Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The Key Problem With Trump, Part IX

Saturday, April 15th, 2017

Ugh. ENOUGH with this North Korea nonsense!

Here’s what Trump and his gaggle of nepotists and oligarchs don’t seem to get: his agenda, and the whole reason for his Presidency, is domestic stuff ONLY.

Domestic policy is the ONLY reason he was elected. He has no mandate and NO support amongst the public here or internationally to do anything overseas.

Trump’s Presidency was supposed to be a way to “right the course” domestically. The nation has become too liberal, too diverse and too multicultural, and his Presidency was supposed to bring things back into line with where they’re supposed to be, right now.

That having been said, that is enough saber-rattling with fucking North Korea!

God damn, does that just look terrible. The US right now looks like a empire of power-crazed lunatics. Trump, you’re embarrassing the country. We HATE what you’re doing! STOP IT, YOU STUPID ASSHOLE!

End this dumb, illogical shit, and actually start to work on the things that you promised the country that gave you the landslide victory that you and your party received for your promises.

Look, Trump, you mindless, bumbling idiot, your recent actions against Syria, and most especially North Korea, make you look like an incoherent, uneducated bully.

Look, Trump, here’s how it is: North Korea is no threat to this country. I don’t care what North Korea itself says, they aren’t, and everyone knows it. Kim Jong-un and his country are not regarded as being a real threat to the US to anyone under the age of 50, here.

In fact, it’s the opposite that’s the case. Younger Americans in particular don’t see him as being even a problem at all. To a lot (I think most) young Americans, he’s more cute and bumbling than dangerous or “evil”. He seems somewhat odd, yes, but not even close to alarming or scary.

Yes, he might blab about nukes or destroying America or stuff like this, but all that that does is serve to create fodder for jokes on SNL and South Park. We all know he isn’t going to actually do anything. Because he isn’t. Kin Jong-un isn’t perceived to be a realistic threat today.

This ties back neatly to what I said about this stupid conflict in my earlier post about it. This fucking thing has been going on now since the year 1950. If North Korea actually was going to do something, they would have done it by now. They ain’t gonna, not now, not ever.

Maybe 40 years ago, with the USSR backing them, sure, threats from NK would have meant something. But now? Guys, they if they didn’t do anything back then, then they’re not going to do anything now, and we all know it. So WTF is up with this nonsense?

That’s enough, with all this.

The US government looks like a bully right now. We have by far the largest military ever, and it looks like we’re picking on the little guy, to try to cover up for our own internal weaknesses. Probably, because that’s how it is.

Nobody in this country at this point even remembers why this particular conflict even began. Even for those with a working memory of how it started, things are probably hazy at best. I mean, it started back in the middle of the last century. No young person today gets this conflict from a historical perspective. They see the US with it’s enormously power military poking and threatening and posturing against poor defenseless North Korea and it just looks terrible.

Trump- that’s enough of this. Hands off of North Korea, already. Let them do their own thing, whatever that is.

You were elected to fix those damn internal weaknesses that I mentioned above. THAT is your fucking job, you spoiled, pompous, oligarchic, nepostistic asshole. Now STOP PICKING ON THE WEAK AND THE DEFENSELESS, AND DO WHAT YOU’RE FUCKING SUPPOSED TO DO.

The damn border is still open, you asshole! And your approval ratings aren’t going to budge up by any appreciable amount as long as it remains so.

Postscript to my last post

Wednesday, April 12th, 2017

Ok, let me explain. It’s not that I can’t use them, it’s just that I don’t want to. I mean, if this was five years ago, sure. I’m sure that if this was 2012, I would be at the edge of my seat, waiting to see Alison Brie’s boobs. But this is 2017, and that’s not really my thing anymore.

That’s the thing, with these leaks. These aren’t the days of the Paris Hilton tape, where seeing this stuff was new and exciting and novel. These days, none of it is. I mean, there are a few people where it might be interesting, but honestly, not even that so much.

