Archive for December, 2020

I’m a Walking Disaster, Part II

Thursday, December 10th, 2020

Another MRI today. 2 fucking hours in that cramped, claustrophobic tube coming up.

Gods, what a horror THAT is going to be.

It’s going to be LOUD and LONG. And uncomfortable, and painful. And boring. And… hopeless, it feels. It NEVER FUCKING ENDS.

It’s just test after test after fucking test. It’s awful. I HATE this. I hate this life, so fucking much. If it isn’t the drugs it’s this… whatever the fuck it is, this disease, or whatever, that seems to be just ruining EVERYTHING in my life.

Gods it’s just HORRIBLE.

So, another MRI. 2 in a row, today. After one just like, two weeks ago. IT NEVER FUCKING ENDS.

God DAMN it.


Hopefully the genetic testing I got will shed some like on my… situation. I hope so. Though it will be months until I hear anything from that.

I hate being sick. I hate being injured, and addicted. I hate being such a fucking anomaly. It’s like, I’m just so… different. Everything about me is unusual, good or bad. I’m a very strong genetic outlier in all ways I can think of.

I mean, EVERYTHING about me is fundamentally different. My body, my mind, my soul, my emotions, everything, and it’s been a long and painful process coming to grips with that- I mean, to even categorize my differences within my own mental framework so that I could understand them and my unique place in this world.

It’s taken years to do this. YEARS. If not DECADES. I mean, I’m just so different.

Am I part alien? I ask that sincerely. I mean… or at least, not human, fully? Somehow? I mean, I’m suffering right now from some autoimmune disorder that the best doctors in this country have never seen.

Add in the telepathy, my weird healing powers and my resistance to things that others find debilitating, my outrageously high IQ, my physical abilities, and… everything else; the out of body experiences, I mean, the uniquely full configuration of my soul, the subconscious impact that I have on EVERYONE I MEET, and… everything else; my unique birth (!!!), for example, and… fuck it, you know what I mean.

FUCK. I hate being so unique, sometimes! It makes me so fucking lonely. I have nobody to talk to. Nobody to RELATE to. Nobody to help me with the unusual problems I face.

Gods this SUCKS. Is it, like, that I’m allergic to something that nobody else in the world is allergic to, perhaps? Maybe; that wouldn’t at all be out of the question to me.


Ah, fuck me. This fucking SUCKS.

I do. not. WANT to do an MRI. I don’t want to do it. 2 hours in that cramped little prison is NOT how I want to spend my afternoon.

Ah… but… I need to. I must, I know.

See, I’ve been bleeding, on the inside. And I need to know if… I’m not, anymore. I mean, if everything has been fixed.

Because that is something that I need to know, of course. I mean, if I am to survive.


In I go, then.



Politicians are Worthless Shitheads

Sunday, December 6th, 2020

Are there any good politicians out there? Anywhere? I mean, it’s just unfathomable, isn’t it?

It’s like, how can they ALL be terrible? And corrupt? And just vile, in general? Again I just… can’t believe how dreadful the entire political class is. It’s like, where are the good ones? Are there any? Is there one, maybe? Somewhere?

I mean there must be ONE, right?



Uhm… maybe not. It seems, probably not.

It’s just baffling, but I guess this is the inevitable end of having your government owned by a foreign nation (Israel), and in our case, a foreign nation that seems actively hostile to our very existence, and moreover, literally on the other side of the world.

So yeah, they all suck. It’s just so dispiriting, isn’t it? Ah, gods, it’s just unreal, how relentlessly and universally shitty politicians are, I guess as an entire class of people. It’s just so horribly depressing, lol.

It’s like, ok… Trump has been a horrifying disaster, OK, fine, we all see that. His entire “thing” seems to still be pretending to be something other than Netanyahu’s personal fluffer and some reality TV show host that lied to get into office and then proceeded to stab his supporters in the back after getting in, apparently to make his worthless children happy, or something.

