them love letters like I did with Selena and Leighton and others so long ago.


Ha! LOL. You know… maybe sometimes it does work out, after all.


Cady Groves, Part IV

Friday, August 28th, 2020

I’m still processing. I’m not at that point yet where I can “move on from this”, yet.

I had a looooooong talk with Cady, last night. It was a bit brutal. Jeebus, I’m angry. I mean… it’s not her fault, I know, but I don’t know who to talk to, and it just kind of came spilling out in a gush of screaming, defensiveness and tears. I don’t know.

Yesterday I parsed through a lot of her lyrics. Tell me- was there creepy foreshadowing of her death in Better than Better Could Ever Be? See, it’s stuff like this that makes me think “suicide”. Read:

And there’s so many fish in the sea.
But we could float if that’s what you want.
‘Cause baby, you seem too good to me.
I don’t want to know what life would be.

If you ever wanted to go…

‘Cause they’re throwing us lemons, and we’re squeezing them into our cups.
Woah oh, and drinking it up!
Boy, you’ve got just what I want
I’m not going a place without your heart… (woah oh)
And girl you’re my sun shiny day.
You’d take my life away!

If you ever wanted to go…

We’re two peas in a pod.
But we can break out, if that’s what you want.

There’s too many stars in the sky.
But they can’t shine as bright like can you shine!
And I hope that you’ll never leave.

‘Cause they’re throwing us lemons, and we’re squeezing them into our cups.
Woah oh, and drinking it up!
Boy, you’ve got just what I want.
I’m not going a place without you’re heart… (woah oh)
And girl you’re my sun shiny day.
You’d take my life away!

If you ever wanted to go…

You’re the match to my candle.
You’re the scrape to my knee.
And you’re what makes it better!
Than better could ever be.
Than better could ever be.

Boy you’ve got just what I want.
I’m not going a place without you’re heart…(woah oh)
And girl you’re my sun shiny day.
You’d take my life away!

If you ever wanted to go.

Ok, so, this song is about… what, exactly? Dying, it looks like. Dying, if she or her collaborator on this was ever left alone. Maybe about dying of ethyl alcohol poisoning. I’m not a drinker, but Google tells me that people often prepare ethyl alcohol with lemons. She’d “squeeze them into her cups”, “drink them up”, which would “take her life away”? Am I reading this wrong, or looking too much into this? Because like… it just really seems as though it’s about her dying ten years later. Is this… wrong? Because I hope it is. Note that I’m not a drinker, like at all.

God, what a maze.

Speaking of google and incomprehension, I spent a good part of this morning trying in vain to get an accurate picture of what happened to Cady’s siblings from google. Christ, it’s just impossible. The source I used stated plainly two deaths, one sister and one brother, spaced years apart. Wikipedia, which most people on reddit seem to think is wrong, seems to state two brothers, the same year, of indeterminate causes. But, upon checking it myself, this isn’t what it says, at all. *scratches head* Perhaps it was recently changed. Another source online claims two brothers, spaced apart by 7 years, both of drug overdoses. A group on reddit seems to think it was drugs that killed one older brother, and murder that robbed us of another, and that the deaths happened one or two years apart.

What I think is that the source I used got confused with Cady’s brother “Kelly” and misreported him as a her. I mean, without knowing apparently that his youtube channel is still up, and you can plainly see that Kelly was a “he”.

So… what the fuck happened? I have no idea. I quite clearly remember drugs for both, tho. Murder was not talked about by anyone I knew at the time, way back then. Regardless, this doesn’t change anything, whatever the story there is.

The point is that… well… the point is that 1) This sucks, and 2) This should not have happened, and 3) Cady was right- in repeatedly pointing out to me that there was a lot I didn’t know.

I guess, I don’t know. More lyrics. This time Crybaby.

You only want me when I’m done
You only break me when I’m whole again
You’re only right because I’m wrong
I only stay until I’m gone again

Somehow I always
Somehow I always give in
It seems like you always
Seems like you always win

But what if I took your records
Took all your time
And what if I stole your innocence
Like you stole mine
And what if I spend your money
Every dime
You’ll be just like me
So cry baby cry, why-y-y why-y-y why-y-y
Cry baby cry, why-y-y why-y-y why-y-y

How many lies will I believe
Until we cycle through the dark again
I know that you’ll be the death of me
But baby what if, you tell me what if

I took your records
Took all your time
And what if I stole your innocence
Like you stole mine
And what if I spend your money
Every dime
You’ll be just like me
So cry baby cry, why-y-y why-y-y why-y-y
Cry baby cry, why-y-y why-y-y why-y-y

(Cry baby cry, why-y-y why-y-y why-y-y)

But what if I took your records
Took all your time (I took all your time)
And what if i stole your innocence
Like you stole mine (cause you stole mine)
And what if spend your money
Every dime
You’ll be just like me (you’ll be just like me)
So cry baby cry, why-y-y why-y-y why-y-y (crrryyyyyyy)
Cry baby cry, why-y-y why-y-y why-y-y (won’t you cry for me, won’t you cry for me)
Cry baby cry, why-y-y why-y-y why-y-y (cause you stole mine)
Cry baby cry, why-y-y why-y-y why-y-y (won’t you cry for me, won’t you cry for me)

Hmmmmn. Alright. About this… This is one of my favorite songs of hers. The usual superlatives apply to her singing and composition of course. It’s an old song, from her demos that came out on her soundcloud about 7 years ago, two years into our relationship.