There’s a real sense of exhaustion setting in, as far as these leaks and the celeb picture community and even the public is concerned. It’s like, OK, fine, we get it.

No, really, it’s like we get it. Thanks.

So…….. yeah.

As far as I’m concerned, I really am looking more for the human element, now. Like, I really am more interested in the real Taylor, or the real Emma or Victoria, or whomever. Like, I’m kind of over the whole “celeb” thing, as far as these people go. Like I want to know the person, preferably IRL, and not so much the “celebrity” anymore.

I think that that’s kind of the natural progression.

See, social media has kind of destroyed that veneer of glamour and larger-than-lifeness that celebs used to have. They’re no longer mysterious, like they were even 10 years ago, let alone 20.

It’s like… now they’re just camgirls. Especially the youngest of them. They’re camgirls. They’re talented, yes, but they’re camgirls.

See, the thing is, is that these days you can plainly see how much of it is managed and controlled by others.

So… now what?

Look, about the Taylor thing- we can all see it, at this point. We get it. It’s all a show.

And I’m glad to be the ringleader of that show, but I think that that’s kind of hit it’s natural limit, so to speak. Like there’s not much more ground to be gained. Like, that’s it, you know?

So….. yeah.

Taylor, are we going to talk, or what?

Thoughts on the Celeb Leaks, Part XVII

Wednesday, April 12th, 2017

More stuff to download and deal with… Oy.

You know, I’m not gonna. Thanks but again, no thanks. I was kind of hoping for something else, you know.

Look- I am smart. Like extremely smart. We know this. And I’m sure that I could get Swifty if I was to devote some odd years of my life solely to that pursuit. But realistically, is that going to happen? I mean, with everything else that’s going on?


Look, I get it, I do, but this isn’t something that you can really build a future with. And I know that we all know that, but still…

I do realize that many fans out there appreciate this stuff, and they should. Nice pictures are nice.

But is it really too much to ask just to have an opportunity to talk some of this stuff out with Taylor? Just to know what it is that we’re both looking for, so we don’t waste each other’s time, or anything else?

Oy. Look, I can’t use 99% of this stuff. It’s too much anyways, and I have other stuff going on right now IRL. It’s just altogether too much.

The Key Problem With Trump, Part VIII

Monday, April 10th, 2017

More stuff, since I’m bored.

1) Trump is sunk. As far as the public goes, he’s over. The left will never like him, and on the right, you have even mainstream people like Ann Coulter, Ron Paul and Michael Savage publicly accusing the government of possibly using a false flag style attack to drum up war. Even standing Congressmen like Rand Paul and others have come out with this accusation, and it’s being talked about on places like CNN.

And of course the blogger world that formerly backed Trump is all over this. I’ve checked every single blogger I knew that once supported Trump, and every one that I’ve seen save for one has raised the issue, too.

LOL. That’s it, then. Trump is done, as far as his base goes at least. And they’re never coming back.

As far as myself goes, of course it was a false flag. I’m not stupid. And even if it wasn’t, it obviously isn’t justification enough for an actual war, anyways.

I think that that’s that, then. lol.

2) One thing that has always angered me about the GOP is the propensity of their politicians to playact like they’re dumb or illiterate in a bid to appeal to “working class folks” such as myself.

This, I have always hated.

Trump isn’t dumb, and neither was Dubya. But they both pretend to be, I guess to mock their supporters, or because they think so little of them that they believe that acting stupid is a way to connect with folks like myself.

I have always despised this, and I think everyone else does, too.

The regime here really does not think much of it’s people. In no other country that I can name do you see the elites openly mock and talk down to it’s people in the way that ours do.

3) I’ve been doing more thinking and watching stuff regarding this disaster since last night, and I’ve noticed a very important but small thing that has emerged since Trump’s revealing of his true form, lol.

That thing is this: the narrative of us-and-the-government has moved out of the fringes and into the mainstream.

Let me explain what I mean.

This is another wise tidbit that I remember from somewhere. Not sure where, though.