Trump has lately been pushing this “Repeal Section 230” narrative, I guess basically because he hates the concept of freedom of speech because it offends Jews, the rich, and his fellow politicians. Now, Jack Dorsey may be an unbelievably colossal shithead, an inhumanly greedy oligarch and general monster, and, really, a traitor that probably deserves the death penalty for handing over a vital part of this country’s communications infrastructure to the Communist Party in China, but he did make one good point, lately, when even he was baffled by Trump’s impossibly stupid platform of Repealing 230.

Andrew Torba of Gab, as well, utterly loathes this idea of Trump’s, as well as frankly everyone else in the alt tech area, which basically consists now of all the people that Trump failed to defend after they got him elected. I guess that Trump is just a catastrophically huge asshole when it comes to anything that might potentially upset Jews, and Israeli Jews most especially. He wants to virtually end free speech on the internet, I suppose, to make sure that his boss Netanyahu remains fat and happy.

So yeah, Trump is an enormously stupid and bafflingly incompetent retard. He spent his entire presidency building up his enemies, it seems, specifically to destroy his own supporters. I mean, he’s either unbelievably dumb or horribly traitorous, either one.

Torba on Gab is right when it comes to anything tech, and especially that which is speech-related. The appropriate reaction to Facebook, Twitter, etc. committing mass criminal fraud and blatantly and obviously interfering in a presidential election is to arrest all of the executives and try them all for the crimes they have all committed. Treason charges, especially, should be considered if any of these people have colluded with the Chinese. But of course, Trump will likely not do that, since he is hardly American himself, concerning how much he openly fellates Netanyahu.

Biden of course is dreadful as we all know, and Kamala is even worse. Kamala is probably going to be the worst politician I have ever seen, and I’m NOT looking forward to anything at all that she comes up with. I seriously think again that she is just going to be 4 solid years of relentless white male bashing until this godforsaken clusterfuck of a union finally splits apart.

I’ve been reading about how the majority of people on the conservative side of the isle think the election was rigged, mostly because it obviously was, lol. Yeah, what a disaster this is going to be, lol.

You know- if Trump had bothered ONCE, during his entire presidency, to actually try to represent his voters, ONCE, on some issue of substance, you know- ONCE, the political class here might not be in this predicament. Or, at least, it might not have been so bad. But gawd DAMN, guys. Trump literally sat on his fat, lazy ass for four years as Israel and Wall Street stripmined everything of value out of the country, and he never once bothered to lift a finger to stop any of the pillaging. He stood by impotently as rioters and criminals ran rampant through the cities, burning, killing, raping at will, and he didn’t make so much as a motion to stop any of it.

Trump is a feckless, worthless piece of shit. Probably the worst president we’ve ever had, at least until January. Oh well. At least Israel is happy, right?

I once described Trump’s administration as “Oligarchs Gone Wild”. I fully expect that Biden / Kamala will be like that, only worse, and more frightening and intrusive, and probably genocidal, I would think, to possibly everyone else on Earth.

Basically, I fully expect a Biden / Kamala administration to be some kind of insane, warmongering hydra with a billion heads, each one at someone’s throat. They are going to try to destroy everything, and maybe everyone, that isn’t them. They’re going to load up on the neocons (which has in fact already happened) and go full steam ahead with war against Iran, to make Netanyahu happy. They’re going to flood American streets with fentnayl, and try to kill off any semblance of free speech, here or anywhere else. They’re going to go after Russia, and China, while simultaneously trying to genocide the white working class out of existence here, in the USA.

Biden / Kamala is going to be pure aggression and violence, all the way through. They’re going to attack anyone they can, everyone on Earth, potentially, that isn’t black, jewish, rich, or zionist. The streets here are going to erupt in murderous violence, most especially towards Christian whites, and especially white males. And of course, without white males, everything good in America will cease to function and this country will naturally start to fully implode in on itself, finally. It will be hellish and utterly insane.