Listening to it now, though…


I’m not doing this, now. I need to leave. Maybe I’ll return to this over the weekend.

Charlotte Lawrence

Tuesday, August 25th, 2020

Congratulations, you annoy me now.

I’m not Dysfunctional

Monday, August 24th, 2020

Ok, I just wanted to clear something up with… myself.

I’m not dysfunctional.

It’s not me.

The fact that the first two deaths associated with my harem have been ugly and violent is not a reflection of me or my mental state. I’m talking about Christina Grimmie, of course, who was gunned down by some Psycho idiot who may-have-but-I-hope-not have been misinterpreting my anger towards celebrity culture, and Cady.

Ok, I need to do this. It’s been too long in coming, and now is the time.

Do you remember my over-the-top reaction to Grimmie’s death? You know how it seemed fitting, but… surprising? Well, it was surprising because there was a part I didn’t tell people. The part above.

In my darkest moments, I thought to myself that perhaps the killer had been… trying to make me happy. My anger towards elements of celebritydom is obvious and well-documented, and in some ways, quite intense. And I thought that maybe the nutcase shooter had misinterpreted my wants and decided to take things into his own hands to “fix” the system.

You know- kind of like a millennial version of the Reagan shooting.

Eech. Yuck.

Aaaaaaaaand I just passed out. Thanks, Fentanyl. At least you are predictable in some ways.

Literally half an hour later…

Yeah, and then another half hour, after that.

I can barely feel my legs. My face is on fire. My chest pounds. My eyes are scrambled.

I can’t move.

15 minutes later… I move my arms. I sit up. My chest has some horrible thing on it, my entire upper body is rubber. My body tingles, everywhere. I lay there, breathing for life. Slowly but forcefully. I need to stand up, get blood to my feet. Somehow.

My nervous system is jelly. Oh God, all I can do is lay here; someone help. Holy fuck, lol. My lungs refuse to inflate. My head is an anchor, crushing the pillow behind me.

Auuuuugh… yuck.

My face is frozen. My muscles locked in place. My hand crushes the mattress.

Can’t… fucking… move. help.

10 minutes later, I sit up. My lungs are working better. That’s nice.

My eyes open. They work again. I look around the room. I’m alive; no longer on fire. Good. I can hear my parents downstairs chatting. Good. Ok, that’s good. I move my feet.

What… was I doing. It’s been 2 hours since I started this post.

I exhale.

You know… I was going to reward myself with some hydromorphone after this post.

Maybe I’ll skip it.

Infact, I’ll finish this later. Bye for now.

Chit-Chat with Cady

Sunday, August 23rd, 2020



I still need to “process” here. Please bear with me.

This morning I did a dumb thing and read a few articles about Cady’s death, and, naturally, I immediately became enraged. The articles were… short, blunt, soulless shallow summaries of Cady’s life and the circumstances surrounding her death. And a couple paragraphs, maybe, about her music. Even on so-called “music” websites.

Obviously, this did not due anyone involved justice, and it only made me blow my top. I thought about leaving a few mean comments about how shallow all of this was but thought better of it, and decided to go right to the source.

I loaded up Cady’s directory and talked to her, directly. I needed answers.



Here are the 10 things I learned:

1) It wasn’t intentional. At least, the dying part.
2) She had zero understanding of how I felt about her. She thought I wouldn’t care, and was surprised to see me. Cady… WTF? It’s like you didn’t even know me. But, then… maybe she didn’t. My fault if so.
3) She had things going on in her life of which I am completely unaware of. She made it a point, repeatedly, to tell me that I only knew part of the story.
4) She didn’t want to hurt me. That was obvious, and she aghast at the thought of it, and of the whole idea that she might have been trying to lash out at me. Which I can accept, at least on a conscious level.
5) She was horrified at the emotions that were coming from me; she seemed scared, and kinda overwhelmed. Well… sorry, I guess.
6) She didn’t want me to be sorry. LOL. I know. But… she didn’t.
7) She said I made her life better, and she was overall very happy to have known me. Ok, Good.
8) She was frightened that I might hurt myself because of what happened. I dunno, I get that a lot from people when I open up to them. Must be a vibe or something. I won’t, don’t worry. And if I do, it’s not like it would matter that much anyways, lol. It’s not like these are real relationships anyhow.
9) I was angry, at her. Was that right? She didn’t think so. Sometimes, things happen, I guess. And again, she said I had nothing to do with it.
10) I threatened to see her again. Mixed emotions about that one, but… she does still care for me. A lot. And I think she only wants to help me through this anyhow.

I don’t know. I can accept this. I mean, I get it. I don’t want to accept it, but I can. I’d hate to, but if I must… fine.

What I don’t get is how she didn’t know how I felt. Was I that successful in covering up my feelings? Yikes, wow. Perhaps I need to remind myself that others don’t think like I do. I’m truly a breed apart, it seems.

Well, fine.

I can accept this for now, and I’m sorry about the whole “being angry” thing, Cady.

Ah, yes. The life of a necromancer is never easy. I mean it’s not supposed to be, but… oof. I still have more to work through, here.

Don’t worry Cady, we can get through it together.

I mean, I still can’t believe that…

Ah, fuck it.