That tidbit is this: In a free society, the public talks about political parties. In a tyranny, people talk about “the government”.

What I’ve seen lately is the shift in perspective from Democrat-Republican to citizen-government in the mainstream discourse. Not in all of it, of course. But in a lot of it.

It’s like people are finally giving in to reality. Like they’re not pretending, anymore.

4) It’s done, I think. If Trump can turn on his base this fast, and this completely, the public will never trust another politician again.

Granted, they might like the particular actions of one. But the trust is gone, never to return.

Can a society like ours operate in an environment without trust in it’s leaders, in any capacity?

We’ll soon find out.

5) Another thing I am getting really sick of in regards to Trump is his worship of military force. Same stuff from me regarding all of this, but no really, that’s enough.

Maintaining a military like ours is way, way, way too God damn expensive. The military budget in this country is absolutely preposterous. It’s in the hundreds of billions of dollars a year at least, and hell, it could well be over a trillion a year at this point, when you add everything up including all of the damn wars we’re involved in and maintaining everything else.

Trump, you stupid, ignorant asshole, do you have any idea of how many businesses we could create in this country with an extra trillion dollars a year?

Christ, am I so over all of that. That damn Korean conflict has been going on now for 67 years! 67 YEARS!

There are precious few living Americans that have an active memory of what life was like without that stupid conflict. To put that number into perspective, we’ve been fighting that stupid Korean war now for a longer period of time than we fought the Cold War, the Civil War, both World Wars, the Revolutionary War, and the War of 1812 combined.

WTF, people!

When you think about how much of our national resources must have been used up over the generations for that stupid, inessential conflict, it’s enough to make your heart break.

That’s enough, guys. Really, it is. It’s time to put an end to that little conflict, and while you’re at it, please do the same for the rest of them, too.

Because that’s fucking enough.

Really, it is.

The Key Problem With Trump, Part VII

Saturday, April 8th, 2017

Some idle thoughts today, as I survey the wreckage that is Trump’s career and our futures.

1) What I find most interesting is that Trump has morphed into the exact person that he himself thought would be the worst possible President. Everything he does now is what he explicitly campaigned against, down to the details. See Syria, obviously. The catalog of tweets he made about how dumb it would be to attack Syria are a testament to that. And the Goldman-Sachs thing, as well. He staffed his cabinet with literally the same people, down to the person, that he criticized throughout his campaign, and then proceeded to put them into the most influential spots. And then there were his many overtures to white nationalists and even nazis, despite having so many jews in his family- jews that he immediately put into the white house with him, despite them having no qualifications of any kind in politics.

And the Putin thing, and the wall, and healthcare, and everything else.

It’s amazing, when you think about it. I mean… down to the details.

2) A lot of people are wondering why Trump flipped and became opposite-Trump overnight. There’s a lot of theories being bandied about, from blackmail to general stupidity to being too influenced by his younger, dumber relatives. I think it’s more simple than that. I think Trump’s a coward.

Basically, he pussed out. He was given enormous advantages by his landslide victory, but ran from them into the motherly arms of Goldman-Sachs and the media at the first sign of trouble. Rather than trying to use his advantages to fight, and win- something which could have been easy to do- at the first sign of criticism he just pussed out, dropped his weapons, and ran away, screaming for his life.

I think it’s important to remember that Trump isn’t and has never been a fighter. He is at heart a pampered, spoiled businessman, born into a wealthy family. His plush life and easy surroundings did not prepare him well for serious criticism. He’s spent his entire life up until this point surrounded by yes-men and career brown-nosers. So serious criticism must be alien to him, and I think he just didn’t know how to take it when it came.

So, he fled, instead of fighting, even though the odds were in his favor. He’s just a coward.

3) I wonder what the long-term consequences of Trump’s, um, “changes” will be. His base has checked out, as I’ve already said. His very, very sizable base. As I pointed out, his party controls both houses and more than 2 times the governorships of the other party. His base is truly huge. By far the biggest in politics, in this country.