And of course, the vaccines, like the ones pushed by Bill “reduce the world’s population by any means necessary” Gates. Population control, pure and simple, there. Who the fuck knows what will be in THOSE things, but the very thought of them makes my skin crawl.

Obviously, I do NOT trust him. Not one bit, and never will. I do not like Bill Gates, and I do not like or trust ANYONE pushing any of this vaccine shit.

I don’t like vaccines. I haven’t taken them in years and I have intention of starting now, and most especially, vaccines being pushed by people who have stated openly that they want to ruin my life, destroy my culture and kill me, too. Fuck THAT, lol.

Ye gods, what a nightmare all of this is going to be, lol. And you know I have a feeling like no matter what I even think, the reality will be significantly worse than I can even imagine, lol.

Yuck. Fuck this.

Not my country, this isn’t. Not even close. My country died on Sept 11th, 2001.

This place isn’t America. It’s “Israelstan”, and I hate it.

Fuck this place.

Addendum to The Girlfriend Wars, Part I: Kathryn Love Newton vs Chloë Grace Moretz

Saturday, December 5th, 2020



Um… I just watched the trailer for the new Tom & Jerry movie, starring Ms. Moretz. For reference, I’m talking about this trailer, here:




You know…

The thing is…

Chloe looks REALLY good in this trailer, and I’m kinda like… maybe… should I re-think the post, here? I mean, slightly. Because, you know? It’s almost like they made her up in the trailer so she would, you know, appeal to me. Because they did, lol. and DAMN DOES SHE LOOK GOOD, lolllllll.

Um… no. No. No take backs. My girlfriends wouldn’t respect that, anyways. They like… decisiveness. And that’s what an empire requires, anyhow. So, no, I won’t… rethink things. So… no… I can’t… I WON’T… do that. No, the winner stays where she is.

I mean, I held off on being with Kathy today because of this very post, so… yeah. And that is in SPITE of her saying, essentially, that she wanted to see me today in her recent insta live.

So yeah, I have SACRIFICED for this post. So no, no take backs.

So… what do you think the odds are of Chloe seductively saying “Tom” in this movie? Or at least, giving me some coded message about our relationship, using the cat’s name? IDK, but there is a chance. There always is.

Sometimes my girlfriends relish the chance to speak their real minds about me in public, and movies often give them the chance to do so. Case in point: Katherine McNamara in Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn. Remember that one scene of her talking relationship stuff with Tom Sawyer? She got an ecstatic, orgasmic glee from talking about a relationship with “Tom” in that scene, lol. It was fucking hilarious to watch. Check it out on youtube if you can find it.

I also remember Paris Hilton of all people saying “Thanks Tom!” on twitter after fucking her, once. This was like ten years ago. I have it saved somewhere. All evidence is important, you know?

And there were of course other instances of this. I won’t talk about them now, though. Not the point of this post.

Note that this applies to mostly my name. I’m not too sure about people using the names of my family members in their movies alongside depictions of them. That is highly questionable and I judge those things on a case by case basis. I have found instances of this that I do NOT like. I may talk about them, some other day.

But… yeah. So. Maybe I should’ve tied those two, earlier. I mean, if not actually… no. No.


I won’t.

Things are the way they are, and they are that way for a reason, right? Right. So… there.


God DAMN does she look good, though.


The Girlfriend Wars, Part I: Kathryn Love Newton vs Chloë Grace Moretz

Saturday, December 5th, 2020

General Stats>

Kathryn Newton- Born Feb. 8th, 1997 (23 years old). Start of relationship: Nov. 21st, 2010. Relationship length: 10 years. Person status: Living, actress. Reason for relationship: Introduced to me by Bella Thorne, her former BFF and my former #1 girlfriend, as a possible match for me.