What’ll they do, now? Who knows. I’m one of them, and TBH, I’m not sure, either.

What a weird situation.

I think it might help to explicate things. Trump’s base- English speaking working class white Americans- is probably the largest single demographic on Earth. Countries like India and China have more people than the US, but the have lots more ethnic tribes, cultures, and languages, too. To quote Wikipedia:


According to Census of India of 2001, India has 122 major languages and 1599 other languages… The 2001 Census recorded 30 languages which were spoken by more than a million native speakers and 122 which were spoken by more than 10,000 people.


Trump’s (former) base isn’t like that- they’re a unified body, and they’ve rejected the government in their hearts, if not in deed by now.

Where, now, will they go? What will they do? In American politics, that might be the only question that matters.

I suppose that they could just leave the country emotionally. You know, check out and go about their day to day existence without voting or caring at all about the country. That would be easy.

But… that’s A LOT of people. A LOT.

They could, if they wanted, revolt, crush the government and kill everyone associated with it, and take whatever they wanted of the spoils. That would also be easy.

You know, while we’ve got China on the mind, I’m remembering a quote from some Chinese revolutionary. I forget who, but it was someone associated with Mao’s Cultural Revolution, I think. My memory is hazy on this, though.

But I remember what was said. Paraphrasing, it was something like this: “To stage a successful revolution, two things are necessary: 1) The support of the foreign government, and 2) the support of 10% of the native population.”

I’m not sure if that’s true, but it’s an interesting thought. If a revolution was to come, here, would the revolutionaries have 10% of populace behind them? I wonder…

4) I wonder why I like this stuff so much. I find all of this to be just so damn interesting. It’s weird.

IDK. I’ve always been attracted to the morbid, and the death of this country is pretty much the most morbid thing there is, IMO.

So, IDK. Is that why?


The Key Problem With Trump, Part VI

Friday, April 7th, 2017

A few more insights about this, in light of Trump’s awful approval ratings and his attacks on Syria.

What is really striking about Trump is how fast he turned on his base. IMHO, Trump’s about face on his voters was so sudden and sharp that it has taken even his doubters (like me) by surprise.

What we all expected was that if Trump was in fact a faux-conservative, was for him to do an about face gradually, like his predecessors, and under conditions that would have make it publicly acceptable. Like Reagan, and his changes after he got shot, or Bush after 9/11.

Note that in both of those cases, the change from pretend conservative to outright liberal began after a period of time, like over a year.

But Trump… just ditched everything the moment he took office. Less than 3 months on, and he’s a completely different person, and without any reasonable explanation for it, save for the one that he was just lying the whole time throughout his campaign.

In his case, the changes have been so sudden and so unexpected and large that even the slowest of his voters can see it.

It’s nuts, what is happening. Not even in our dreams did anyone think a betrayal of this magnitude was possible.

Trump is looking more and more not just like the guy I thought he was, originally, but something worse: he’s looking like a maniacal despot desperately trying to hold a failing empire together, not for his country’s sake, but to bolster himself and his own family. To me he looks like the Nero stereotype, come to life right before my eyes.

In fact, that’s what all of it looks like, now. We don’t have a government, anymore. It’s just a collection of squabbling and feuding families, like it was in the last days of Rome.

Honestly, at this point, they’re not even trying to hide it, anymore. Long gone from anything is any consideration of representing the people, at all. It’s all about protecting the family lines and keeping the privileges flowing, regardless of the cost.

Kinda sad, that it should end like this. But that is what we were warned against, so long ago.

Maybe next time, people will listen.

The Key Problem With Trump, Part V

Thursday, April 6th, 2017

One more of these, while I’m still in the mood.

Like the rest of those who supposedly make up Trump’s base, I’m upset at many of those he chose for his cabinet.

Most especially, I have a strong dislike for Trump for choosing his massively unqualified daughter, Ivanka, for a job. Whatever job it is doesn’t matter. Ivanka is not qualified for a political position of any importance, let alone one in the White House.

Trump repeatedly proves to everyone, including his former supporters, how little he understands about why he won the election.

He beat Hillary for the same exact reason that Ivanka should not be in the picture today, at all.

I’ve already discussed this in previous posts here, but Hillary was only a Presidential candidate because her husband was President, once. Her career was nepotism defined. If she hadn’t been Bill’s wife, nobody would know who she is, today.

The same holds true for Ivanka. She is NOT a politician, and nor has she ever been known for her political insights or ideas. She does not deserve her post in the same way that Hillary did not deserve hers. In good times, such things can be overlooked by some in the public. But now, there’s no chance of something like that going over well, at all, and most especially, conservatives see huge problems with her appointment. Conservatives see in Ivanka what they hate most of all, not even politically, but personally. They see nepotism, that hallmark of tyranny and oligarchy, personified.

From a standpoint of a conservative, Ivanka’s appointment runs counter to the very core of everything he believes in and stands for. After all, this country was founded on the belief that Monarchy- i.e. hereditary political power- was tyrannical and unjust.

Trump’s appointment of Ivanka runs so counter to the spirit of American conservatism that you can see plainly that he doesn’t know what the stuff is. I am willing to bet that he never even considered this angle.

At the very least, the elder Bush tried to put some veneer of respectability to his sons’ political careers, by having them work themselves up the political ranks until they reached the point where they could be considered serious contenders for a spot in the White House.

But not Trump. He just skipped all that, and just decided to invent a cushy job for his daughter in the White House, despite her having zero political experience at all. You know, just like the British Monarchy does. You know them- they’re the guys we rebelled against two hundred years ago specifically to get away from such ghastly behavior. They’re the guys that prompted us to set things up so as to hopefully not have to endure such egotistical and awful behavior ever again.

I will reiterate my point here- no American conservative would ever, even in his wildest dreams, do what Trump did with his daughter. That action reeks so strongly of Monarchy that it is almost hard to believe that any American would agree that it is a good idea, or in any way keeping with American political traditions and practices in any form.

And the same holds true for Ivanka’s husband. This is not American politics. This is oligarchy personified. If this is the system we have today, where Presidents just freely choose their own kids to run parts of the government, then why did we even bother to fight the Revolutionary War? Where is the big difference between the old British system and this nonsense?

I’m repeating myself here, but this point needs to be drilled in.

In fact, the more I think about this, the more unjust and wrong it seems. This… is not going to go over well, in the long run, and most especially with Trump’s “base” in conservative America. You know, that place he never visits, save for when he wants money or votes.

This… isn’t going to end well.



Thoughts on the Celeb Leaks, Part XVI

Thursday, April 6th, 2017

One more depressing note today, for those interested.

I’m still ambivalent at best with all of these celeb leaks and such. TBH, most of this stuff is more of a turn-off than a turn-on, and if any of this is an attempt to appeal to me (I know, fat chance), than it’s kind of unfortunate that people still don’t get me very well, even after all these years.

My real interest vis-a-vis Hollywood was to create and form lasting relationships with people that I thought could bear fruit and grow and flower and such. To that end, I am somewhat attracted to film scenes and on-screen nudity and things like this.

I am not attracted to domestic sexual stuff and things like that at all. That isn’t who I am. To credit others, I myself wasn’t too sure of that a long time ago, but now that I know myself better, I can say that unequivocally.

Most of the stuff in these leaks is more likely to push me away than make me attracted to anyone.

A few weeks ago, I drafted this:


Well, the latest Fappening came and went. As of tonight, I’m pretty sure it’s over.

My take?

It was fun and interesting. I learned a lot, and had a great deal of fun leaking pictures to the public, and filling in gaps in my own collection.

I also learned a bit about me, and love, and life in general.

I learned what I like, finally, at this stage of life. I like commitment and consistency. Right now, I like stable, long lasting relationships with people I trust and can connect with over casual sex and flings.