Chloe Moretz- Born Feb 10th, 1997 (23 years old). Start of relationship: Dec. 23rd, 2010. Relationship length: 9 years, 11 months. Person status: Living, actress. Reason for relationship: Acquaintanceship leading to a mutual realization that our circumstances necessitated a romantic relationship with each other, to keep each other happy.


Let’s have some fun, shall we?

So. I have a lot of girlfriends. And since I do have, you know, “a lot”, I think it perhaps a good idea if I organize my thoughts about them in a coherent way, and then record them. And I want to do it in a way that’s fun. So, let’s play a game, then.

Let’s compare and contrast, and see which of these two girls comes out on top, if in fact either one can.

So… I have been dating Kathy a few days longer than Chloe, which… isn’t remotely relevant, lol. I mean, a decade here, a decade there. So… yeah. Frankly they look evenly matched. Both are extremely pretty and extremely good fits for me, personally. Both are also extremely devoted to our relationships, and have been for a decade and counting, for both. So… no clear victor, at all. Let’s get into the gritty details, then.

Kathy. She’s been a great friend for a very very long time. I’ve had worlds of fun playing with her and her fans over the years, and she’s had at least as much fun with all of this as I have. It’s been a blast guiding her to her current successes. I’ve even navigated her, cruise missile like, to her first #1 starring-role box office success with the recent Freaky. It’s been an incredible ride with her.

Her fans love our relationship. They love it, and understand fully what she is talking about when she says that she “hasn’t had time for a boyfriend”. I mean, they get it, completely, and they know that this is best for everyone, all around.

I started dating Kathy because Bella recommended her to me. See past posts on this blog for more info. But it was those pictures of her and Bella that I found on Just Jared Jr. that really ignited things.

So… the years came, and went, with more to come. #Geokat, the instagram adventures, golfing stuff, her old twitter (which I still have bookmarked in an archive, and yes, last time I checked, that one, solitary picture of her and Bella was still up), Snowball fun, golfing, our mutual (*ahem*) romantic tastes, and all the picture and info hunting… I recently, I mean like in the last few years, found her askfm, lol. Use her old handle, it’s there, you’ll see. And all the other stuff, the coded messages, the tweets, the… everything, you know. GAWD it’s been fucking fun as hell, lol.

Yeah good stuff. We “fit”, her and I.

So. Neat.

I wouldn’t trade my experiences “raising” (should I even put scare quotes in, here?) her for anything. It’s been fun.

To summarize, I am her biggest fan, and she is my biggest fan, too.

Can a relationship be better than this? I don’t know. I suppose it’s possible. Let’s find out, shall we?

Now- Chloe. Unlike Kathy, Chloe was well established in Hollwood before she met me. I mean, Kick-Ass had already come and gone before we started dating. But regardless, we “met” on twitter after I scoped her out.

After a few conversations, she indicated bluntly that she wanted a boyfriend, and that she wanted that person to be me, in particular. I remember her being utterly awed by my telepathic powers and overall intelligence. And, in turn, I just loved, loved her energy; her “vibe”. The connection was electric, and near instantaneous. It was an almost perfect chemistry, and exactly what we were both looking for, in a significant other, at the time.

Chloe was established, but still, needed a mentor, nevertheless. She was still young, and needed an older, more experienced hand to move her along and prompt her to do the right thing, career-wise, on a consistent basis, for many years; and, especially, through the always turbulent and tumultuous teen years. Wikipedia says that the person who did this was her brother. I beg to differ.

I guided Chloe, propping her up when she needed it and slowly expanding her mind and experiences through the years. I grew her, cultivated her, and made her, by molding her subconscious mind on a daily basis like a precious bonsai tree.

And in return, she devoted herself to me, and showered me with what I needed to get through the long days of office drudgery. It was great, what we had; and it still is, and I look forward to what comes next, with her.

Unlike Kathy, Chloe’s relationship with me is more subconscious. So, I don’t have quite as much to “talk about”, since it is based on things the conscious mind has trouble quantifying. Like, you can’t “google” this stuff, since so personal.