I saw a lot of pics and clips over the last few months that were objectively “hot”, but used very, very few of them. Not because the pictures were bad, but because I had no interest. The Emma Watson pics, yes, I used. But the rest of them, no. In fact I think Watson might have been the only set I actually used this time.

Love, I learned, makes sex work best.

The Katie Cassidy pics I liked quite a bit, and they were almost used a couple of times, but… I was always drawn back to someone I was actually in love with. I just couldn’t take my eyes off of Bridget Mendler the night I determined that I should use the Cassidy pics. Because I would rather spend 5 minutes with Bridgit watching the grass in my backyard than 5 days with Cassidy having her fulfill my every fantasy. Because I love Bridgit- I truly do. Cassidy, I might like if I was to get to know her. But Bridgit? I’ve known her now for who knows how many years, and she gets more beautiful every time I see her.

And considering that I can just go ahead and have Mendler fulfill my every sexual dream, well, that’s that.

And of course Tay was important. She always is.


How naive I was, lol. I should have been much harsher.

This little hobby of mine is clearly not making me happy, anymore. There is too much stuff floating around, so much that even collecting all of it is a nightmare.

I need to scale back, if I am to continue with this stuff in any capacity and still retain my sanity.

And with this Trump nonsense…. I don’t really want to be associated with this establishment, anymore. That is a bridge too far.

Truthfully, I want to leave.

I have learned almost everything that I need to learn about magic and society and myself and everything else through this little hobby of mine, and I think that there’s just nothing more to earn with celebs, anymore. The well has gone dry, and every significant treasure and insight has been unearthed.

And, TBH, I don’t like the implications of the leaks, either.

I’m not, despite what many seem to think, solely a sexual being. I have other concerns, and would like fulfillment in other ways besides just having pictures to look at.

So- I would like to keep few girls that I think I can trust, but would not like to be hit on by God knows how many hundreds of others, from now on.

I mean, it’s a free country, so you can do what you want, but still… I’m just saying that it’s too much.

I’m still enforcing that rule of marriage, or kids= relationship over w/ me, just to simplify things. (Edit- I’m extending the cutoff to engagements, too. Just fyi.)

IDC, to be honest. And I’m sure that they don’t either, so, that’s that.

Real life is waiting for me, in whatever way I choose to live it.

Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XXXI

Thursday, April 6th, 2017

Just to follow up on what I’ve been writing recently: I have never seen a politician become so alienated, so quickly and throughly, from his own base as what I have seen regarding Trump.

It’s scary. Read the comments section today at any formerly pro-Trump website, like Breitbart. Trump has already lost the support of his base. And the general consensus is that these guys are never coming back. They’re going to “check out” of the United States, after this disappointment. And this is A LOT of people. Breitbart is ranked #54 on the Alexa charts for the most popular websites in the United States. It is the most popular conservative website in the US, if not the most popular politically-focused website overall.

Or if not Breitbart, read the comments on any other conservative news aggregator.

For Trump, it looks like it’s over. Three months into his Presidency, and that’s it, for him.

He has lost way too much support, all at once.

This whole mess is simply beyond comprehension.

Back in November, Trump won a historically unprecedented landslide victory over Hillary. And he was given both houses in Congress and the vast majority of Governorships. To put that particular advantage into perspective, there are more than two times the number of Republican Governors as there are Democratic Governors.

And today, less than three months into his term, Trump has permanently lost the support of his base, and is looking like the most hopeless lame-duck politician ever.

Trump, WTF are you doing?

This stuff spells doom, people.

I want to reiterate the very important point, here, which is that the oligarchy is out of time. Millions of non-government jobs are needed, and they are needed this year.

And that kind of thing can only be created by immediate and massive changes in policy, such as closing off the US from ALL immigration, regardless of circumstance.

The politicians here do not understand that this is not business as usual. This is a crisis situation that can only be rectified with huge and unprecedented changes in the structure of the country. The common thinking must be put aside. All plans for the future must be shelved, immediately, until the current set of problems are fixed. And oligarch heads MUST roll, or this is the end, of everything. Of the life that people (everyone) has had, here, since the end of WWII.