But needless to say there is tons of material there that made for lotsa good connections. And truth be told, I relished the challenge with Chloe. Could I make an already successful young girl even more successful? I had to try. That I succeeded, I think dramatically, is another positive in my relationship with Chloe.

With Chloe, the results of our actions were found more in the movies themselves. We connected through scenes and screen captures. And through paparazzi pictures. Kathy of course had few of those, in spite of her stronger social media game. And of course Chloe wins hands down when it comes to event pictures, owing to her many nominations.

In my collection I have many more pictures of Chloe than Kathryn, and that says something very important. But I think the best of Kathryn is slightly more important and personal than the best of Chloe. But only slightly, and maybe even very slightly.

Chloe had more and better fashion shoots and glamour shots. But I think I spent slightly more time talking with Kathy, overall, than Chloe. Slightly.

Neither girl has had a singing career.

Chloe has had a few public “boyfriends”, mostly I believe for publicity purposes. I think her career necessitated that. This does stand in contrast to Kathy’s very public and obvious devotion to me.

Both are I think equally beautiful and talented, and equally charismatic, with Kathy getting a tiny boost since I think her politics on social media are less annoying.

So. All in all, this is a reallllly tough one to call. Really, really tough. It’s almost a coin flip. In fact, maybe it is.

Hmmn… I mean, I hesitate to start these off on a tie, but… maybe that’s my fault, for choosing girls SO CLOSE to each other, to me. But then again, that’s what I wanted, yeah? Hmmn. So.

There is no clear victor, here. I mean, but if I were to prognosticate into the future, even if only slightly…

I very slightly have to give the edge to Kathryn. It’s SO. close, though. We are talking micrometers, here. And even THAT might be an overexaggeration.

Kathryn is the victor, then! All hail Kathryn Newton, winner of the first Girlfriend Wars!

Peyton List

Saturday, December 5th, 2020

It’s a good thing that my girlfriends are so good at telepathy, now. I mean, I’ve really trained them well.

Yeah… I mean, she’s like, right, right? I need to just kinda get away for a bit. Like, from everything. Because it’s just like… a lot. I need to separate, decompress. I need to be by myself for awhile and just… not even use any electronic device, or anything. You know? Just chill. Because that’s like… so needed, especially by me, lol.

Ok then. I’ll start after lunch. I’ll eat something and then just maybe exercise, and then just get away from glowing screens for awhile.

Yeah, because that would be perfect.

k. Neat.

Thnx Pey.

On the Awfulness of Biden, Part VI

Saturday, December 5th, 2020

I just saw Vice’s new breakdown of what they think is the cause of the narcotic plague. It’s this video, here:

As expected from VICE, it basically offers the same analysis that you would expect from a college Sophomore.

It’s just… liberal shit. You know, they’re typical white Democrats. Anyone who has attended a liberal arts university sometime in the past twenty years can I’m sure guess at the video’s message and substance without needing to watch it.

VICE is “accurate”, of course, at least on the few points that you can expect a young, sheltered communications major to be accurate about something like this. But they of course miss the meat of the story, the real causes of the epidemic: 1) the constantly growing divide between the haves and the have nots, 2) the extraordinary and systemic racial alienation of white men, 3) the inability to change the system in any way by anyone who is not Jewish, or supported by Jewish organizations.

Biden, of course, offers no solutions to any of these three overwhelming, civilization destroying problems, of which the narcotic plague is a part.

Liberals are dumb and smallminded of course when it comes to racial problems, especially those suffered by white men- even when those problems are the real cause of problems that eventually are suffered by others, like blacks. Case in point- fentanyl (natch)- invented by white men, abused by white men, turned into a crisis by white men, and now seeping into black communities because of how saturated white America is with it.

Ditto for heroin and pills. Don’t believe VICE when it says this problem originated in the black community. It did not; 80’s and 90’s black America was all about crack and other non-narcotics. Heroin was a white thing until blacks picked it up from them.

And so it goes. The problems of white America, ESPECIALLY those of white men, will soon because the problems of blacks. This is the case for a multitude of reasons, the most obvious one being demographics, but of course there are plenty of others.

Do liberals really believe that if white America dies of fentanyl that black America will be unaffected? Or Mexican America?

If no, why the fuck then do they hate white men so much, and try to sabotage and ruin their lives in the way that they do? The fuck, guys? Ruining white America ruins America for everyone. NOBODY survives, then. Everything fails, everything falls apart, everything dies. You are an utter fool if you cannot see this.

I don’t give a shit what your stupid college professors have told you. They are wrong, and furthermore, they are stupid. They are worthless, ignorant sheep, most of them. And this goes doubly so for any Affirmative Action hires.

We focus, again, on the wrong plague, because we always do. COVID is bullshit, as I have said on here before. The real problem is fentanyl. COVID is fiction, it is a tool of the oligarchs, it only affects the old, it is nonsense. If it is even real it is not a pandemic. The REAL pandemic is of course opioids.

Like, obviously.

COVID is made up; a fairy tale invented by the government so it can pretend to be competent by “fixing” it. Well, that, and it’s yet another avenue for big pharma to harvest profits off the dead corpse of our nation. And of course a method of control for an out of control, power hungry government bent on controlling every part of everyone’s life, forever, because it is too greedy and selfish to just leave everyone the fuck alone.

Fuck COVID. And fuck the retards who think it is important. BECAUSE IT ISN’T. YOU STUPID, WORTHLESS FUCKHEADS. YOU ARE ALL MORONS! Liberals- that goes doubly for you.

A Biden administration means “open borders” which means streets flooded with fentanyl. It means death, for the USA. It will be this nation’s grave. It will ruin the world, and destroy all that is good in it. It will be the worst calamity to ever befall this planet of ours.

There is no hiding from this. You either fight and kill what is happening now, or die later.

From where I sit, I choose to fight. Hence this post.

Choose your own fate. But make no mistake- you MUST choose. Fight and kill, or die. Those are your choices, here.

Pick your future wisely.

I’m not Dysfunctional, Part CIII

Saturday, December 5th, 2020

It’s like everything’s so wrong, and it’s like it will never be right again.

Like, I feel so cold, and so WARM, at the same time. Like, it doesn’t even make sense.

NONE of this makes sense.

And I’m trapped. I can’t stop MOVING and twitching. Everything burns, except for the parts of me that are frozen. My eyes burn, my arms burn, my chest burns. My hands are stiff and cold. My toes are frozen solid. My knees are shivering, my thighs are BURNING. Everything is all messed up. I can’t STOP this. I don’t know what to do but take more fentanyl.

I seriously don’t know what to even do. I don’t know, and it’s scary.

Saw more youtube videos today about this. They kinda helped, but mostly, they just scared me more. I don’t want to end up on the streets. I don’t want to die. But I don’t know what to do.

I just need some HELP, god damn it! Fuck. And I don’t have a lot of money so I need it to be free.

Or- I need to kill myself. One of the two, either way, I need OUT of this.

It’s like, I’ve lost my patience.

I can’t take 6 months of feeling like this. I mean, does it get better? Ever? Hello? Anyone? I KNOW you’re reading this.

Ah fuck, I mean, everything that equalized because I took more fentanyl. Yay? Is that good? I suspect not, right?

So what do I do, then? What the hell am I supposed to do?

I don’t wanna die. I mean, you know, not really.


I’m not Dysfunctional, Part CII

Friday, December 4th, 2020

Ouch, though. Ow, god damn it. It just HURTS. God DAMN this!

FUCK this! How long have been “tapering” now? Two months? And it feels like I’ve gotten nowhere!!

I take less, but I feel no better! And in fact, I feel WORSE!

Gods, it’s been TWO FUCKING MONTHS!!!!