And this may is the last, final chance to avoid a major and horrific, and perhaps unending, internal war. To ignore the obvious at this point may be to enter into a period of unpredictable consequences and violence and instability that may never end.

We are staring into the abyss here, guys.

The Key Problem With Trump, Part IV

Thursday, April 6th, 2017

Team Trump: It’s the economy, stupids!

I can’t stress this enough, so I’m going to do it again, and again and again, until some nugget of truth penetrates your thick skulls and buries itself in your little brains.

Trump, your infrastructure plans will never fly in this environment. The problem we have is not a lack of infrastructure, it is a lack of JOBS and crucially MONEY, because your friends and yourself are fucking HOARDING ALL OF IT.

Trump, what good is an infrastructure project going to do in this environment? Leaving besides the obvious problem of the US government being far too indebted to pay for such a thing, who is actually going to use the infrastructure that is going to be built?

What good is a road if people lack the money to pay for gasoline to use it? What good is a store if nobody has money enough to shop there?

Trump, the United States is filled with beautiful infrastructure that is laying dormant and decaying because people lack the funds to use it.

Look at the retail apocalypse that is all over the news these days. Yes Trump, LOOK AT IT. Do you know what is causing this? I’ll give you a hint: read everything above this sentence, slowly and carefully. It’s OK; I’ll wait.

Trump, I want you to THINK about what I said about gasoline. That is not a throwaway comment. I want you to think about why people are driving far less miles in their cars in total than they used to, even as the population of the country continues to climb. And no, it’s not because YouTube and Netflix are so gosh darn entertaining. It’s because driving in many cases is a luxury, and when people are suffering from a severe lack of discretionary funds, as most people in this country are, they’re going to cut back on driving as much as they can.

Trump, you are doing things in the wrong order, as usual. Infrastructure is something that emerges naturally from a healthy, working economy. *Forcing* it on a country that obviously cannot afford it, during a time when few besides the rich can use it anyways, is not a bright idea.

The price of oil reflects this. The world can see plainly that the US government is pushing it up as much as possible on orders from the banks. Without this support, it would crater due to a severe lack of demand, because people aren’t driving anywhere here, anymore. Why the hell would they? How can they? And with that in mind, why are we thinking that more roads are going to fix anything at this point?

I can’t stress enough how dumbly wrongheaded your plans and policies are, Trump. And I mean all of them.

WTH are you doing with North Korea, Trump? That is not *our* problem, you doofus! Why are you so concerned about defending the border between North and South Korea, anyways? There is a massive border crisis right here, in your own country, which you already know about, yet are clearly too lazy to bother fixing!

And again, this stupidity about Syria just boggles the mind. I cannot believe that we’re inching into yet another one of these stupid, nonsensical, idiotic wars. Honestly, the fact that such a thing is even on the table as a possibility at this point is so irresponsible it and of itself is grounds for impeachment.

Every major military foray into the Middle East since 9/11 has been a debacle for this country, and everyone knows it and can see it plainly, except for apparently the fool in the White House and his cronies.

In no way is any military action against Syria acceptable behavior from any US President at this point, concerning our recent history.

Did we learn *nothing* from the Afghanistan debacle? Or the Iraq one? Trump, I’m looking at you here! You, the one who claimed to know more about ISIS then the generals in the US military.

Why oh why oh why are we even thinking about military action in Syria, let alone talking about it?

And this Trumpcare shit. Ugh, WHY? And the tax plan. WHY? WTH are you doing, Trump?

Trump, you have three things to do:

1) Reduce immigration by any means possible.

2) Rein in Wall Street, so that they are not given unfair, civilization crippling advantages over other industries.

3) Work as closely with Putin as possible, so that the US is not left out in the cold after Russia takes over as the world’s pre-eminent nation, after the government here takes it’s long overdue tumble into irrelevance and global mockery.

Any deviation from these three things is a deviation from your path.

Do NOT disappoint me!