How the fuck long is this supposed to even take?!?!?!?!

This is utterly preposterous, absolutely ridiculous. Unfair beyond belief.

2 fucking months of careful patience and daily planning and meditation and prayer and venting and exercise and EVERYTHING ELSE and I feel WORSE. Fuck the fucking fuck is this shit?

Why even bother? What is the point of even trying?

This is such a fucking joke that I can’t even believe it.


I need to kill myself. Yeah- that would work. That alone is my way out of this prison. There is nothing else, can never be anything else. Suicide is all there is to get away from this.

No point in even trying anything else, really.


I’m not Dysfunctional, Part CI

Friday, December 4th, 2020

Ok god damn it I can’t TAKE this anymore. I mean I haven’t been blogging because I’ve been tired of talking about drugs but I can’t take it anymore, I need to vent so badly.

I mean I can’t TAKE this anymore. It’s so Ahhhh FUCK, I REALLY need to get high, ugh, god damn, this tapering shit fucking sucks, help, ah jeez this SUCKS, ahhh, help me, please, someone help me, fuck, ugh, FUCK.

So yeah the other day I wrote this as a (very) rough draft and then was like… no. And I stepped away, thinking I prolly just needed some time alone. So yeah, I won’t even bother to read it, here it is


Ah, another post in the familiar vein (heh), yes indeed, another. FUCK, I need to get high.

And yeah, I know, please don’t turn away yet, I just so need to VENT like… AH, fuck, I need some more drugs, I need them, they are good for me, so good, and I HATE confronting life without their beautiful, protective cover.

I still feel the fentanyl in my veins, caressing me, loving me, helping me know and be me, but I feel so much the onrushing horror of not having used in a whole day as well. I mean… not having used as much, you know? Which is basically the same, almost, as not having used at all. Mostly. Well, in the ways that matter.

I NEED fentanyl. Again. So much, so powerfully, my heart isn’t right without it, my soul doesn’t…

Ah, FUCK. My hands are acting up and shaking as I type this. Fuck. Ah, FUCK. GOD DAMN. Fuck. FUCK. Ah, FUCK. This SUCKS. AHHHH GAWD DAMN, lol. Ah, FUCK.

Nothing feels right, I really need more, and like a LOT more, but FUCK, it’s like late, you know? And I need to get to bed, and I have stuff to do tomorrow. Fuck. Ah, FUCK, I feel like I need to convulse again, lol.

FUCK. Gawd I need more fentanyl. Fuck.

FUCK, AHHHHHHHHHHH GODDDDDDDDDDDD this sucks, fuck this, I fucking hate this, I need some fentanyl NOW, like RIGHT NOW, so badly, FUCK. Ah, FUCK. I need it… ah, fuck me, this sucks.

I can’t scream. I wish I could. This is ridiculous, I feel like I’m burning inside, AHH fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.


So yeah, there. Fuck this, god damn it, someone shoot me, I want out of this shitty, shitty life. Ah god damn it, ah jeezus fuck, my hands just won’t stop fucking shaking. Ah, god DAMN this feels really really bad.

Fuck this “tapering” shit. Fuck it all to hell, it fucking sucks. What a prison all of this is.

Absolutely inhuman, this stuff is. Absolutely. There is no way OFF of this stuff. You just can’t do it.

Ah fuck, this SUCKS. Ah, god DAMN it. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck this HURTS, AAAAHHHHHHHHH fuck FUCK THIS.

God damn it, my brain is splitting open, ah, FUCK. This SUCKS. Fuck me, ah, god, how horrible. How monstrous and unfair. This life is no good, no good like this, at all.

I need more drugs, more fentanyl. I need and fuck I swear I’ll kill to get it I SWEAR, lol. Well… maybe, maybe not. FUCK.

Ah, my hands, ahhhhh FUCK they hurt. And my feet, and my everything. God this sucks.

Fuck me.